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Mrs. Cubbedge’s Cool 2 nd Grade. Morning Routine. Walk in room quietly. Get red folder out of backpack. Take out homework and put it in the homework bin. Take out any notes or lunch money and put them in the Notes from Home/Lunch Money bin.
Morning Routine • Walk in room quietly. • Get red folder out of backpack. Take out homework and put it in the homework bin. Take out any notes or lunch money and put them in the Notes from Home/Lunch Money bin.
Hang backpack up on a hook under the cubbies. Be sure it stays on the hook all day. You can put your lunchbox underneath your backpack.
Get started on your morning work. • Always work very quietly. I expect you to do your very best on all your work. Check it when you are finished for any mistakes and be sure your handwriting is neat. If you finish early, check the Extras options for the day, take an AR test, finish something in your Keeping Folder, or read.
Using the Restroom • If you need to use the restroom, try to wait until Mrs. Cubbedge is not teaching the whole class. If she is, you may only go if it is an EMERGENCY. • You must find your clip and place it on the magnetic white board before you go in. When you come out, leave your clip on there. The next person will put it back.
Snack Time • You can bring a healthy, non-messy snack each day. We usually eat while we work, so you can NOT have Cheetos or Doritos. Also you may bring a water bottle to keep on your desk if you are responsible with it. Only water – no juices or sport drinks.
BEHAVIOR Our rules are: 1.) Treat everyone with kindness and respect. 2.) Always do your best. 3.) Listen to others when it is their turn to talk. 4.) Do the right thing even if no one is watching. 5.) Pick up after yourself and help our classroom stay neat and organized (even if it isn’t your mess.)
Rewards • Everyone will start the day on the white Start line. Your name is on a shoe that can move in the Right Direction or the Wrong Direction. • Staying on White is Good. If you are “caught” doing something extra good, your shoe can be moved to the Green space. All shoes in the Green space will be put in a bowl at the end of the day. 2 names will be picked and they will get ABC awards. Half of the ABC award will be placed in a bowl for Friday’s drawing, where 6 names will be drawn. These students can choose one card from the Reward Notebook.
Some Rewards to Choose From Homework Pass
Consequences If you are caught breaking the rules, your shoe will be moved in the Wrong Direction. The yellow space is a warning, the first red space means you have to WALK 2 times around the bus turnaround at recess (without talking to anyone). The second red space means you have to WALK 4 times around, and the 3rd red space means you have to WALK 6 times around and a note will go home.
Supplies and Team Captains • Most of our supplies will be put in a community bin to share. You will keep your crayons and a couple of pencils and your scissors. Glue sticks, colored pencils, markers and paper will be shared. Your extra pencils will be shared. Let’s all contribute to the pencil collection all year long so we can always write! Team Captains will be in charge of the team’s supplies. Team Captains are rotated every week.
Walking in Line • When we walk in the hallways, we are showing off how wonderful our class is! We want others to notice and give us compliments. We walk silently in a straight line. The Daily Helpers are the Line Leader and Door Holder; they also carry the Playground Basket.
Students of the Week • There are usually two students of the week. They will be allowed to sit in the green disc chairs during Read to Self and when we are at the rug. • The Daily Helpers can get the larger blue pillows during Read to Self. The other large pillows are rotated daily. Everyone else gets a smaller pillow.
We Are Family! • We will be working closely with each other all year long. We need to use good manners at all times and treat others with kindness and respect. We will talk about the difference between tattling and reporting.
Homework Every Week: Every week you will have spelling homework that you do in a composition book. You can choose from a list of activities to complete (you must have 20 points every week). This is due on Friday. You also have to read 20 minutes every night and write the name of the book you read on your reading log (this will be on the back of your Class News which goes home every Monday). The reading log is due back every Friday also.
Math Homework Most nights you will have a math review paper. This reviews the lesson we covered in class. This paper is due back the next day. You may also have a math fact paper to complete a couple nights a week. This is also due back the following day.
Birthdays If it is your birthday, you can bring in a special snack to share with the class. You can bring in cookies, cupcakes, donuts, etc. that are easily passed out to your friends. Please do not bring party favors or other items. Save those for your parties at home!
Mrs. Cubbedge’s Class: LET’S HAVE AN AWESOME YEAR!!!