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Executive Office for Administration & Finance Information Technology Group Town Hall Meeting

Executive Office for Administration & Finance Information Technology Group Town Hall Meeting. 10 March 2011. Agenda. 2011 IT Plan: Mid-Year Review Marcie Desmond, A&F SCIO Project Spotlight: The Building of WebFile for Income (WFI) Fred Piccinni, DOR Web Manager

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Executive Office for Administration & Finance Information Technology Group Town Hall Meeting

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  1. Executive Office for Administration & FinanceInformation Technology GroupTown Hall Meeting 10 March 2011

  2. Agenda • 2011 IT Plan: Mid-Year Review Marcie Desmond, A&F SCIO • Project Spotlight: The Building of WebFile for Income (WFI) Fred Piccinni, DOR Web Manager • LearnIT! Highlights and Updates Tricia McConville, LearnIT Program Lead • Wrap – Up

  3. 2011 IT Plan Mid-Year Review – Progress on our 2011 IT Plan Marcie Desmond, A&F SCIO The ANF 2011 IT Plan may be found on the wiki: https://wiki.state.ma.us/confluence/display/administrationandfinance/ANF+IT

  4. FY11 Top 5 IT Operational and Project Priorities • Improve Service Delivery • Continue to improve Helpdesk and Desktop/LAN processes and tools • Identify common metrics • Establish Service Level Agreements • Document standard processes • Implement regular reporting • Strengthen Organization through Skill and Talent Development • Develop plan for retraining due to system modernization • Provide opportunities for staff development and collaboration • Strengthen Alignment between Business & IT • Pilot new governance model for COMETS HD for possible extension throughout A&F • Re-structure IT Steering Committee to improve representation and decision-making • New Enhanced Services or Products • Implement standard methods and tools for application services • Identify applications that can be shared at the Secretariat level • Establish Program Management Office and Security Office • Large Scale Priority Projects • MassHR – Time and Attendance • Comm-PASS, e-procurement roadmap • MAGIC modernization • MASSTAX2 • COMETS HD • Budget Tool

  5. Mid-Year Review – Progress on our 2011 IT Plan 1st EOANF IT Plan established September 2010 Delivery on our large projectsGREEN Stretch goals largely YELLOW ½ way through the year As a new organization, we started without a baseline and had a lot to learn about our agencies, our applications and our staff! Theme for FY11 – Stabilize what we put in place Strategic Leadership for all agencies (CIOs) Centralized User Support organization Centralized budget and IT administration IT integrated into EOANF executive team A&F IT leadership working together as a team Cultural shift towards shared services LearnIT! introduced and significant staff trained in multiple subjects Still have remaining pain points to address Tracking progress to goals on wiki: https://wiki.state.ma.us/confluence/display/administrationandfinance/Progress+Against+Annual+IT+Plan

  6. Mid-Year Review – Remaining Pain Points Organizational Pain Points • No global view of priorities (beyond large projects) • One person does the job of many (multiple hats) • Significant impact when staff leave • Limited opportunities for advancement • Many applications have no project management • Many applications have inadequate IT staff • Hard to leverage staff across projects • Silo’d business and technology expertise • Inconsistent / duplicative processes • Different IT governance in different groups • Senior people not leveraged effectively • How to manage /make decisions across agencies • Aligning business technology opinions with IT technology opinions • Business and IT expectation management • Lack of business ownership in solution • Budget planning and funding with agencies • Cultural Difference between IT and business • Dynamic business priorities and vision Technical Pain Points • Inconsistent development processes & tools • Inconsistent QA process & tools • Inconsistent support process & tools • Technology requirements/direction unknown or frequently changing • Insufficient licensing – Convert agency to secretariat wide licenses • Environment security • How to appropriately secure data in a consolidated model • Compliance with security standards • Multiple solutions to same problem • Technologies used inconsistently • Deprecated / unsupported technologies • Lacking technology standards / guidelines • Difficult to develop technologies • Difficult to maintain technologies • Resource skill level challenges • Technology shift for many people • Training required • Need problem solving skills

  7. Project Spotlight DOR The Building of WebFile for Income (WFI) Fred Piccinni, DOR Web Manager This Project Spotlight can be found on the following wiki page: https://wiki.state.ma.us/confluence/display/administrationandfinance/ANF+IT

  8. LearnIT! Highlights and Updates Tricia McConville, LearnIT Program Lead

  9. Delivering on a New Vision for Our Workforce We have a history of underinvesting in development of full-time IT human resources. To improve upon our current level of services and meet future needs, we are delivering on a new vision for our IT workforce: Create a stronger and more agile IT community We have made significant progress towards this goal…but we still have much to do to fully realize this vision.

  10. Investing In Our IT Workforce: Our Progress-to-date • Launched LearnIT! in July 2010 • Curriculum comprised of core online training and advanced instructor-led training in three areas: • Process & Methodology • Technology • Management/Professional • Fostered 1200+ training engagements to date • 165 in instructor-led programs: PM (69!) and QA, .NET • New instructor-led IT Project Management class designed and delivered internally to great acclaim • Online offerings include ITIL awareness, CommonWay project management, security courses, vendor applications, and more • New IT Procurement Awareness instructor-led session being held Wednesday, 3/16

  11. Investing In Our IT Workforce: A&F Participation-to-date Instructor-led • Project Management 16 • QA 5 • Accessibility Webinar 11 • Total ILT32 Online Core • ITIL 3 • Security 3 • Total Online Core 6 MS Applications • Applications 23 • IT Pro Server 30 • Total MS53 Grand Total91

  12. Investing In Our IT Workforce: The Future • In support of our commitment to training, we are planning rollout of a LearnIT! OnDemand, a virtual learning environment for all 1500+ IT employees • A scalable delivery model to provide ongoing training to all IT staff • An exponential increase in the number of our curriculum offerings – especially in advanced technical trainings • Support for a retention and development strategy that meets our current and future demands • IT Staff will have on-demand access 7x24x365 to comprehensive training resources, including: • Self-paced e-learning courses • Live and recorded instructor-led training sessions and webcasts • Up-to-date books, articles, and simulations • Live “Mentor”, subject matter experts who can answer technical questions, especially for certifications prep

  13. Investing In Our IT Workforce: LearnIT! OnDemand On-demand extensive e-learning courses in all key areas: Process & Methodology • IT Business Process, including Project Management (PMP prep), Business Analysis (CBAP prep), Managing in the IT Environment, ITIL (Cert prep), Quality Assurance (QA) • Full access to ITIL Library Technology • Professional certification prep courses in programs like Oracle, SAP, EMC, Cisco; SQL; and in ISO27000 and CISSP • Enterprise database systems • OS and server technologies • Internet, networking, wireless, and other UC • Web /app development programming in .NET, Java2, some in open source and ABAP • Infrastructure courses in help desk support, desktop, email, storage, disaster recovery/business continuity • Desktop applications Professional/Management Development • Supervision, leadership, communications, problem-solving and many others

  14. Wrap – Up • Next Town Hall – June 2011 • Potential topics for future Town Halls • Second Data Center, Springfield • Service Excellence – where are we heading? • Identity Management – future directions, technologies, etc… • Governance Model for COMETS HD Project • Project Spotlights: what projects would you like to learn more about, see demos? • We want to know what you are interested in! • Materials will be posted on the wiki • Meeting slides • 2011 IT Business Plan • Place to write in requests for Town Hall topics • Questions

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