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Workforce Development

Workforce Development. Luis Barrera, Senior Coordinator Workforce Development. Background. The National Council of La Raza (NCLR)—the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States. NCLR’s California Affiliate Network

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Workforce Development

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  1. Workforce Development Luis Barrera, Senior Coordinator Workforce Development

  2. Background • The National Council of La Raza (NCLR)—the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States. • NCLR’s California Affiliate Network • composed of 60 community-based organizations. • collectively invests over $835 million in services, employs over 10,000 Californians, and serves over 3.1 million clients each year. • Our network seeks to ensure the Latino community’s ability to contribute to and share in California’s economic opportunities by promoting policies that boost Hispanic employment in good jobs, bridge Latino workers’ education and skills gaps, and offer a secure retirement. • Workforce Investment Act – 1998 • To strengthen the nation’s workforce • Reauthorization expired in 2003

  3. Program success depends on… • Local labor market data driving workforce investment • East Los Angeles Skills Center and Youth Policy Institute • Integrated training programs for Certified Nursing Assistants • Formalized partnership approach models • LAUSD employee onsite at YPI – seamless collaboration • CBOs with Community Colleges – Bridge programs, seamless transitions (Unity Council) • CBO and Employer Partnerships (El Barrio and Home Depot) • Longer periods of service and training • Case management and/or college/career counseling are central to delivery model • Funding should take into account staff-to-youth rations and training skilled case managers

  4. Things to consider • Promote cross-functional program collaboration and systematic integration • High quality career guidance, skills training, supportive services, and job placement • Incentivize business participation in workforce development • Workforce development should lead to Economic Development • Share accountability and responsibility with stakeholders

  5. NCLR California Regional Office Luis Barrera, Senior Coordinator Workforce Development LBarrera@nclr.org 213-787-9608 www.nclr.org/wfd

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