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CREATIVE GRADUATES CREATIVE FUTURES. A study of the career patterns of UK art, design and media graduates. CREATIVE GRADUATES CREATIVE FUTURES. Project Director: Linda Ball, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Learning and Teaching in Art and Design, UAL
CREATIVE GRADUATESCREATIVE FUTURES A study of the career patterns of UK art, design and media graduates 'Creative Graduates - Creative Futures'
CREATIVE GRADUATESCREATIVE FUTURES Project Director: Linda Ball, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Learning and Teaching in Art and Design, UAL Project Manager: Emma Pollard, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Employment Studies, Sussex University 'Creative Graduates - Creative Futures'
Supported by • CHEAD • University of the Arts London • Arts, Crafts and Design Councils • Higher Education Academy Art Design Media Subject Centre 'Creative Graduates - Creative Futures'
CHEAD Anglia Ruskin University Bath Spa University University of Bolton The Arts Institute at Bournemouth Coventry University University College for the Creative Arts at Canterbury, Epsom, Farnham, Maidstone and Rochester Duncan of Jordanstone CAD Edinburgh College of Art Glasgow School of Art University of Gloucestershire University of Hertfordshire University of Huddersfield Middlesex University North East Wales Institute (NEWI) University of Northampton Norwich School of Art and Design Leeds College of Art and Design Liverpool John Moores University University of the Arts London Central St Martins College of Art and Design Chelsea, Camberwell, Wimbledon (CCW) London College of Fashion London College of Communication Manchester Metropolitan University Plymouth College of Art and Design University of Portsmouth Swansea Metropolitan University University of the West of England York St John University UK Higher Education Partners 'Creative Graduates - Creative Futures'
Who’s involved in managing? • Steering Group of HEI representatives and others • Management Group • Project Director (UAL) and Project Manager (IES) • Consultation with HEI representatives 'Creative Graduates - Creative Futures'
Case for the Survey Institutional drivers • Need for enhanced evidence of activity after graduation to inform curriculum, employability strategies, research and for lobbying purposes • Inadequate information from DLHE • Lack of information on international dimensions 'Creative Graduates - Creative Futures'
Key issues for HEIs? What are the current concerns and issues in your own institution for graduate employment? What questions do you have? 'Creative Graduates - Creative Futures'
Sector drivers • A fuller understanding of destinations and career patterns to improve curriculum, careers guidance and preparation for employment • Evidence of the value of a creative and cultural education for different spheres of employment • Evidence to inform funding councils and government policies on employability 'Creative Graduates - Creative Futures'
Related agendas • Synergy between higher education and creative industries growth • Knowledge about how the creative sector works • Career choices, opportunities and how they are accessed • Higher level skills, gaps in provision and CPD needs • Graduate mobility and regional agendas 'Creative Graduates - Creative Futures'
Key findings of ‘Destinations and Reflections’ 1998 study Demonstrated • Contribution of higher education to creative industries growth • A creative education provides an approach to formulating and solving problems within a critical framework that develops high-level intellectual skills • Graduates’ generic capability for wider roles • Long gestation period • Tendency to converge back to art and design related work • Multi-tracking approach involving ingenuity and tenacity 'Creative Graduates - Creative Futures'
Key findings of ‘Destinations and Reflections’ 1998 study Graduates: • Value creative input over financial gain in terms of job satisfaction • Are flexible and adaptable • Apply creativity in a rich diversity of work • Experience multiple income streams, ‘portfolio’ careers • Work collaboratively • Are motivated by ethical considerations • Have a pre-disposition for work in education, community and the not-for-profit sectors. 'Creative Graduates - Creative Futures'
Key findings of ‘Destinations and Reflections’ 1998 study • Low levels of unemployment: < 5% • 42% had some form of self-employment since graduating • 1 in 5 were self employed or freelance at time of survey • 94% of self-employment is related to art and design • More than 2 out of 3 were working in SMEs with 26% in organisations with 10 or fewer employees. 'Creative Graduates - Creative Futures'
CREATIVE GRADUATESCREATIVE FUTURES Aims Investigate graduate career patterns Explore activities and forms of employment up to 6 years after graduation 2002, 2003, 2004 cohorts from UK HEIs 'Creative Graduates - Creative Futures'
CREATIVE GRADUATESCREATIVE FUTURES Evidence the enduring contribution of art, design and media graduates to UK creative capital, creative industries, other sectors of the economy, culture, education and society. 'Creative Graduates - Creative Futures'
Critical information Comparative data to evidence changes in working patterns over ten year period Graduate retention and mobility, supply and demand – regional dimension Impact of diversity and widening participation strategies Destinations and experiences of international students Graduate aspirations, work values and motivations for creative practice Graduate satisfaction and how they have applied their educational experiences Inform curriculum planning to improve the student experience 'Creative Graduates - Creative Futures'
Subject spread Practice-based full-time first degrees in art, design, media practice and related subjects: • Fine art practice • Applied arts and crafts • 3-D design, including interior, product, industrial • Graphic design, illustration, multi-media, visual communication • Fashion and textiles, promotion and illustration • Inter-active and electronic design – games, animation, web design • Media production – photography, film, TV and radio • Other inter-disciplinary art and design 'Creative Graduates - Creative Futures'
Outputs and dissemination A Research Report, introductory papers and analysis Commissioning and publication of associated papers Web-based publications Dissemination conference Dissemination through ADM-HEA and endorsing bodies Individual HEIs receive own datasets Priorities for further research Provide rationale for future funded projects and bids Apply methodology in X years’ time for follow-on studies. 'Creative Graduates - Creative Futures'
CREATIVE GRADUATESCREATIVE FUTURES Any questions? 'Creative Graduates - Creative Futures'