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A Neighbourhood Plan for Winsford

A Neighbourhood Plan for Winsford. “The time has come to disperse power more widely in Britain today”. Localism. Localism Agenda – the Big Society – reduced public spending – central targets abolished .

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A Neighbourhood Plan for Winsford

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  1. A Neighbourhood Plan for Winsford

  2. “The time has come to disperse power more widely in Britain today” Localism Localism Agenda – the Big Society – reduced public spending – central targets abolished

  3. The Localism Act sets out a series of measures with the potential to achieve a substantial and lasting shift in power away from central government and towards local people. The Localism Act 2011 • General power of competence for local authorities • Community right to challenge • Right to bid for assets of community value • Abolition of Regional Spatial Strategies • Duty to co-operate • Requirement to consult • Community Right To Build • Neighbourhood Development Orders • Neighbourhood Planning

  4. The Localism Act allows local communities to draw up plans for their own neighbourhoods. Neighbourhood Planning • QUALIFYING BODIES • Neighbourhood Forums (in non-parished urban areas) • Parish and Town Councils NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANS “…..allow local communities to…… say where they think new houses, businesses and shops should go - and what they should look like.” They will set out a vision for an area and planning policies for the use and development of land. They will be about local rather than strategic issues.

  5. Can cover anything that a normal development plan can deal with, i.e. the use and development of land • Cannot cover things dealt with by other regimes, such as major infrastructure • Can be simple and concise OR go into considerable detail where this is what people think is required • Can be used to grant outline or full planning permissions in areas where people most want to see new homes and new businesses developed The Scope of a Neighbourhood Plan

  6. Neighbourhood Plans must conform to national policy, to the local strategic plan (the Local Development Framework), and to other legal requirements. Neighbourhood Plans in context } Development Plan

  7. Selective Comprehensive Proportionate Approach Focused Deliverable Affordable Simplistic Narrow in scope Who is excluded? Addresses all issues Multi-dimensional Inclusive Complex Unrealistic Expensive

  8. 1.Evidence (existing and new) 2. Community engagement Identification of key issues Formulation of clear vision & aims to address issues What makes a good neighbourhood plan? Policy Proposals

  9. PARTNERSHIP Professional expertiseLocal community understanding How to make a good neighbourhood plan • Understanding planning • Best practice /what’s possible • Technical skills & analysis • Deliverable plan • Local knowledge • Awareness of issues and problems • What will (and won’t) work • Delivery

  10. Community& Stakeholder Engagement Community & Stakeholder Consultation Independent Examination The Winsford Neighbourhood Plan Qualifying Body & Boundary Agreed Evidence,Issues, Vision, Aims Draft Plan: policies & proposals Conformity Referendum 50%+ Local Authority check Formal Adoption by Local Authority Reviewof Existingdata. Research, surveys & analysis

  11. Further information Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design katja.stille@tibbalds.co.uk Referendum Urban Vision Enterprise Community Interest Company mickdowns@uvns.org

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