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1.05 Understand the characteristics of the muscular system

Discover the key features of muscles including contractibility, excitability, extensibility, and elasticity. Learn how muscles function, the importance of muscle tone, and factors like exercise, fatigue, and movement mechanisms.

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1.05 Understand the characteristics of the muscular system

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  1. 1.05 Understand the characteristics of the muscular system

  2. 1.05 Understand the characteristics of the muscular system • What are the characteristics of muscles? 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  3. Characteristics of Muscles Contractibility Excitability Extensibility Elasticity 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  4. Characteristics of Muscles Contractibility 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  5. Characteristics of Muscles Contractibility Myoneural stimulation + contraction of muscle proteins = movement and heat 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  6. Characteristics of Muscles Contractibility Neurotransmitter at site of muscle stimulus. The sodium-potassium pump of the membrane of a muscle cell. The purpose of this slide is to illustrate the complexity of the process of movement. 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  7. Characteristics of Muscles Excitability - Irritability • The ability to respond to certain stimuli by producing impulses 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  8. Characteristics of Muscles Extensibility The ability to be stretched 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  9. Characteristics of Muscles Elasticity – The ability of the muscle to return to its original length when relaxing. 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  10. video on how a muscle fiber contracts • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ktv-CaOt6UQ 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  11. Characteristics of Muscles Contractibility Excitability Extensibility Elasticity 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  12. Muscle Tone Muscle tone: muscles always slightly contracted and ready to pull • Atrophy: a- without -trophy development • Hypertrophy: hyper- increased -trophy development 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  13. Muscle Tone John just got a cast off his leg. His calf muscle on the affected leg is 1” smaller in diameter than his other calf muscle. • What happened? • Atrophy of unused muscle • How do you explain this to him? • Muscle tone 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  14. Muscle ToneExercise & Training What are the advantages of exercise? Maintain muscle tone, unused muscles atrophy Are there any disadvantages of exercise? Excessive exercise can lead to hypertrophy 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  15. Muscle Fatigue • What causes muscle fatigue? • The buildup of lactic acid in the muscle during a period of vigorous exercise • How does the body correct muscle fatigue? • Increased respiration causing more oxygen to the muscles, increased respiration continues until the oxygen debt is paid back. Once the muscle returns to aerobic glucose use, respirations will slow down. 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  16. Muscle Fatigue • Is muscle fatigue dangerous? Why / why not? • Muscle fatigue can be dangerous if it turns in acidosis. • In a trained athlete not so dangerous, it can be dangerous to weekend warrior and leads to very sore and tender muscles • Some individuals are more prone to acidosis, such as a diabetic, and would want to be careful with muscle fatigue. 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  17. Muscle Fatigue Aerobic versus anaerobic exercise. Aerobic means using oxygen Anaerobic without oxygen • When exercising you use up a large portion of the oxygen in your body and the glucose in the cells can not be broken down for use fast enough. • So the muscle contracts anaerobically (without oxygen) which causes a buildup of lactic acid in the muscle and blood. • You are now in oxygen debt and will be until the amount of oxygen given to the cells is able to turn lactic acid back to glucose. • Muscle soreness is predominantly from lactic acid. 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  18. 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  19. 1.05 Understand the functions of the muscular system

  20. 1.05 Understand the functions of the muscular system • What are the functions of the muscular system? 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  21. What are the functions of the muscular system? Movement Form and shape Body heat to maintain body temperature Functions of the Muscular System 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  22. Movement:Skeletal Muscle • Receptors in muscles provide the brain with information about body position and movement. • The brain controls the contraction of skeletal muscle. 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  23. Movement Mechanism of skeletal muscle movement: • Point of origin Part of skeletal muscle that is attached to a fixed structure or bone. It moves the least during muscle contraction • Point of insertion Is the other end of muscle, which attached to a movable part, it is the part that moves the most 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  24. Movement • Prime mover • produces movement in a single direction • Biceps brachii • Antagonist • produces movement in the opposite direction • tricep • Synergists • a muscle that helps to stabilize a movement or joint • brachialis 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  25. Movement:Digestive System The nervous system regulates the speed at which food moves through the digestive tract. 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  26. Movement:Circulatory SystemHeartbeat The nervous system and hormones regulate the speed at which the heart beats. 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  27. Posture • How does the muscular system effect posture? • Muscles not being used • can cause some muscles • to tighten and some to get weak and the muscle then becomes longer which causes bad posture. 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  28. Body Heat What is the body’s response to cold? Why? When you get cold your brain sends signals to your muscles that make them tense up. When the muscles in your skin that are attached to hairs do this, they make the hairs stand up and pull your skin up just a bit, creating goose bumps. How is this response helpful? Muscles begin to create heat How does the body respond to exercise? Why? Muscles produce heat, and body produces perspiration when needed to cool the muscles down. 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  29. video on muscle contraction: antagonist/synergists • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I80Xx7pA9hQ 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  30. 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  31. 1.05 Understand the disorders of the muscular system

  32. 1.05 Understand the disorders of the muscular system • What are common disorders of the muscular system? • How are muscular disorders treated? • How does the muscular system relate to the body’s support and movement? 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  33. Myopathy Myo- muscle -pathy Disease or condition 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  34. Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia Cause - unknown Symptoms – chronic muscle pain that lasts 3-4 months in certain muscle points. Headache, fatigue, feelings of numbness, pain in the joints, mostly found in women. Diagnosis – a blood test called a FM/A identifies blood cell markers produced by immune system Treatment - focus on pain relief, stretching, regular excise, enough sleep, massage therapy, chiropractic procedures, relaxation techniques Prognosis- chronic long term disorder, controlling systems is the best that can be done. 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  35. Hernia Causes – occurs when an organ protrudes through a weak muscle Locations - abdominal hernia - organ (sm. Intestine) protrudes through abdominal muscle wall inguinal hernia - organ (sm. Intestine) protrudes through groin muscles hiatal hernia - stomach protrudes up through the diaphragm Symptoms – abdominal = pain, swelling, inguinal - soft lump in groin, pain, swelling hiatal - burning in stomach with possible vomiting

  36. Hernia • Diagnosis • self diagnose or doctor • Treatment • Organ goes back through the muscle wall on it’s own • Doctor can push it back into the right place • Surgery to put back into place and repair muscle • Prevention • Not smoking and avoid persistent cough • Maintain healthy body weight • Avoid straining during bowel movement • Do not lift weights or objects too heavy for you, lift with knees not back 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  37. Muscle Spasms or Crampis a sustained muscle contraction(Involuntary hypertonicity) Causes possible overuse of muscle or electrolyte abnormalities Locations calf, trapezius, chest wall, latissimus dorsi, legs toes Symptoms quick painful cramping of muscle and leaves quickly Diagnosis self diagnose, bad enough see a doctor Treatment stretching, exercising, medication, massage

  38. Muscular Dystrophy (MD) MD is a group of diseases in which the muscle cells deteriorate. Cause – genetic defect Symptoms - weakness of the muscles, falling, waddling gait, difficulty getting up from a lying or sitting position 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  39. Muscular Dystrophy (MD) • Diagnosis • Genetic testing, muscle biopsies, blood tests, exercise assessments • Treatment • Physical therapy, respiratory therapy, speech therapy, drug therapy, possible surgery • Prognosis • Depending on the type of MS some live to in their 20’s 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  40. Myasthenia Gravis Grave muscle weakness occurs when the connection between the nerves and muscle is lost. Cause: it is autoimmune Symptoms droopy eyelids, double vision, difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) Diagnosis blood test for the abnormal antibodies 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  41. Myasthenia Gravis Treatment medications thymectomy plasmapheresis Prognosis • Symptoms of myasthenia gravis usually progress to maximum severity within 3 years. After 3 years, patients usually stabilize or improve. Infants with transient neonatal MG may develop acute respiratory failure with a few weeks after bireth 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  42. Strain • What happened here? • Tearing and straining of the muscle causing injury and bleeding in the muscle • What symptoms is this man having? Why? • Pain • Swelling • Depending on strain, inability to use muscle 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  43. Strain • How will he treat them? • R.I.C.E. • Rest • Ice • Compression • Elevation • What is his prognosis? • With treatment muscle should repair without difficulty 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  44. Tendonitis Inflammation of the tendon Cause It can be a sudden injury, but it is most likely to come from the repetition of a particular movement over time. Symptoms • Pain and tenderness along a tendon, usually near a joint • Pain at night • Pain that is worse with movement or activity 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  45. Tendonitis • Diagnosis • Physical exam to look for signs of pain and tenderness when the muscle attached to the tendon is used against resistance • Treatment • Goal is pain relief • Rest or immobilization of the affected tendons with splint or brace • Nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory medications (aspirin or ibuprofen) • Physical therapy • Prognosis • Symptoms improve with treatment and rest. • If injury is from overuse, change work habits to prevent recurrence. 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  46. Tetanus Cause • infection of the nervous system with the potentially deadly bacteria Clostridium tetani Symptoms • Mild spasms in the jaw muscles (lockjaw) • Chest and neck spasms • Back spasms that often cause arching of the back • Can affect muscles that help with breathing which can lead to breathing problems Diagnosis • Physical exam and ask about your medical history - vaccination

  47. Tetanus Treatment • Antibiotics • Bed rest with a non stimulating environment • Medicine to reverse the poison • Muscle relaxers • Sedatives • Surgery Prognosis • Without treatment you can die • With treatment less than 10% of infected people die 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

  48. 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system • What are the characteristics of muscles? • What are the functions of the muscular system? • What are common disorders of the muscular system? • How are muscular disorders treated? • How does the muscular system relate to the body’s support and movement? 1.05 Understand the functions and disorders of the muscular system

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