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Power Supply Status. George Ganetis Power Supply Status ASAC Review October 22-23, 2009. Outline. Storage Ring Overview Short Term Goals Multipole PS Corrector PS PS Controller DCCT & DVM Calibration Transport Line & Booster PS Look Ahead – Short & Long Term Conclusions.
Power Supply Status George Ganetis Power Supply Status ASAC Review October 22-23, 2009
Outline • Storage Ring Overview • Short Term Goals • Multipole PS • Corrector PS • PS Controller • DCCT & DVM Calibration • Transport Line & Booster PS • Look Ahead – Short & Long Term • Conclusions
Overview – Storage Ring Power SuppliesThis summary table includes approved and pending controlled changes
Short Term Goals • Main Dipole PS • Engineering analysis for switch-mode topology • Assemble & test prototype digital current regulator • Test series pass filter • Start final design • Multipole PS • Build & test prototype major system components - current regulator , ps interface, ps controller, & AC control module. • Test ps components for a complete ps in the nominal rack configuration. • Assemble multiple ps in rack for long term testing and software development. • Start final design of major system components. • Corrector PS • Build & test prototype major system components - current regulator , ps interface, ps controller, & AC control module. • Build & Test Power Amplifiers for Type A & D models ( New 2 channel designs ) • Test ps components for a complete ps in the nominal rack configuration. • Assemble multiple ps in rack for long term testing and software development. • Start final design of some major system components.
Main Dipole Power Supply • Decision was made to use a switch mode topology for the power converter section. • Detailed circuit models for the power converter, filter, and series pass have been made and we are in the process of analyzing results. • Procurement specifications will start soon. • Detailed design on digital current regulator has started
Main Dipole Power SupplyCurrent Regulator Controls Prototype Series Pass Filter DCCT Electronics Test setup is build for digital current regulator. Software work on the prototype regulator was just started this summer. Switch mode PS Low voltage DSP Electronics DVM DCCT Head ADC Resistive Load Preliminary results of current output stability = + 1 ppm
Multipole Power Supplies This configuration used for Quadrupole & Sextupole magnet circuits. Standard commercial power converter are being used. Three prototypes ps have been constructed and are under test. These ps are installed in the temperature controlled racks. Systems are under test using the current regulator and power supply interface. Instrumentation ( DVM/Scanner & 1-wire sensors ) are being used in testing. PS Controller is in detailed design
Current Regulator Card Prototype low noise current regulator. Two built by hand, 8 more have been assembled at a vendor by machine. Electronic adjustment of offset & gain of critical circuits. Diagnostic signals brought out to both slow high precision DVM and fast ADC on PSI. Preliminary tests show < 5ppm current stability for 1 hour. 4 1 2 1 5 3 1 1= Switch mode low level power supplies 2= Low noise power conditioning filters 3= Micro-controller used for state control & interlocks 4= Precision burden resistors to convert current from DCCT to voltage 5= High gain low noise analog current regulator
Power Supply Interface Card Ten prototypes built by vender assembled by machine. PS Current Setpoint -Two 18 bit DACs Diagnostic signals -Nine 16 Bit ADC – -3 High Precision ADC -6 Low Precision ADC State Control & Status -8 Digital Outputs -16 Digital Inputs Fiber Optic Data Transfer to PSC is 10 kHz. Slow Serial Port Preliminary tests show < 5ppm DAC stability for 1 hour. 3 4 1 2 5 6 1= Switch mode low level power supplies 2= Low noise power conditioning filters 3= FPGA used to convert fiber optic data to DACs & ADCs 4= Micro-controller used for temperature Control of DACs 5= Temperature stabilized DAC daughter board 6= Analog signal connector to Current Regulator Card
Power Supplies Rack Tests Regulator Temperature Controlled Rack Pwr Converter AC Input Module Corrector Corrector DCCTs Quadrupole Power supply test are done in temperature controlled racks that are close to the final design that will be installed in the machine. Test with multiple power supplies - Will be looking for electrical noise interactions and thermal issues. Rack configuration was reviewed by BNL fire safety personal and found no issues with the design or materials selection. Quadrupole Sextupole Cold Air Blower
Test of Complete Multipole PSThis is both Current Regulator & PSI Initial Results
Test of Complete Multipole PSThis is both Current Regulator & PSI Initial Results
Corrector Power Supplies Separated function corrector scheme will replace the combined function correctors. There will be 6 slow alignment & 3 fast small corrector magnets per cell. The new scheme added 180 new magnet circuits for the fast small correctors. To cover the cost of the new circuits, we developed a new ps configuration – a 2 channel ps. The design shares some main components to reduce costs. It required the addition of components in the regulator and psi to make it a 2 channel version. Engineering studies has determined that the extra components will fit into the exiting form factors The power converter and amplifier are being re-designed to fit in ½ the nominal space. ( Less rack space ) (Highlighted)
Corrector Power Supplies The new fast small corrector requires a much smaller AC bend strength then the baseline design. 80 urad vs 10 urad at 10 Hz. The reduced size of the magnet also required less amp-turns for the 10 urad bend strength. 1 amp coil design was chosen to minimize the cost of the power supply system. This allowed the use of precision shunts to be used instead of more costly DCCTs. The stability requirements were relaxed compared to the alignment correctors. ( Less Cost ) This design will use the same the same regulator and psi as in the alignment correctors. ( 2 Cha. ) The low current of this ps and the use of shunts as the feedback element will also allow a higher bandwidth then what could have been achieved with DCCTs.
Controls System Interface Controls Group Responsibility PS Group Responsibility Very close working relations with Controls Group Clear hardware interface boundaries. Good software support to date.
Power Supply Controller PSC Chassis can hold up to 20 main & transition cards One main card can control a single or dual channel PSI FPGA has DSP capabilities for waveform generation & diagnostic functions analysis. The main cards have large on board memory for waveform & diagnostic storage. Transition boards have SDI & fiber optic connections
DCCT & DVM Calibration National Standards PS Rack BNL Primary Standards BNL DCCT Bridge In-Situ Cal. Traveling DCCT Standard DCV Transfer In PPM DVM Portable 10 V Standard In-Situ Cal. We will test ~ 1800 DCCT before installation.
Transport Line PS • Transport line power supplies will use same hardware as the storage line. Current Regulator, PSI, PSC, DVM/Scanner, 1-Wire devices, & Commercial Power Converters.
Booster PS Controls • Booster power supplies will use BNL supplied controls PSI,PSC, & IOC • Vendor will supply current regulator and state control & interlocks
Look Ahead – Short Term ( next 6 months ) • Continue testing single channel power supply interface ( PSI ) • Finish design, build & test power supply controller ( PSC ) • Design , build, & test two channel current regulator and two channel psi • Finish design , build, and test corrector D power amplifier ( Alignment Corrector ) • Design, build, & test corrector A power supply ( Fast Global Corrector ) • Continue on software development for controls and instrumentation • Continue long term testing of power supplies and components.
Look Ahead – Long Term Storage Ring Power Supply Schedule
Conclusions • Good progress is being made in the main dipole ps with the addition of the new engineer. • Multipole power supplies are in good shape, working prototype supply will easily meets requirements. • We are a little behind in corrector work due to the re-direction of the requirements. We should be able to recover in the next 6 months with the prototypes being built. • We have a rack system setup for long term testing and software development. • Detailed procurement plans have been developed. We are actively working with vendors and NSLS II Procurement in developing manufacturing plans and specifications. We are using prototype builds to qualify vendors.