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This workshop will explore how equality bodies can collaborate with civil society organizations to promote gender equality in education. Participants will share experiences in supporting gender-sensitive teaching and discuss strategies for their national context.
Workshop “Gender sensitive teaching” How to engage with civil society organisations Equinet Seminar “Gender Equality in Education” Prague, 19 May2016 Irene RosalesPolicy and campaigns officer
Objectives • How equality bodies can engage with Civil society organisations in promotinggenderequality in education • Share experiences in supporting gender sensitive teaching, in cooperation with women’s rights organisations. • Discuss strategies for your own national context
Structure • Presentation of two EWL member’s projects: Finland and Estonia • Group Discussion: • Share other practices • Reflect on the possibilities & challenges of the equality bodies in promoting GE in education • Added value of engagingwithwomen’sNGOs • Wrap up: • What have we learnt? • What will you do when back at the office?
Finland: “Gender sensitive in early childhood education –equal encounter un nursery schools”. • Project management: Feminist Association Uoni • Funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. • Timeframe: 2012-2015 • Objective: bring the concept and practices of gender sensitivity to the early education field in the finnishspeaking educational sector. http://www.tasa-arvoinenvarhaiskasvatus.fi/in-english/
Finland: “Gender sensitive in early childhood education” Background: • High ocupationalsegregation in Finland • Some projects concerning equality in schools but just a few in the field of early education. • Researchhadshown that there is many genderded elements in everyday life in nursery schools • Bullying related to gender norms
Finland: “Gender sensitive in early childhood education” Activities: • Research: systematic observations of activities in nursery schools and video taped • Follow up training programme reaching 2000 educators. • Several materials were also developed as tools: Brochures, checklists for teachers when developing activities etc
Finland: “Gender sensitive in early childhood education” Outcomes: • The educators started to give more attention to girls and girls were encouraged to step up more. The educators started to ask the boys to help out more often allowing everybody to speak and be heard • Finnish legislation of the early education is changing and it will promote equality and gender sensitivity.
Estonia: “Integrating Gender into Teacher Education and Training”. • Estonian Women’s Associations Roundtable (EWAR) • Funded by Norway grants • Partners: • Ministry of Social Affairs (Implementing Agency) • University of Tartu and Tallinn University • Association of Pre-School Teachers • Estonian Women’s Studies and Resource Centre • KUN, Centre for Gender Equality, Norway • Timeframe: 2014-2016 http://eeagrants.org/project-portal/project/EE09-0005
Estonia: “Integrating Gender into Teacher Education and Training”. Objective: Integrate the gender perspective into teacher education and training, raising awareness among teacher educators by developing a comprehensive system of support to achieve the objective Background and identification of the problem • Traditional conservative society. • High rate of gendered choices of education careers gender occupational segregation. • Gender pay gap , one of the highest in Europe. • Teachers are not aware about “gender”; gender inequalities.
Estonia: “Integrating Gender into Teacher Education and Training”. Activities • Research: quantitative and qualitative surveys on attitudes. • Analysingteacher education curricula give suggestions for (elective, optional) course development on gender issues (at Tallinn University and University of Tartu. • Trainingfor pre-school, basic and upper secondary school, and vocational school teachers: Brochures • Produce a video for discussing the “hidden curriculum” filming in a kindergarten to identify gender bias. • Comms: web portal, final conference, articles in the media • Roundtable meetingswith key players in the field of gender and education.
Estonia: “Integrating Gender into Teacher Education and Training”. • Solid base for a comprehensive system for promoting gender equality in education and society generally in Estonia. • Challenge: finding continued funding for making the results of the project sustainable and keeping the gender and education high on the agenda.
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