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Types and Programming Languages. Lecture 9. Simon Gay Department of Computing Science University of Glasgow. 2006/07. Reference Types. Up to now we have looked at a functional language, but we can also describe variables and assignment, looking at both typing and reductions.
Types and Programming Languages Lecture 9 Simon Gay Department of Computing Science University of Glasgow 2006/07
Reference Types Up to now we have looked at a functional language, but we can also describe variables and assignment, looking at both typing and reductions. The key idea is a reference (assignable variable, or storage cell), and we need to distinguish carefully between a reference and the value which it stores. Ref T is the type of a reference which stores values of type T !r is the value stored in r, if r is a reference r := v updates the value stored in r ref e creates a new reference which stores the value of e Warning: !r is potentially confusing syntax, but follows Pierce. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 9 - Simon Gay
Reference Types Of course it is important to check the types of references. Example: the following code should not typecheck: let val r = ref 2 in if !r then … else … end The following code is correct: let val r = ref 2 in r := (!r) + 1 end Types and Programming Languages Lecture 9 - Simon Gay
Reference Types and Standard Variables Mainstream imperative languages do not use ref and ! explicitly. Example: this Java code { int x = 2; x = x + 1; } really means: let val x = ref 2 in x := (!x) + 1 end Types and Programming Languages Lecture 9 - Simon Gay
Typing Rules for References When we create a reference, its type is determined by the type of its contents: (T-Ref) Dereferencing (extracting the value) is the reverse: (T-Deref) Assignment is evaluated for its side effect. We use type unit. (T-Assign) Types and Programming Languages Lecture 9 - Simon Gay
Reduction Rules for References To define the operational semantics of programs which use references, we need to formalize the idea of the store. The store consists of a set of locations (m, n, …), each with a value. We’ll use (sigma) to stand for a general store. We write stores as, for example, m = 2, n = true, o = “hello”. We write (m) to refer to the value of a particular location, and write [m := v] for “the store updated by putting value v in location m”. Now we use reductions of the form , e ’, e’ because it is now possible for the store to change during evaluation of an expression. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 9 - Simon Gay
Reduction Rules for References Dereferencing extracts the value of a location: , !m , (m) (R-DerefLoc) Assignment changes the value of a location: , m := v [m:=v], ( ) (R-AssignLoc) The ref operator creates a new location in the store: , ref v +[m=v], m where m is not in (R-RefVal) Types and Programming Languages Lecture 9 - Simon Gay
Reduction Rules for References As usual, we also need to say what are the values of type Ref T: they are locations m. We need rules of the usual form, which specify how to reduce expressions ref e, !e and e := f. (R-Ref) (R-Deref) (R-AssignL) (R-AssignR) Notice that the rules now involve reductions involving the store: , e ’, e’. Existing rules must also be modified, e.g.: (R-PlusL) Types and Programming Languages Lecture 9 - Simon Gay
Example Store let val x = ref 2+3 in x := (!x) + 1 end empty reducing inside the ref let val x = ref 5 in x := (!x) + 1 end empty creating a new location m let val x = m in x := (!x) + 1 end m=5 reducing the let Types and Programming Languages Lecture 9 - Simon Gay
Example Store m=5 m := (!m) + 1 obtaining the value of m m=5 m := 5 + 1 reducing on the right of := m=5 m := 6 updating the value of m m=6 () Types and Programming Languages Lecture 9 - Simon Gay
Sequencing Now that we have side-effecting operations (e.g. := ) it’s natural to want to write sequences of operations. Example: let val x = ref 2+3 in x := (!x) + 1; x := (!x)*2; !x end (this expression should reduce to 12). It’s easy to formalize the sequencing operator ; . Types and Programming Languages Lecture 9 - Simon Gay
Sequencing: Typing Rules We could restrict sequencing to expressions of type unit, but it’s easiest not to bother. (T-Seq) This means that expressions such as 2;3 true;2 x:=4; 5 all make sense. (Assume that ; has low precedence.) Types and Programming Languages Lecture 9 - Simon Gay
Sequencing: Reduction Rules First evaluate the left expression: (R-SeqL) when the left expression is a value, discard it: , v;e , e (R-SeqVal) Alternatively we can regard e;f as an abbreviation for let x = e in f end where x is a fresh variable. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 9 - Simon Gay
Type Safety with References If we add references to BFL with the typing rules which we have defined, then we still have a safe language: execution of a correctly typed program does not result in any runtime type errors. Proving this requires some more definitions. We will cover them briefly here; a more complete discussion can be found in Pierce (Chapter 13). Types and Programming Languages Lecture 9 - Simon Gay
Store Typings As usual we aim to prove a type preservation theorem. We have a typing rule for expressions which create references: (T-Ref) ref e reduces (eventually) to a store location m, so to prove type preservation we need a rule assigning type Ref T to m. This leads to the idea of a store typing , which is a mapping from store locations to types. We use a new form of typing judgement: Types and Programming Languages Lecture 9 - Simon Gay
Typing Rules with Store Typings We add a store typing to every typing judgement in every typing rule that we have. For example: (T-App) (T-Assign) Also (the point!) we add a typing rule for store locations: (T-Loc) Types and Programming Languages Lecture 9 - Simon Gay
Stores must be well-typed Definition: A store is well-typed with respect to a type environment and a store typing , written | , if dom() = dom() and for every mdom() , | (m) : (m) . This enables us to extend the type preservation theorem: as the store changes, it must remain well-typed. Theorem (Type Preservation): If | e : T and | and , e ’, e’ then, for some ’ such that ’ , | ’ e’ : T and | ’ ’ . Types and Programming Languages Lecture 9 - Simon Gay
Additional Lemmas Lemma (Substitution) If , x:S | e : T and | e’ : S then | e[e’/x] : T . Lemma If | and (m) = T and | v : T then | [m:=v] . Lemma If | e : T and ’ then | ’ e : T . Types and Programming Languages Lecture 9 - Simon Gay
Progress Theorem (Compare the formulation of this progress theorem with our earlier formulation of a type safety theorem.) Theorem (Progress) (Pierce, Chapter 13) Suppose that | e : T . Then either e is a value, or for any store such that | , there is some term e’ and store ’ with , e ’, e’ . Exercise: Prove all of these lemmas and theorems. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 9 - Simon Gay
Reading Pierce: 13 Exercises Pierce: 13.1.1, 13.1.2, 13.4.1, 13.5.2, 13.5.8 Types and Programming Languages Lecture 9 - Simon Gay