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Sports Business Consulting Expert - Lionel Maltese

Lionel Maltese is an Associate Professor of Sport Business Management and an Assets Manager at ATP and WTA events. With extensive experience in business strategy and consulting, he offers expert advice and knowledge in the field of sports business.

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Sports Business Consulting Expert - Lionel Maltese

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  1. Monday 29th April SPORT BUSINESS CONSULTINGIMT Ghaziabadlionelmaltese.fr @lionelmaltese Lionel Maltese Maitre de Conférences Aix Marseille University – CERGAM IAE Aix-en-ProvenceAssociate Professor Sport BUSINESS Management Kedge Business SchoolAssets Manager ATP – WTA Events and consulting Member of the ExecutiveCommittee FFT – Roland Garros – BUSINESS STRATEGY

  2. You are, you have… Last diploma: Phd Business Management IAE Aix en Provence 2004 – EconometricsEngineer Aix Marseille University 2001 Last sport experience (thissummer) : • OM Business Assets Consulting Mission & PSG Fan Marketing Mission • Roland Garros Hospitality & Public Relation Business Strategywith Jo Tsonga • ATP World Tour : Nice to Lyon transfert and business creation (JFC, TP, JWT) and more • FFT – Roland Garros ExecutiveComitee / Executivecompetencies help for recruitment • …. • Sport Practice Fan… : • Tennis, Basket, Soccer, Rugby Seven, Paddleboard… and anteriorcruciate ligament (ACL) … • OM, Celtics, Juve, Warriors, Canadiens, Eagles, Seahawks, Fed, Stan, Jo, Liza, Ray Allen, Curry, Voller, ZZ, Slater, Bird, Wilko….

  3. Since 2005 Maitre de Conférences Aix Marseille University Strategy & Communication Associate Professor Kedge Business School Sport Business Management Since 1999 Professional ATP & WTA Events management Manager Since 2001 Research Aix Marseille University Laboratory Member of the ExecutiveCommittee EconomicDevelopment – Business Strategy Head of R&D Department Consulting Sport Business Strategy & Marketing

  4. Msc ISEM / Kedge BS ?

  5. Kedge Business School and Sport Expertise : Inputs & Outputs ? Ms ISEM (N1 France Top 10 World) Msc Marketing SummerSchool PGE (ESC) Research N1 Europe 5 profs LM JPD FP JMM FR + Alumni Networks Alumni Companies Institutions Academic (Project) Communication Media N1 (School)

  6. Vince Lombardi

  7. Jean-François Caujolle since 1993 Jean-Claude Blanc since 2000


  9. Marshall Glickman CEO G2 Strategic, former president of the NBA’s Portland Trail Blazers Over the last four decades, sports in North America has evolved from pure competition to business…from game to entertainment. Although the quality of competition has remained the centerpiece, North American sports culture is primarily motivated by money. In France, as in most European countries, the sports culture has historically been driven by the competitions themselves, so consumption trends are not comparable. That said, there is no question that economic reality is driving French sports organizations to become more professional and oriented to business and profits. From the perspective of an American who has extensive experience working with European and French sports organizations, finding the right balance between economics and culture is precisely the right recipe for success.

  10. New sport Business model ?

  11. Sport Marketing Digest : Communication - Networks – Experiences – Brand Experiential Marketing Entertainment BtC BtB CtC « The Place to show the show » Relational Marketing CRM – Ticketing – RP – Social Capital « The Place to be » Brand Management Merchandising – branding « The Place to express your brand » Event Communication – Commercial Sponsorship « The Place to leverage and activate »

  12. To be a value-added in sport business Business Marketing capabilities ! Or americandream !

  13. Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming. John Wooden Competencie ? EXPERIENCE Knowledge EXPERTISE Know-How TEAM Being (know how to be)


  15. HOW DOES SPORT COMPARE TO OTHER INTERESTS?– % of those ‘Passionate’ for each interest % with Passionate in interests

  16. 3 Business Models in sport Business area Hospitality / PR Relational Club or Event BRAND Cultural Reputational Media / WOM Communication FRM Brand Management

  17. Key synergistic resources « Heart » Deployment resources « Lung » Market-based resources Athletes as suppliers for the « show content »     Partnership – Sponsorship Privates - Public – Media Activation CRM Negociation Hospitality management CRM Sport Management Communication Sport Performances Reputation Stadium Ticketing Commercial Brand Merchandising Hedonism Brand Management Co-branding Social networks & capital Public Relations Resources Intangible Resources « Event expressiveness » CRM BtoB Networks Commercial resources linked to products & services and profit centers Competencies

  18. « Relational » Business Model CRM Negociation SPONSORSHIP Offerattractivity • SPONSORSHIP • PR • Visibility • CSR • Media rights • Ticketing 2 1 REPUTATION SOCIAL CAPITAL BRAND 4 7 8 5 3 Interpersonnal Networking Sport Management PHYSICAL SUPPORT 6 resources Hospitality Management competencies

  19. « Reputational » Business Model Activation CRM SPONSORSHIP Sport Management • Offerattractivity • Media Rights • Sponsorship • Visibility • PR • CSR • Ticketing • Commercial • Brand 7 2 FACILITIES STADIUM ARENA REPUTATION BRAND 1 6 5 4 3 Brand Management Ticketing Entertainment SOCIAL CAPITAL resources 8 Negociation Hospitality competencies

  20. Cultural Business Model Activation CRM SPONSORSHIP Sport Management Ticketing Servicing Offerattractivity • Ticketing & Services • Sponsorship • CSR • PR • Visibility • Media Rights • Commercial brand 7 3 REPUTATION FALICITIES Stadium/Arena BRAND 2 6 5 1 4 Fan Relationship Management Brand Management SOCIAL CAPITAL resources 8 + Hospitality Negociation = ASSETS competencies

  21. Focus on Relational ressources and the offer Public Relations


  23. Product –Service - Experience PRODUCT Hospitality Servicing PR Players VIP People

  24. Interpersonal “ties” efficiency (Granovetter, 1973) “The Strength of Weak Ties”, 4 criteria : • Relation duration • Emotional intensity • Intimacy • Services reciprocity between stakeholders

  25. SPONSORSHIP SALES– Sector stabilisation returns 1 FINANCIAL SERVICES most volatile, but stabilising 2 BEVERAGE SECTOR on the rise 3 AUTOMOTIVES slight decline, still top 3 4 TELECOMS steady decline since crisis Trend analysis by sector

  26. Sponsors goals WHY ? HOW ? Media – Social Media – PR On site marketing operations PR (BtB & BtC) PR Activations • Top of mind (notoriety), image, reputation ! • Increase sales / product ou service placement • CRM, Prospection • Internal communication • Connect the fans to the brands

  27. ACTIVATION • « Connect the fans to the brands »

  28. Promotionalstrategy Anyform of communication used to inform, persuade or remind about companyproducts and services (Keller)

  29. Which of the following marketing communications channels do you use to leverage your sponsorship programs ?

  30. Activation axis Sponsorship – Event Communication Visibility Relational Hospitality Entertainment Experiential classical CRM Services Marketing Experiential Marketing innovationt

  31. Activation tools Billboards Printed supports Cause Related Marketing Scoring Referees PR Media Supports Web Marketing Web 2.0 Fans Objects Special Events Human Supports Stands Mobile Maketing Naming Seminars Conferences Games Official Supplier Branding Visibility Relations Participation Involvement


  33. Réputation ?

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