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Effective eLearning Solutions for Distance Language Teaching

Discover how eLearning tools, such as Moodle, Hot Potatoes, and Glossary, address challenges in distance language studies. This case study explores the benefits and drawbacks of using technology in language education, focusing on the development of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) for health studies students. Gain insights into the course structure, interactive modules, and student feedback. Learn about the impact of eLearning on students' motivation, engagement, and overall learning experience.

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Effective eLearning Solutions for Distance Language Teaching

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  1. eLearning as a Tool for Distance Language Teaching:Case Study Mgr. Linda Pospíšilová & Mgr. Petr Krčmář Language Centre University of Pardubice DisCo 2010

  2. outline Challenges of distance studies eLearning course designed in Moodle Hot Potatoes Glossary Big Brother factor ”Dosing” of the content Results & Experience + Feedback from students DisCo 2010

  3. University of Pardubice Faculty of Health Studies Bachelor's degree courses Master's degree courses Doctoral degree courses DisCo 2010

  4. University of Pardubice Faculty of Health Studies Bachelor's degree courses study programmes: NURSING • General Nurse SPECIALIZATION IN HEALTH CARE • Professional Rescuer MIDWIFERY • Midwife Master's degree courses Doctoral degree courses DisCo 2010

  5. Since 2009/10Distance Studies Bachelor's degree courses NURSING • General Nurse DisCo 2010

  6. Distance learning and teaching of languages • limited amount of time dedicated to tutorials • absence of regular seminars • inability to attend consultations • other students'commitments DisCo 2010

  7. eLearning as a tool of solution • individualized approach to students' needs • theoretically unlimited amount of time to study • possibility of regular study • instant feedback • motivation by interactivity DisCo 2010

  8. e-Learning course focused on ESP development for the Faculty of Health Studies Target group: Both full-time and distance students of the first year DisCo 2010

  9. Course creation eLearning designed as an accompaniment of the existing textbook DisCo 2010

  10. Course structure Modules ~ Chapters Balance of Lexis andGrammar DisCo 2010

  11. Module structure DisCo 2010

  12. Module structure DisCo 2010

  13. Module structure DisCo 2010

  14. Module structure DisCo 2010

  15. Module structure DisCo 2010

  16. Module structure DisCo 2010

  17. Module structure DisCo 2010

  18. LMS: Authoring Tool: http://hotpot.uvic.ca/ DisCo 2010

  19. JCross DisCo 2010

  20. JCross • intensive vocabulary practice • enforcement of the correct spelling • difficulty of lexis (+) Great memory enhancer, leisure time aspect of this activity, schola ludus, brain teaser (-) Demanding vocabulary, too hard for a beginner, “Even our doctors were having a hard time.” JCross(crosswords creation) DisCo 2010

  21. JCloze(filling in gaps) DisCo 2010

  22. JCloze(filling in gaps) JCloze(filling in gaps) • impossibility to cover all the acceptable answers • grammar focused exercises (+) Stimulating, grammar revision and fixation, the option of showing hints. (-) No space for individual creativity, too ambiguous. DisCo 2010

  23. JMatch (matching) Lingua Summit Trenčín 2009

  24. JMatch (matching) Lingua Summit Trenčín 2009

  25. JMatch (matching) Lingua Summit Trenčín 2009

  26. JMatch (matching) Lingua Summit Trenčín 2009

  27. JMatch (matching) • the most popular with students • involvement of motoric activity (dragging the options across the screen) • relative simplicity (no need to type anything) (+) Fast, fun, logical, you did not have to understand everything. (-) Boring. Lingua Summit Trenčín 2009

  28. JQuiz obhajoba grantu 16.02.2010

  29. JQuiz • choice from multiple answers • popular (+) Ideal for a summary of the unit, intriguing, concise. (-) Too short, sometimes quite difficult. obhajoba grantu 16.02.2010

  30. Glossary DisCo 2010

  31. Glossary DisCo 2010

  32. Glossary pronunciation + definition vocabulary building and practice DisCo 2010

  33. Random glossary entry  DisCo 2010

  34. Random glossary entry  DisCo 2010

  35. Random glossary entry  DisCo 2010

  36. Random glossary entry  DisCo 2010

  37. Random glossary entry  DisCo 2010

  38. Glossary creativity X accuracy failure to delegate responsibility (+) Fast tool to look up terms, students’ participation, stimulates vocabulary learning. (-) Useless terms, untrustworthy, problems with phonetic script. DisCo 2010

  39. Availability of all imaginable data about the students DisCo 2010

  40. DisCo 2010

  41. ”Dosing” of the content gradual opening of units over the period of the semester to enforce students to study consistently Unsatisfactory results: Many students were preoccupied by their other commitments and studied before the exams only. DisCo 2010

  42. CONCLUSION Pros eLearning provided & practised grammar and lexical content. Instantaneous feedback highly motivated the students. Students were actively involved in creation of the Glossary. Cons eLearning didn’t motivate distance students towards more gradual and consistent learning process. Failure to delegate responsibilities over the management of Glossary created excessive burden for the tutors. DisCo 2010

  43. Thank you for your attention Mgr. Linda Pospíšilová & Mgr. Petr Krčmář Language Centre, University of Pardubice DisCo 2010

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