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Improved HSE Alert Procedure for Effective Communication

Enhancing communication through revamped HSE Alert procedure to address long lead times, ambiguity, and poor recognition issues. Proposing streamlined development and distribution process for prompt alerts. Ensuring workforce safety and timely information dissemination.

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Improved HSE Alert Procedure for Effective Communication

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  1. HSE Alerts HSE Steering Committee 2 June 1996

  2. Agenda • Current Procedure • Problems • Proposal

  3. Problems • Long lead time required (Often 21 days needed to produce an Alert) • Wording developed by “Committee” (Complaints of ambiguity and clever wording that obscures the message) • Possible Exposure to claims ( FLG requested to review each HSE Alert before release) • McCabe study indicated poor recognition/understanding of HSE Alerts by workforce

  4. Proposal • HSE Alert to be developed in consultation with incident owner • HSE Alerts to be issued by TSE dept. informally via E-Mail (Paper copies would cease.) • HSE Alert to be distributed to PDO managers, supervisors & Contract Holders • Supervisors to cascade information to workforce via toolbox talks

  5. E-Mail Verbal

  6. Sample Alert • This is to inform you that a Lost Time Accident occurred on the 2nd March 1996 at 10:15 hours involving an employee of Ali Hamed Al-Suleimany at Marmul. The accident occurred when the carpenter was using an electrical bench saw to cut a piece of wood. He badly injured his left hand resulting in traumatic amputation of the thumb through middle phalanx (only handing by skin) and a deep cut across the palm. • Contract Holders and supervisors are asked to inform the workforce of the incident at the next toolbox talk. A review of guards on table saws, drilling machines and other power tools with workers is also advised. Safety Alert

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