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Weu2019ll look In this presentation, Weu2019ll look at the effects of at the effects of trade show trade show banners and how to use them and how to use them to draw in and hold the to draw in and hold the attention of audiences. Weu2019ll attention of audiences. Weu2019ll talk about how to make talk about how to make banners that attract the banners that attract the attention of potential clients attention of potential clients and stick in their minds.
INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Io this preseotatioo, We’ll look at the effects of trade show banners aod how to use them to draw io aod hold the atteotioo of audieoces. We’ll talk about how to make baooers that attract the atteotioo of poteotial clieots aod stick io their miods. aod stick io their miods. Io this preseotatioo, We’ll look at the effects of trade show banners aod how to use them to draw io aod hold the atteotioo of audieoces. We’ll talk about how to make baooers that attract the atteotioo of poteotial clieots
DESIGN PRINCIPLES DESIGN PRINCIPLES S¶ zog g ahic¨ aod czoci¨e ¶eܶ a e e¨¨eo¶ial fz ¶ ade ¨hz× baooe ¨ ¶z be effec¶iÖe. Tz d a× io a¶¶eo¶izo, ¾¨e ÖiÖid czlz ¨ aod eÝe-ca¶chiog image¨. Tz highligh¶ imz ¶ao¶ zio¶¨, ¾¨e bzld aod i¶alic ¶Ýeface¨ ¨a ioglÝ aod czoci¨elÝ. czoci¨elÝ. S¶ zog g ahic¨ aod czoci¨e ¶eܶ a e e¨¨eo¶ial fz ¶ ade ¨hz× baooe ¨ ¶z be effec¶iÖe. Tz d a× io a¶¶eo¶izo, ¾¨e ÖiÖid czlz ¨ aod eÝe-ca¶chiog image¨. Tz highligh¶ imz ¶ao¶ zio¶¨, ¾¨e bzld aod i¶alic ¶Ýeface¨ ¨a ioglÝ aod
ENGAGEMENT TECHNIQUES ENGAGEMENT TECHNIQUES Eogage Öi¨i¶z ¨ ×i¶h io¶e ac¶iÖe elemeo¶¨ zo Ýz¾ ¶ ade ¨hz× baooe . Iocz z a¶e QR czde¨, ¨zcial media haodle¨, z a call ¶z ac¶izo ¶z eocz¾ age a¾dieoce a ¶icia¶izo. U¶iliçe czmelliog image Ý aod czoci¨e me¨¨agiog ¶z czoÖeÝ Ýz¾ b aod’¨ ¾oi¾e Öal¾e zz¨i¶izo. Öal¾e zz¨i¶izo. Eogage Öi¨i¶z ¨ ×i¶h io¶e ac¶iÖe elemeo¶¨ zo Ýz¾ ¶ ade ¨hz× baooe . Iocz z a¶e QR czde¨, ¨zcial media haodle¨, z a call ¶z ac¶izo ¶z eocz¾ age a¾dieoce a ¶icia¶izo. U¶iliçe czmelliog image Ý aod czoci¨e me¨¨agiog ¶z czoÖeÝ Ýz¾ b aod’¨ ¾oi¾e
CONCLUSION CONCLUSION MaÜimiçiog ¶he imac¶ zf trade show banners e¾i e¨ ¨¶ a¶egic de¨igo aod eogagiog czo¶eo¶. BÝ imlemeo¶iog ¶he¨e ¶echoi¾e¨, czmaoie¨ cao ¾olea¨h ¶he f¾ll z×e zf ¶hei baooe ¨ ¶z a¶¶ ac¶ aod ca¶iÖa¶e a¾dieoce¨, MaÜimiçiog ¶he imac¶ zf trade show banners e¾i e¨ ¨¶ a¶egic de¨igo aod eogagiog czo¶eo¶. BÝ imlemeo¶iog ¶he¨e ¶echoi¾e¨, czmaoie¨ cao ¾olea¨h ¶he f¾ll z×e zf ¶hei baooe ¨ ¶z a¶¶ ac¶ aod ca¶iÖa¶e a¾dieoce¨, ¾l¶ima¶elÝ d iÖiog b¾¨ioe¨¨ ¨¾cce¨¨. ¾l¶ima¶elÝ d iÖiog b¾¨ioe¨¨ ¨¾cce¨¨.
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