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Poverty: What is poverty? Poverty is not having enough to cover your needs and having to worry about what’s happening now that about what’s happening tomorrow. To us, poverty is lack of education, safety, suitable homes, clothing, food, and other resources. What are the Causes of Poverty?.
Poverty: What is poverty? Poverty is not having enough to cover your needs and having to worry about what’s happening now that about what’s happening tomorrow. To us, poverty is lack of education, safety, suitable homes, clothing, food, and other resources.
What are the Causes of Poverty? Poverty is caused by many things such as: • Country lacks good economy (causes lots of job losses/no jobs. People being paid little) • No education (can’t get a job and can’t earn enough money sustain family/self) • No job (result of no education and bad economy)
What are the effects of Poverty? Poverty affects many people and their lifestyles. • Prevents them from getting great education, healthy lives and access to healthcare therefore not letting them get better paying jobs. • Not enough food or resources to maintain their family with causing hunger and making some otherwise easily preventable diseases easier to get. • Children that they have will lead the same path if they don’t get education and other needs and makes it harder for families to break out of the cycle.
Solutions Many think that fund-raisers and donating food is the way to go but it’s totally the opposite. If we want to help the poor out, instead of giving them something that may last a week we should teach them something that will last their whole lives like: • Help teach how to grow crops for cheaper and same quality • Teach those that have poor to no education • Raise awareness and encourage people to teach, not give. Teaching is not only cheaper, it last way longer and helps them for a lifetime and can be passed generation after generation.
There are many organizations that are helping out those in need. Here are some (just to name a few): Who’s helping out? • UNICEF- focuses on improving children's’ lives • ONE- focuses on extreme poverty and preventable diseases • GCAP- focuses on poverty and inequality • And YOU! You can also start helping out by following some simple steps.
Where on earth is/are this/these issue(s) more or less of a problem? • There is poverty on every inhabited continent, but it is less pronounced in Western Europe, Canada and more developed countries.
What will this/these issue(s) look like in 20 years? • Poverty isn’t something that you can get rid of so easily. In order to get rid of poverty completely you must solve at least 50% - 75% of the world’s problems because poverty is the cause of other problems. For example the cause of hunger is because of poverty. At the pace we are at though, I don’t see them getting solved anytime soon in 20 years. Poverty might decrease or increase in some countries. This really depends though cause every single country is different and you can’t give a single opinion for all of them since they all aren’t statistically the same.
How will the issue(s) alter the earth physically and culturally? • If poverty were to change in a good way physically the world would be a more peaceful and more unified. But if it would change in a bad way children might have an impair on their brains and that will reduce their ability to learn. Culturally if poverty doesn’t stop many cultures will have a distinct beliefs. If it does stop it will be great because for the future generations their families will have more money to have different beliefs and have more opportunities to make their own culture a powerful one.
What makes the issue(s) a global issue? • Poverty is something happening everywhere in the world no matter what. If there is a problem with education, unemployment, or huge amount of disease infections then there is poverty. If there is a problem with fisheries depletions, digital divide, or hunger then there is poverty. Poverty is a global issue because it is something that affects our world and how it works. Poverty is also based on all these problems and is the effect of most of these and if it is solved then that means that almost every single global issue in the world has been solved too.
Does this/these issue(s) exist in Bolivia? • Yes, poverty is a big issue in Bolivia. You can see many people on the streets asking for money. Or many kids that do acrobatic shows on the streets or clean shoes to earn money.
Provide concrete examples in Bolivia. Be specific. • On Bolivia the poorest departments are Chuquisaca, Potosi and Pando. In La Paz on of the poorest cities are El Alto and La Ceja. According to http://www.unicef.org/bolivia/resources_2332.htmBolivia is one of the poorest countries of the world.
Who, if anyone is already trying to solve the issue within Bolivia, La Paz and ACS? • In ACS the GIN class is starting to have ideas to make a change to the poverty in Bolivia but especially in La Paz. In La Paz Oxfam, is an organization that goes against poverty. Oxfam is an international confederation over more than 90 countries and is a part of the global movement, to build a future free from the injustice of poverty. Also Juancito Pinto it is a program that gives money to the kids for them to pay their school and buy supplies.
How to help Poverty isn’t something you can easily solve but if more people started helping out then it’d be way easier. All you have to do is the following: • Contact a nearby organization that focuses on poverty and volunteer. • Gather friends or classmates and go for a day to somewhere where you can make a difference. Go plant trees in a poor neighborhood, help build houses, build a safe environment for kids to study at, teach kids in poor schools, or help out in a farm! You choose! SO…
Would this be something for ACS GIN to take on? • Yes and GIN would be able to help by making houses for poor people or having beneficiary events and make all that money go to the people who need it more than others. If we want to help tackle the issue of poverty then we could start by helping teach children in poor schools or we could also help by planting and help make a beautiful and safe environment for children to be at so that they can improve their education. We can also help raise awareness and talk to people about this issue and how big it actually is.