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Ancient Egypt's Civilization: Similarities and Differences to Mesopotamia

Explore the geography, hieroglyphics, mythology, and religion of Ancient Egypt, including the story of Osiris and the positive outlook on religion. Compare and contrast with Mesopotamia.

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Ancient Egypt's Civilization: Similarities and Differences to Mesopotamia

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  1. 8/12: How Was Egypt Similar/Different to Mesopotamia? Do Now: Study the Map of Ancient Egypt then answer the questions on your handout. Arabian Desert The Nile River Nubian Desert Libyan Desert

  2. Ancient Egypt - Geogrpahy • The Civilization of Ancient Egypt developed around the • Nile River over 5000 yrs ago. • The Nile River is surrounded by the Libyan and the • Nubian desert. This acted as a natural barrier to • invasion. • Because the Nile River flooded predictably every year, • leaving behind fertile soil. It has been said that Egypt, • is “wholly the gift of the Nile.”

  3. Ancient Egypt: The Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms

  4. Ancient Egypt: Hieroglyphics

  5. Egyptian Mythology : How Osiris Became the king of the Underworld. Before he was king of the Underworld, Osiris was an earthly ruler who was popular with his subjects. His brother, Set, was jealous of this popularity and plotted against Osiris. Set's plans to be rid of his brother started when he secretly obtained his brothers measurements and had a magnificent casket made to fit. This casket was in the form of a human shaped box. Set then organized a large feast to which Osiris and a number of others (usually given as 72) were invited. At the height of the festivities, Set produced the casket and announced that it would be given to whoever it fitted. All the guests tried the casket for size, but none fitted until finally Osiris stepped into the casket. Set immediately slammed the lid closed and sealed the casket shut (with molten lead). The sealed coffin was then thrown into the Nile. Isis was devastated at the loss of her husband and searched for the casket throughout Egypt and then overseas. She eventually found it where it had come to rest in the roots of a massive tree. Isis then returned the coffin to Egypt for a proper burial. For safe keeping she concealed it in the marshes beside the Nile. Unfortunately for Isis Set found the casket while out hunting and was so enraged he chopped the body of Osiris into pieces, and scattered the parts all throughout the land. Poor Isis had to then set out again looking for the parts of her husband. Eventually she found all the parts except one, his penis, and reassembled Osiris and wrapped him in bandages. In some accounts Isis breathed life back into Osiris' body and it was then that Horus, their son, was conceived. This was a more magical event than it seems, considering the one part of Osiris Isis couldn't find. The young Horus then went out to battle his uncle Set and to avenge his fathers death. After a series of fights , neither god was able to secure an overall victory. Ultimately Osiris was declared king of the underworld while Horus became the king of the living, and Set ruler of the deserts as the god of chaos and evil.

  6. Ancient Egypt - Religion • Like most other ancient people, the ancient Egyptians were polytheistic. • Their chief god was Amun-Re, the sun god. It was believed that the pharaoh himself was a god as well as a monarch. Egypt was highly Theocratic because government and religion were so closely tied together. • Had a much more positive outlook on religion than Mesopotamia. • Other important gods included Osiris, the god of the underworld as well as the Nile. • The Ancient Egyptians had a fascination with the afterlife.

  7. Weighing the heart against the feather of truth

  8. Weighing the heart against the feather of truth

  9. 1600-1500 B.C Excerpt from The Book of the Dead I have not done crimes against people,I have not mistreated cattle,...I have not known what should not be known,I did not begin a day by exacting more than my due,...I have not blasphemed a god,I have not robbed the poor.I have not done what the god abhors,I have not maligned a servant to his master.I have not caused pain,I have not caused tears.I have not killed,I have not ordered to kill,I have not made anyone suffer.I have not damaged the offerings in the temples,I have not depleted the loaves of the gods,    I have not stolen the cakes of the dead...I have not increased nor reduced the measure,...I have not cheated in the fields.I have not added to the weight of the balance,I have not falsified the plummet of the scales.I have not taken milk from the mouth of children,I have not deprived cattle of their pasture...I have not held back water in its season,I have not dammed a flowing stream,I have not quenched a needed fire.I have not neglected the days of meat offerings,I have not detained cattle belonging to the god,I have not stopped a god in his procession.I am pure, I am pure, I am pure, I am pure!

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