Turkey an exotic, country with colorful landscapes with both green forests, beautiful seas and much more. Turkey is a wonderful country located at a point where you can reach 3 continents easily;Asia,Africa and Europe. Turkey and all the parts of it has always been the birth place of many great civilizations and natives.
HISTORY When discussing history it is always difficult to know from which period to actually begin. The earlier civilizations of Anatolia cannot be ignored. Some historians take the advent of the Turks into Anatolia 6000 BC. It has to be noted that civilizations are never built without foundations. Just like a wall made of bricks, they are all established upon former civilizations. Therefore it is quite possible to see traces of the very earliest cultures inherent in those that followed.
LANGUAGE The official language in Turkey is Turkish and this is spoken about 95 % of the population . About 5 % of the Turkish people who come from different ethnic origins, speak their mother tongues in daily life besides Turkish.Turkish is a branch of Ural-Altaic languages. These were originally spoken by the Altai people who lived in the steppe area around the Altai mountains which form part of the border between China, Mongolia and Russia.
Culture of Turkey The nation was modernized primarily by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk starting from 1923. As he transformed a religion-driven former Ottoman Empire into a modern nation-state with a strong separation of state and religion, a corresponding increase in the methods of artistic expression arose. During the first years of the republic, the government invested a large amount of resources into fine arts such as paintings, sculpture and architecture. This was done as both a process of modernization and of creating a cultural identity. Because of the different historical factors defining the Turkish identity, the culture of Turkey combines clear efforts to be "modern" and Western, with a desire to maintain traditional religious and historical values.
Tourism in Turkey is focused largely on a variety of historical sites, and on seaside resorts along its Aegean and Mediterranean Sea coasts. In the recent years, Turkey has also become a popular destination for culture, spa, and health care tourism. In 2011, Turkey attracted more than 31.5 million foreign tourists,ranking as the 6th most popular tourist destination in the world.
THE MARMARA REGION covers the European part as well as the northwest of the Anatolian plain.
THE AEGEAN REGION extends from the Aegean coast to the inner parts of western Anatolia.
THE MEDITERRANEAN REGION is located in the south of Anatolia.
THE CENTRAL ANATOLIA REGION is exactly in the middle of Turkey and is less mountainous when compared to the other regions.
THE EASTERN ANATOLIA REGION is the largest and highest region
The Turkish cuisine has their roots in the Ottoman cuisine and the food taste like CentralAsian , caucasian , MiddleEastern, Mediterranean and Balkan cuisines, but the variation is huge through the whole country depending on witch area you are in. Aegean region has food with lighter spices, foor example eggplants, stuffed dolmas and fish too. The BlackSea areas mostly has fish and the southeast has lots of spices and the famous kebabs, mezes and dough based desserts such as baklava are from this area. The Turkish cuisine is now as you know very rich and you will find something for your own taste.
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Duetoit’sperfectclimateand fauna Turkeyhostsnearly 500 birdspeices. Therearelots of NationalParkswherebirdsliveorvisitsafely. Hereareonlysomeexamples of them