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Digital Multimedia Portfolio. Nicole Oxendine Spring 2013. Portfolio Entries. All About Me Business Cards Music Video Portrait Scene Words of Wisdom. All About Me. 1 . Steps to making this Project.
Digital Multimedia Portfolio Nicole Oxendine Spring 2013
Portfolio Entries • All About Me • Business Cards • Music Video • Portrait • Scene • Words of Wisdom
All About Me 1. Steps to making this Project. • In order to make my All About Me file I first had to open PowerPoint and create 8 slides. • 2. I had to include words and titles on my PowerPoint presentation from flaming text and/or WordArt. • I then had to decide on six things about me that I wanted to make a slide on. • The next step was to add a conclusion slide and save it. 2. If I had a project similar to this one in the future I would think more carefully about what I want to do with my future. I’d also include more transitions and animations. 3. My project could have been improved if I had added more interesting design templates. 4. Overall, I feel like this was a good project because it really helped my teacher get to know me in a simple way. Display Project
Business Cards • Steps to making this Project • In order to make this project I first had to open Microsoft Word and use the Business Card template. • I then had to personalize ten business cards, with a minimum of 5 designs and turn my file into Ebackpack. 2. If I was creating a project similar to this one I would have made more than just five designs. 3. My project could be improved if I’d made each business card more interesting and the font easier to read. 4. I really enjoyed this project because it allowed me to be creative. Display Project
Music Video • Steps to making this project • The first thing I had to do was download my song from my phone to my computer’s 1st block folder. • The second thing I had to do in order to insure this project would be complete was record my “DJ” voice on Audacity. • I then opened Movie Maker in order to begin on my actual project. • I went online, looked at the lyrics and downloaded pictures that would match up with the words. • Then I incorporated my pictures with my song on Movie Maker and made each picture match up with the words. • I turned it into a WAV file and turned my final product in. 2. If I were making another music video I would use a much simpler song. 3. I could improve my project by adding more pictures to match with the words. 4. I absolutely loved this project because I got to choose a song I liked and make a video like how I’d imagined it would be. Display Project
Portrait • Steps to making this project • In order to make my Portrait photo, I had to first decide on the picture I’d like to use. • Then I had to use the Elliptical Marquee tool to select the main focus on my picture. • Next I had to make a gradient background and add a quote that went along with the picture. • Last but not least I had to turn my file into a jpg and turn it in. 2. If I was creating a project similar to this one I would make the picture one that would catch the eye. 3. My project could be improved if I wouldn’t have used such a dark background with black words. 4. I liked the final product of this project but the feathering and getting the right ellipse was hard for me. Display Project
Scene • Steps to making this project • First I had to find a Google image of where I wanted to put a cropped image of myself on. • I then had to find 3 other objects to crop out and put on the Google background. • Next I had to crop out the images and put them on the Google image photo • Lastly I added text to my scene and turned it in. 2. I really enjoyed what I’d done so I wouldn’t necessarily do anything differently other than take more time on it. 3. My project could be improved by making each item added to the Google Image better cropped. 4. This was one of my most favorite project because I got to put myself somewhere where I’d like to be. Display Project
Words of Wisdom • How to be successful in this class! • The main thing is to keep up with your work! The quickest way to fail this class is to not do your work. • Try as hard as you can not to miss days, you fall behind and it’s a fast paced class. • Don’t take too long on one assignment, keep moving. • Don’t disrespect your teacher.