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The High School Athletics Accountability Act requires schools to report data on gender equality in athletic programs, aiming to enforce Title IX regulations and promote accountability in high school sports. The legislation mandates reporting on student participation, team budgets, expenses, coaches, and competition details. By disclosing this information, schools can track and improve equality in sports programs while showcasing the benefits of athletic participation for students’ psychological and physical well-being. The Act emphasizes the importance of providing this data to students and the public, ultimately fostering a transparent and inclusive sports environment. Contact Peg Pennepacker, C.A.A., for additional information.
“Title IX Compliance – Status of the High School Athletics Accountability Act” NFHS/NIAAA Annual Conference for Directors of Athletics December 16, 2008 San Diego, CA. Peg Pennepacker, C.A.A. Susquehanna Township High School Harrisburg, PA. 717-657-5117 xt. 6 High School Athletics Accountability Act
High School Athletics Accountability Act of 2007 House Bill # H.R. 901 (HSAAA) Senate Bill # S.F. 282 (HSASICA) H.R. 901 Introduced: February 7, 2007 S.B. (518) Introduced: February 4, 2003 Original Sponsor: Louise Slaughter (D-NY) Olympia Snowe (R-ME) High School Athletics Accountability Act
About This Legislation: Amends the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) to direct coeducational elementary and secondary schools, if they participate in any ESEA program, to: • Report certain information on equality in their school athletic programs to the Commissioner for Educational Statistics; and • Make such information available to their students and potential students, upon request, and to the public. High School Athletics Accountability Act
Generally Speaking… The High School Athletics Accountability Act of 2007 Would require that high schools report basic data on the number of female and male students in their athletic programs and the expenditures made for their sports teams. High School Athletics Accountability Act
Importance of reporting data… • Title IX Enforcement • No accountability requirements exist • DOE no regs. to guide enforcement in high schools • Statistics have shown High School Athletics Accountability Act
EADA The Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA) of 1994 This bill requires colleges and universities to report to the Department of Education data in areas such as number of participants, operating expenses, personnel expenses, revenues, coaches, etc. High School Athletics Accountability Act
What will be reported… • Number of male and female students • Listing of the teams that competed in athletic competition, and for each 1. Season in which the team competed 2. Total number of participants, broken down by a. gender b. race c. ethnicity High School Athletics Accountability Act
What will be reported - continued • Total budget and expenses for the team for 1. travel 2. equipment 3. uniforms 4. facilities, including locker rooms, fields, and gymnasiums 5. trainers (full and part time), identifying trainers by gender 6. publicity for competitions High School Athletics Accountability Act
What will be reported - continued • Total number of coaches (full and part time, head and assistant) and for each coach the following data: 1. gender 2. qualifications • Total number of competitions scheduled, and what time they are scheduled • Whether the teams participated in postseason competition, and the relative success of such competition. High School Athletics Accountability Act
“National” High School Athletics Accountability Act 2007 Also included… FINDINGS: “The Congress finds as follows:…” Examples of the benefits of participating in sports. High School Athletics Accountability Act
Benefits of Participation • Sport participation is an investment in the psychological health of women • Female athletes are more likely to develop positive school and lifestyle habits • Female athletes are more likely to develop positive school and lifestyle habits • Athletics participation during high school has significant lifetime health benefits • High school athletics offers many students a ticket to higher education • Participation in sports provides many teenagers with a structured, positive after-school environment • Female athletes are more likely to refrain from sexual activity • Girls who participate in sports develop a strong work ethic and good school habits High School Athletics Accountability Act
Disclosure of Information to Students and Public • Make available to students and potential students, upon request, and to the public, the information contained in reports by the school; and • Ensure that all students at the school are informed of their right to request such information High School Athletics Accountability Act
Submission/Information Availability • On an annual basis – provide the information contained in each report by the school to the Commissioner for Education Statistics not later than 15 days after the date the school makes such information available High School Athletics Accountability Act
Revised Bill • Bill is not overly burdensome • Information requested is already collected by schools - just not made publicly available • Georgia and Kentucky – testaments to the fact that this type of legislation is needed and can be successfully implemented • Estimated time to complete: 2-8 hours (a year) • GA and KY – have seen enormous progress in compliance and understanding of Title IX High School Athletics Accountability Act
Thank-you! For more information: Peg Pennepacker, C.A.A. Assistant Principal/Athletic Director Susquehanna Township High School 3500 Elmerton Ave. Harrisburg, PA. 17109 717-657-5117 xt. 6 Cell 717-443-1452 ppennepacker@hannasd.org ppackt9@yahoo.com High School Athletics Accountability Act