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Types and Programming Languages

Types and Programming Languages. Lecture 1. Simon Gay Department of Computing Science University of Glasgow. 2006/07. Introduction. Type definitions and declarations are essential aspects of high-level programming languages. Example (Java):. class Example { int a;

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Types and Programming Languages

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  1. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 1 Simon Gay Department of Computing Science University of Glasgow 2006/07

  2. Introduction Type definitions and declarations are essential aspects of high-level programming languages. Example (Java): class Example { int a; void set(int x) {a=x;} int get() {return a;} } Example e = new Example(); Types and Programming Languages Lecture 1 - Simon Gay

  3. Compile-time (static) typechecking is standard From the Jikes Java compiler (applied to some other code): 7. e.set(“Hello”); ^------------^ *** Semantic Error: No applicable overload for the method named “set” was found in type “Example”. Perhaps you wanted the overloaded version “void set(int x);” instead? 8. e.show(); ^------^ *** Semantic Error: No method named “show” was found in type “Example”. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 1 - Simon Gay

  4. Compile-time (static) typechecking 9. i = e + 1; ^ *** Semantic Error: The type of this expression, “Example”, is not numeric. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 1 - Simon Gay

  5. Type declarations • Organize data into high-level structuresessential for high-level programming • Document the programbasic information about the meaning of variables and functions • Inform the compilerexample: how much storage each value needs • Specify simple aspects of the behaviour of functions“types as specifications” is an important idea Types and Programming Languages Lecture 1 - Simon Gay

  6. Typechecking • Static (compile-time) or dynamic (run-time)static is better: finds errors sooner, doesn’t degradeperformance(we will concentrate on static typechecking) • Verifies that the programmer’s intentions (expressed bydeclarations) are observed by the program • A program which typechecks is guaranteed to behave wellat run-timeat least: never apply an operation to the wrong type of valuemore: eg. security properties • A program which typechecks respects the high-levelabstractionseg: public/protected/private access in Java Types and Programming Languages Lecture 1 - Simon Gay

  7. Why study types (and programming languages)? The type system of a language has a strong effect on the “feel” of programming. • Examples: • In original Pascal, the result type of a function cannot be an array type. In Java, an array is just an object and arrays can be used anywhere. • In Haskell, programming with lists is very easy; in Java it is much less natural. To understand a language fully, we need to understand its type system. We will see underlying typing concepts appearing in different languages in different ways, helping us to compare and understand language features. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 1 - Simon Gay

  8. Why study types (and programming languages)? How does a language designer (or a programmer) know that correctly-typed programs really have the desired run-time properties? To answer this question we need to see how to specify type systems, and how to prove that a type system is sound. To prove soundness we also need to specify the semantics (meaning) of programs - what happens when they are run. So studying types will lead us to a deeper understanding of the meaning of programs. Example of the issue of soundness:variant records in Pascal Types and Programming Languages Lecture 1 - Simon Gay

  9. Variant records in Pascal type kind = (staff,student); type person = record name : string; case k : kind of staff : (office : string) student : (year : integer) end; The following error cannot be detected by static typechecking: var simon : person; begin simon.name := “Simon”; simon.k := staff; simon.office := “G093”; write(simon.year + 5); end Types and Programming Languages Lecture 1 - Simon Gay

  10. Variant records in Ada type kind = (staff,student); type person(k : kind) is record name : String; case k is when staff => (office : String) when student => (year : Integer) end case; end record; Now we must declare simon : person(staff) and then simon.year is never allowed. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 1 - Simon Gay

  11. Possibilities and limitations of typechecking • If types are specifications, can typechecking be used to verify • program properties beyond correct use of data and functions? • Yes, for example: • secrecy and authenticity properties of security protocols • behavioural properties (eg. deadlock-freedom) in concurrent systems But there are limits: most interesting properties cannot be automatically verified, even in principle, so types can only ever give a safe approximation to correctness. Also, in practice we want typechecking to be efficient. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 1 - Simon Gay

  12. Typechecking as a safe approximation For any static type system, and the notion of correctness which it aims to guarantee: It is essential that every typable program is correct. It is usually impossible to ensure that every correct program is typable. Typechecking must not accept any incorrect programs but always rejects some correct programs. Exercise: write down a fragment of Java code which will not typecheck but which, if executed, would not misuse any data. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 1 - Simon Gay

  13. Answer to exercise if (1 == 2) { int x = “Hello” * 5; } The Java typechecker assumes that every branch of a conditional statement may be executed (even if the condition is a compile-time constant or even a boolean literal). In general it is impossible to predict the value of an arbitrary expression at compile-time. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 1 - Simon Gay

  14. Principles Programming is difficult and we need all the automated help we can get! Static typechecking is one approach to program analysis. It has been enormously beneficial. Exact program analysis is impossible in general. Typechecking aims for limited guarantees of correctness, and inevitably rejects some correct programs. A type system restricts programming style, sometimes to an undesirable extent. The challenge in type system design: allow flexibility in programming, but not so much flexibility that incorrect programs can be expressed. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 1 - Simon Gay

  15. Why exact program analysis is impossible This is probably familiar from any course on computability… Some problems are undecidable - it is impossible to construct an algorithm which will solve arbitrary instances. The basic example is the Halting Problem: does a given program halt (terminate) when presented with a certain input? • Problems involving exact prediction of program behaviour are • generally undecidable, for example: • does a program generate a run-time type error? • does a program output the string “Hello”? We can’t just run the program and see what happens, because there is no upper limit on the execution time of programs. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 1 - Simon Gay

  16. Undecidability of the Halting Problem (HP) Instance of HP: a legal program P and an input string S for P. Question: does P halt when run on S? Theorem: HP is undecidable Proof: by contradiction - we assume that we have an algorithm A that solves HP, and discover that the consequence of this assumption is a logical impossibility. Therefore the assumption must be false. Concretely, say P is a Java function: void P(String S); Let H be an implementation of algorithm A as a Java function: boolean H(String X, String S); Any language can be substituted for Java. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 1 - Simon Gay

  17. Undecidability of the Halting Problem (HP) • Using H we can define a Java function Q: • Q is given a legal Java function W • Q uses H to determine whether or not W halts when given its own text as input • if W halts then Q enters an infinite loop, otherwise Q halts void Q(String W) { if (H(W,W)) { while (true) {} } } Types and Programming Languages Lecture 1 - Simon Gay

  18. Undecidability of the Halting Problem (HP) • Now we run Q with its own text as input. What happens? • Q(“void Q(String W) {…}”) • Q calls H(Q,Q) which returns either true or false. • If H returns true then: • from the definition of H, Q halts on input Q. • from the definition of Q, Q loops on input Q. CONTRADICTION! • If H returns false then: • from the definition of H, Q loops on input Q. • from the definition of Q, Q halts on input Q.CONTRADICTION! Therefore Q cannot exist. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 1 - Simon Gay

  19. Consequences for program analysis The question “Does program P generate a run-time type error with input S?” is undecidable. If R were a decision procedure for this question then we could solve HP for program P by using R to analyse void NewP(String S) { P(S); int x = 1 + “Hello”; } because NewP generates a type error if and only if P halts. Similarly for any other behavioural property of programs. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 1 - Simon Gay

  20. All is not lost… • This sounds rather bleak, but: • static analysis (including type systems) is a huge and successful area • incomplete analysis (remember: safe approximation) is better than no analysis, as long as not too many correct programs are ruled out A major trend in programming language development has been the inclusion of more sophisticated type systems in mainstream languages. By studying more powerful type systems, we can get a glimpse of what the next generation of languages might look like. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 1 - Simon Gay

  21. Administrative details Two lectures + one tutorial per week (Mon 11, Wed 9, Fri 10). Copies of presentations will be handed out. Some additional notes will be produced. There will be an assessed exercise (worth 20%) and an exam. A sample exam paper will be produced. I can be contacted by email (simon@dcs.gla.ac.uk), or in my office (G093) within reason. Books: Types and Programming Languages, B. C. Pierce compiler books Type Systems, L. Cardelli (material for reading course) Course web page: www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~simon/teaching/tpl Types and Programming Languages Lecture 1 - Simon Gay

  22. Reading and Exercises For each hour of timetabled teaching you should expect to spend at least another hour on private study. After each lecture I will recommend reading from Pierce’s book; often I will also assign exercises from the book or from additional worksheets. During the tutorial sessions we can discuss any problems which arise from the reading or the exercises. For now: Read Chapter 1 of Pierce. Refer to Chapter 2 of Pierce as necessary, during the rest of the course. Read Sections 1 and 2 of Linear Types for Packet Processing. Types and Programming Languages Lecture 1 - Simon Gay

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