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Join us to explore the world of skillful techniques and expert craftsmanship with our artisans. Let us amaze you with our adroit skills and unique creations. Discover the beauty of artistry and mastery in our gallery. Our friendly staff will guide you through a peaceful and amicable experience. Witness the benevolent acts of kindness as we showcase charitable works. Experience a realm of creativity and innovation.
adroit Skillful, expert in the use of the hands or mind The painter was adroit in his trade and had a gallery of fine artwork to prove it.
amicable Peaceable, friendly My amicable friends always get me through hard times with their silliness.
averse Having a deep-seated distaste; opposed, unwilling Many people are averse to certain odors.
belligerent Given to fighting; warlike The Aztec Indians were belligerent to the Spanish conquistadors and treated them horribly.
benevolent Kindly, charitable The benevolent hospital volunteers spent countless hours making pink quilts for breast cancer patients.
Hasty, not thorough cursory My cursory glance through my papers didn’t let me find my homework at first.
duplicity Deceitfulness; dishonesty When the auditors checked the books, they found the bookkeeper’s duplicity had cost the church millions of dollars.
extol To praise extravagantly When Mr. Nolan says “Good morning” on the announcements, he never fails to extol us as the “greatest student body and faculty in the state of Tennessee.”
feasible Possible; able to be done Giving the cat a bath is not very feasible.
grimace A wry face, facial distortion; to make a wry face As soon as I saw the skunk, I began to grimace as though he had actually sprayed me.