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This book explores combining different career interests, hobbies, and skills in new and emerging careers. It follows the stories of individuals like Jim, Maria, Rick, and Sabrina, showcasing how they can leverage their unique talents and interests to carve fulfilling career paths. From sports enthusiasts to graphic designers, from stay-at-home parents to tech-savvy comedians, the book offers practical advice and options to help readers navigate their own career journeys.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CREATIVE CAREERING C. Doherty 2002 Quinsigamond Community College

  2. Creative Careering • Combining • Different career interests • Career interests and hobbies • Different Skills • Exploring • Alternative work settings • New & Emerging Careers

  3. Jim’s Story Jim played sports from T ball through high school to the local City league team. Sports remains his MAIN interest and he follows all the games of the NFL, NHL, NBA, MLB, MLS, as well as minor teams. This summer his neighbor’s son was on the Jesse Burkett Little League team…and that was THE TALK of the neighborhood. His family members refer to Jim as a walking sports encyclopedia.

  4. Jim’s Story continued Though Jim has played and followed sports all of his life, he knows he wouldn’t make it as a professional player. He graduated from high school 2 years ago and wants to go to college but doesn’t know what to study. If he could find something that has to do with sports he might, going to college would make more sense to him. What might Jim study in college?

  5. Public Relations Sports Psychologist Physical Therapist Sales Sports Related Careers Sports Journalism (writer, photographer) Coaching Sports Announcer (radio, television) Acupuncturist Physical Education Teacher

  6. Maria’s Story Maria has returned to school part time and is now taking classes in graphic design and thinks she might want to get an associate’s degree in this area. She has also worked in a pet store for the past 5 years and is great with animals. She can’t imagine leaving this type of work, but she doesn’t want to become a manager or study to be a veterinarian. Maria is close to her family. Both of her parents moved here from Cuba over 20 years ago.

  7. Maria continued Maria’s ability to write, read and speak Spanish is excellent.Though she’s close to her family, she’s anxious to see a different part of the US and would like to relocate and live with her cousins in Miami. What are Maria’s skills, interests and talents? How could she combine these in her future career

  8. Options for Maria Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

  9. Options for Maria Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Maria finishes her degree and becomes a graphic designer for the pet food store chain she now works in. She’s hoping she can possibly move to where the head corporate office is located. Maria finishes her degree, moves to Miami and gets a job in the Miami Zoo as graphic artist,designing and translating their brochures into Spanish.. Maria takes courses in political science and becomes interested in government. Gets an internship in D.C. at a lobbing firms that specializes in international animal rights and protection.

  10. Rick’s Story Rick is the primary child-care provider in his family. His wife has a demanding but high paying job as an attorney. Rick and his wife decided that day-care or pre-school was not an option and that Rick would stay home with the children at least until both are past grade one. Rick has a degree in Psychology and after college went to work in sales. He was a very successful sales manager in the field of electronics equipment but got tired of working for a large company and wanted to set his own schedule and work goals.

  11. Rick’s story continued He left sales his job of 10 years when his first child was born. He is also a musician and plays the piano and guitar. Occasionally he”ll fill in for a band member in the evening and really enjoys playing. Though Rick loves caring for his children, he wants to begin thinking about going back to working outside of the home. He knows it won’t be for at least 3 years but needs to start moving in that direction. What are some possible short and long-term career options for Rick?

  12. Career Options for Rick

  13. Sabrina’s Story Sabrina was always a great math and science student. At first she thought that she might want to be a doctor but quickly discovered that she liked to ‘tinker’ with gadgets. She’s is always buying the latest and greatest new technology that comes on the market and can often be found doing something on the computer. She also has a flair for dealing with people. Although she likes her time alone, Sabrina is comfortable around all types of people and she is a natural born comedienne.

  14. Sabrina continued She enjoys spending time with her family. They sit down and have a nice dinner every evening and this time is very special to her. Sabrina also has a very active teenage daughter and needs to make sure that her schedule will allow time to transport her daughter to all of her various after school activities. • What are Sabrina’s strengths and what careers might interest her?

  15. Sabrina

  16. Creative Careering Solutions Combine the following career interests/situations: Hotel/restaurant Management & Music Bilingual Skills & CIS Robotics & Physical Therapy Self-Employed & Customer Service Engineering & Working with Children

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