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Enhance your professional development skills with practical guidelines from renowned author and consultant Anita L. Archer, Ph.D. Learn how to select critical content, prepare engaging training materials, and establish a positive learning environment. Anticipate and address challenges, design effective sessions, and refine your instruction delivery for maximum impact. Follow insightful advice and tools to promote participant engagement, behavior, and generalization of learning outcomes. Elevate your teaching with a blend of passion and compassion, guided by evidence-based practices for accelerated student gains.
Good Teaching and Good Heart Effective and Efficient Professional Development
Refining Professional Development Skills Anita L. Archer, Ph.D. Author and Consultant archerteach@aol.com
WELCOME Before we begin, please • Sign in • Pick up materials • Retrieve your name tag • Find your favorite seat • Enjoy a morning treat When we begin, please • Turn off everything having an on-off switch (unless you are taking notes) • Refrain from talking except during partner or team activities
Professional Development BIG BIG BIG BIG Idea Staff development practices must = Problem Solving Team practices How well we teach = How well they learn
Professional DevelopmentBig Ideas • Select critical content • Prepare effective training materials 3. Establish a positive learning environment • Carefully structure sessions(Design of instruction)
Professional DevelopmentBig Ideas • Present in an engaging manner (Delivery of instruction) 6. Promote positive participant behavior • Plan for and promote generalization • Evaluate and adjust future sessions and trainings
Professional DevelopmentBig Ideas • Select _c___________ content • Prepare _e__________ training materials 3. Establish a _p____________ learning environment • Carefully _s_____________ sessions(Design of instruction)
Professional DevelopmentBig Ideas • Present in an _e______________ manner (Delivery of instruction) 6. Promote _p___________ participant behavior • Plan for and promote _g________________ • Evaluate and _a____________ future sessions and trainings
Big Idea # 1. Select critical content (We have done most of this for you)
Select critical content • Useful • Empowers staff members • Supports student learning • Generalizes • Generalizes across grade levels, settings, and classes
Select critical content • Evidence - based (Effective) • Research-validated or research-based • Provides data collection opportunities • Efficient • Accelerates student gains • Minimizes teacher preparation
Select critical content Teach essentials in all trainings How well you teach = How well they learn. Learning is not a spectator sport. Perky not pokey. Don’t commit “assumicide”. Walk around. Look around. Talk around. Anticipate and remove. Avoid the void ---for they will fill it. What you expect = What you get Teach with Passion. Manage with Compassion. Archerisms
Select critical content Anticipate and Remove(Precorrections) • Anticipate questions or negative responses • Prepare and practice answers/responses • Use analogies to dissipate negativity • Precorrect before question or issue arises
Prepare effective training materials Training materials might include: • Power-point presentation • Examples to illustrate point • Practice materials in handouts • Video Examples • Learning Activities • Observation and Feedback Forms • Forms for teams to use
Prepare effective training materials Be sure your Power-Points are not Point Less
Prepare effective training materials PowerPoint hints • Simple • Only necessary information • Clear • Slide content self-evident • Font readable • Font size 18 - 48 • NOT upper case • Contrasting background and font
Prepare effective training materialsPowerPoint hints • Clutter Free • Limit color and clip art • Avoid abbreviations and punctuation marks • Create visual balance • Leave white space
Prepare effective training materials • Organize materials to support ease of processing • Organize handouts for ease in locating • Create flow from power-point to power-point, from idea to idea, from input to activity
Big Idea # 3 Establish a positive climate
Establish a positive climate • Organize space and equipment • Organize time • Connect with participants
Organize space and equipment Create an orderly environment
Organize Space and Equipment Arrange furniture so participants: Face the instructor Are sitting at tables when possible Can view instructor and screen Can work with partners and/or teams Slant chairs and tables to increase visibility
Organization of Space Arrange the furniture so instructor: Can monitor all parts of the room Can maintain eye contact with participants Can be heard throughout the room
Organization of Space If the room is large, • Block off back rows with tape or rope • Display a “precorrection” on screen (Please sit in the first 8 rows only.) • Ask administrators to supervise, directing teachers to the front of the room. • Do not wait until participants are seated to direct them to front of room. (Revolution) • Use microphone when needed so that all can hear clearly
Organization of Space Create a “teaching arena” in front of the room • An open space that allows instructor movement • A table with equipment and materials • Computer, document camera, LCD • Books, examples, paper, pens, copy of handouts
A few hints Use power-point presentation in tandem with demonstrations using a document camera (good idea of have access) Place blank paper on tables Provide sticky notes for a question board for large groups If multiple handouts, color code the first page of the handouts
Organization of Time • Prepare agenda, graphic organizer, or list of topics to be covered • Introduce at the beginning of the workshop • Refer to it throughout training • Use to review content at beginning of session
Organization of Time Display timer showing passage of time. Use ipad app OR PowerPoint timer. • Provide short breaks. • Communicate clear expectations for length of break. • Display on screen: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, sit. Cross off numbers to indicate last 5 minutes of break OR
Organization of Time • Determine scheduled lunch time and communicate time to participants in the morning. • Provide clear expectations regarding length of lunch, beginning and ending times.
Interpersonal Connections Before the session • Arrive early and set up • Greet participants, introduce yourself, and learn about them • Have participants wear name tags (or use name tents) • List participant’s name, school, and role (4th grade teacher, principal)
Interpersonal Connections During the session • Share information about yourself • Honor participants for the knowledge that they bring to the session. For example, “As we begin, I want to share my goals for this training. My first goal is to honor you for what you already know and do in your classroom. My second goal is remind you of principles that you know but may not be using in your classroom. And finally I hope to add to your skills and knowledge about Problem Solving.”
Interpersonal Connections During the session • Delight in the opportunity (the gift) to teach this group • Show your delight through your body language, smile, voice, warmth, etc. • Use anecdotes/examples that match participants’ grade levels and subjects
Interpersonal Connections During the session • When monitoring, -listen carefully to participants’ ideas -record and display their ideas, - use their names • Structure opportunities for participants to interact with partners and teams
Interpersonal Connections During the breaks • Interact with participants • Be available to answer questions • Organize for the next session at the end of the break
Interpersonal ConnectionsResponding to questions 1.Attend to participant 2. Listen to question 3. Then, turn to the entire group • Restate question, making it applicable to a broader range of situations and settings. (generalizable) 5. Answer in a respectful manner
Interpersonal ConnectionsDifficult questions or participants Use the AAA Strategy • A - Acknowledge Acknowledge that if what they shared were true, they would have reason to be concerned • A - Accept Accept some of the responsibility for failing to communicate clearly • A - Analogy If possible, use analogies to explain your position OR Delay for a private conference
Interpersonal ConnectionsDifficult participants Connect-connect-connect - Talk to them at breaks - Sit near them at lunch - Ask the person to share information Remember what Abe Lincoln said. “I don't like that man. I must get to know him better.” BUT don’t let this participant rob your energy or that of the other participants.
Interpersonal Connections At the end of the day. • Thank participants for attending and participating (it is their gift to you) • Stand at the door and say good bye
Interpersonal Connections Remember: • The present is to be present.
Big Idea #4Carefully structure sessions Design of instruction
Design of instructionOpening Attention Gain participants’ attention Review Provide interactive review of content from the previous session Preview Convey content to be covered using graphic organizer
Design of instructionBody Skill or Strategy Demonstration I do it Guided Practice We do it Checking Understanding You do it
Design of instructionClosing Review Interactively review big ideas from session Preview Convey content to be covered in next session
Big Idea #5Present content in engaging manner Delivery of instruction
Delivery of Instruction • Elicit responsesActive Participation • Monitor responding • Provide feedback • Maintain a perky pace – but not too fast
Delivery of Instruction • Infuse humor • Sprinkle with “stories” • Be sincere • Maintain enthusiasm
Delivery of Instruction • Elicit _r_____________ Active Participation • _M_____________responding • Provide _f__________________ • Maintain a _p___________pace
Delivery of Instruction • Infuse _h________________ • Sprinkle with “_s______________” • Be _s_________________ • Maintain _e_________________
Active ParticipationIntroduction to Participants “Given that active participation is essential when promoting learning in all classes, today I am going to use the same practices to help promote your learning of the material.”