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Ear Infections in Dogs

If you find any of these symptoms happening to your dog, take precautions immediately and accordingly.

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Ear Infections in Dogs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EarInfectionsin Dogs Symptoms Causes Treatment

  2. WhatisEarInfection? -> Ear infection are the bacteria presentinadog'sinnerandouterear canal.

  3. Symptomsofear infection Scratchingears Ear Discharge Shaking head Inflamed ear Earhematoma

  4. Whatcausesear infection? Ear mites Allergies Tumor Waterinears Hairaroundear

  5. TreatmentforEarYeastInfection Topicalmedicationsthatareintheformofear dropsandointment. Earmustbecleanbeforeapplyingtopical medications. Topicalmedicationsshouldbeappliedand gentlymassagedintotheear. BuyNow

  6. PreventEarInfection Cleananddryyour dog'searafter bathora swim. Cliporpluckexcess hairaroundtheirear.

  7. Thank You for Watching! https://www.discountpetmart.com/

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