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C ritical I nformation I nfrastructure R esearch Co -ordination

C ritical I nformation I nfrastructure R esearch Co -ordination. Forum PA 2005 - La Protezione delle Infrastrutture Critiche Nazionali Roma - May 13, 2005 Sandro Bologna bologna@casaccia.enea.it. CI 2 RCO is a “Co-ordination action”. IST Call 3, Co-ordination Action, Objective

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C ritical I nformation I nfrastructure R esearch Co -ordination

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  1. Critical Information Infrastructure Research Co-ordination Forum PA 2005 - La Protezione delle Infrastrutture Critiche Nazionali Roma - May 13, 2005 Sandro Bologna bologna@casaccia.enea.it

  2. CI2RCO is a “Co-ordination action” • IST Call 3, Co-ordination Action, Objective • “To progress towards the achievement of the objectives of a ERA in a given IST field” • where support is provided for the improved networking and co-ordination of national, regional and European research policies, programmes and funding schemes related to one or several IST Strategic Objectives, aiming at improved integration of European IST research.

  3. CI2RCO – Main objectives • The main objective of the Critical Information Infrastructure Research Coordination (CI2RCO) project is to create and co-ordinate a European Taskforce • to encourage a co-ordinated Europe-wide approach for research and development on Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP), and • to establish a European Research Area (ERA) on CIIP as part of the larger IST Strategic Objective to integrate and strengthen the ERA on Dependability and Security • to support CIIP awareness and actions in the EU-25 and AC countries

  4. CI2RCO – Practical objectives I • A network of current expertise kernels in Europe • A report containing analysis of R&D programmes and initiatives in the Member States and ACC • Established collaborations and information exchanges between these programmes and initiatives • A report with suggested actions fora state-of-the-art EU-wide approach to CIIP • A European CIIP Research Agenda with gap analysis and R&D priorities

  5. CI2RCO – Main target groups • European Policy Makers • European Programme Managers • European Research Communities • European Commission • European CII Stakeholders (Europe = EU-25 & ACC)

  6. CI2RCO Work-Packages and there relations

  7. CI2RCO – Co-ordination activities I • Establishment of a CIIP-related network • Preparation of studies and analysis: • Development of a CIIP state-of-the-art of regional, national and EU CIIP R&D programmes and initiatives including identification of research infrastructures, key players and main funding stakeholders. • Evaluation of CIIP R&D programmes’ inventory to classify programmes and to identify and to assess relationships between the individual regional, national and EU research programmes. • Development of a roadmap towards a European CIIP research agenda thus establishing a European Research Area (ERA) on CIIP.

  8. CI2RCO – Co-ordination activities II • The organisation of workshops / conferences • to evaluate, complete and disseminate results, and • to initiate and support networks, partnerships and co-operations between organisations working in the field of CIIP. • Provision and maintenance of an Internet portal including data base, document server and discussion forums to support the CIIP-Network and to foster partnerships and co-operations.

  9. Consortium • Project Co-ordinator:Fraunhofer • Public Org. that finance or manage R&D (>= 3): • ENEA, GET-ENST, PT-DLR • Key Participants in R&D: • EBP, Fraunhofer, IABG, TNO

  10. Advisory Board • Major instrument of the project • The members represent the participating EU-25 and ACC by delegates mandated by the appropriate European, national, regional or local bodies responsible for funding or managing R&D programmes aiming at the developing European Research Area “Critical Information Infrastructure Protection”

  11. Advisory Board – Substantial Objectives • Integration of all relevant policy makers and stakeholders on European level. This will guarantee for a high acceptance of the achieved results within the individual EU Member States and ACC. • Establishment of contacts within EU Member States and ACC, in which the CI2RCO consortium does not have yet sufficient contacts so far.  In a number of cases the CI2RCO consortium members have excellent relationships to ministries, agencies, CI providers, and research organisations of individual EU Member States and ACC, in others not.

  12. Advisory Board - Roles • to establish contacts into ministries, agencies, research institutes, and to critical infrastructure providers within individual EU-25 Member States and ACC • to support the project management and the team members to get access into national networks • to provide input to the project from EU-25 and ACC • to establish a consultation and consensus-building plat-form with the relevant policy makers and stakeholders in support of developing a long-term European-wide vision and strategic agenda in CIIP-related research • to discuss on and comment on drafts, findings and final results provided as input by the CI2RCO’s consortium.

  13. Preliminary Advisory Board Members I

  14. Preliminary Advisory Board Members II

  15. Duration & Budget • Start: 2005-03-01 (2 Years) • EU Fundings 975.000 €

  16. Contact in ITALY • ENEA • Computing and Modelling Unit • Dr. Sandro Bologna • CR-Casaccia • Via Anguillarese, 30100060 S. Maria di Galeria (RM) • phone:+39-06-30483708fax: +39-06-30486511 • e-mail: bologna@casaccia.enea.it

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