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Advancing Fusion Energy: US Program Road Map Study Group

Explore the path for the US Fusion Program to transition into an energy-focused initiative, with a roadmap study group outlining key milestones and actions to strengthen the program's global standing.

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Advancing Fusion Energy: US Program Road Map Study Group

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  1. Advancing Fusion Energy on a Global Scale Dale Meade Fusion Innovation Research and Energy Princeton, NJ Presented at Technology of Fusion Energy (TOFE) Meeting Philadelphia, PA August 22, 2016 http://firefusionpower.org

  2. Present Outlook for Magnetic Fusion Energy • The world fusion program is entering a critical phase as attention is focused on the status of the ITER construction project, and national programs are broadening to address other issues needed to make fusion energy a reality. • Europe, China, Japan and Korea have made major commitments to strong domestic programs with major new facilities at the frontier of fusion research, and have strong and growing fusion technology programs. • This talk will focus on identifying some activities that the US fusion program can carry out to position itself to remain among the leaders in the world fusion program.

  3. 20 Years ago - Significant Fusion Power Produced 1991 JET 90/10-DT, 2 MJ/pulse, Q ~ 0.15, 2 pulses 1993-97 TFTR 50/50-DT, 7.5MJ/pulse, 11 MW, Q ~ 0.3, 1000 D-T pulses, Alpha heating observed, Alpha driven TAEs - alpha diagnostics ICRF heating scenarios for D-T 1 MCi (100 g) of T throughput, closed cycle T processing, tritium retention 3 years of operation with DT, and then decommissioned. 1997 JET 50/50-DT 22MJ/pulse, 16 MW, Q ~ 0.65, ~100 D-T pulses Alpha heating extended, ICRF DT Scenarios extended, DT pulse length extended Near ITER scale D-T processing plant Remote handling These were the first burning plasma experiments: – detailed alpha physics including alpha heating, slowing down, transport – DT operational scenarios, DT heating scenarios – Successful operation at full parameters at high availability without incident If this does not lead to a fusion energy program, What does it take??

  4. How can the US Fusion Program be strengthened? • The US Fusion Program has been following a comfortable BAU science approach without externally visible goals and little risk of failure (or success). Fusion energy will never be achieved with this approach. • How does the US Fusion program transition from a science-focused program to an energy-focused program? • An overall Road Map to Fusion Energy (Similar to the EU) that involves both roll forward and roll back considerations. • Identification of key issues and milestones to resolve them. Some would call this a technical contract. A litmus test for fusion. • Identification of possible options with criteria described to make strategic decisions. • Technical assessment by fusion energy research “experts” • Assessment by external technical energy research gate keepers

  5. If it’s Important to get there, You Make a Road Map • Starting Point • Goal • Possible Routes • Obstacles • Metrics for Progress A Road Map is not a Strategic Plan, but it is necessary to make one

  6. Why Work on a Fusion Roadmap Now? • To demonstrate that there are realistic technical paths to a Magnetic Fusion DEMO - essential to convince others that fusion is worth supporting even if the funding is not yet available to follow an aggressive path. • To update previous studies, and develop some initial views on the relative attributes of various paths, and to identify critical R&D tasks. • In difficult of times, it is even more important to have a Road Map to make progress. The Road Map should identify several exciting deliverables that will sustain funding between now and ITER 1st Plasma. • The European Fusion Program has developed a Road Map for Fusion Energy, It has been accepted by the European Commission and was used to justify budget increases for the next EU framework plan – Horizon 2020.

  7. US Magnetic Fusion Program Leaders Initiative: Road Map Study Group (2012-13) Members Dale Meade Chair Steve Zinkle Materials Chuck Kessel Power Plant Studies, FNSPA Andrea Garofalo Toroidal Physics Neil Morley Blanket Technology Jerry Navratil University Experimental Perspective Hutch Neilson 3-D Toroidal, Road Map Studies Dave Hill Toroidal Alternates Dave Rasmussen Enabling Technology, ITER Bruce Lipschultz/Dennis Whyte Plasma Wall Interactions Reactor Innovations Background FESAC 35 Yr RJG (2003) FESAC Opportunity MG (2007) ReNeW Study (2009) FNSP Assessment CK (2011) FESAC Materials SZ (2012) FESAC Int Collab DM (2012) EU Road Map/Annex (2013) China CFETR Plan (2013)

  8. General Considerations • Road Map driven by Goal and Associated Missions (Goal is a Fusion Power Plant) • Strive for quantitative milestones and metrics as mileage markers - Quantitative dimensional and dimensionless Figures of Merit - Technical Readiness Levels • Setup logic Framework for Mission milestones and Decision points • Identify facilities needed to achieve mission milestones • Must have parallel (overlapping) steps (as in the 1970s) for a reasonable schedule • Detailed cost estimates are beyond scope our exercise, however - Consider ball park cost when choosing steps, avoid Mountain of Death - Our charge assumes funding capability to move forward as in 1970s - look for near term deliverables to bootstrap funding of later steps • Gap/Risk Assessment - Gap assessment is straight forward, but quantitative risk assessment is difficult.

  9. Major Mission Elements on the Path to an MFE Power Plant Mission 1. Create Fusion Power Source Mission 2. Tame the Plasma Wall Interface Mission 3. Harness the Power of Fusion Mission 4. Develop Materials for Fusion Energy Mission 5. Establish the Economic Attractiveness, and Environmental Benefits of Fusion Energy • Restatement of Greenwald Panel and ReNeW themes • Each Mission has ~ five sub-missions

  10. More Work Needed here • Compare with EU, NAS IFE Rpt, FESAC Materials Rpt • Describe reqmts for each TRL with issues, milestones

  11. s) DEMO 1000s Mission 1: Create Fusion Power Source Gap ITER FNSF Add projected JT60-SA, EAST, KSTAR, W7-X, Fusion Plasma Sustainment Time (sec) FESAC IC Version, Modification of Kikuchi figure

  12. Milestones can be Defined to Clarify TRLs Now • Attain high burning plasma performance TRL 4: Q~1 achieved in DT experiments in TFTR/JET & extended with DT in JET 2017 with a Be wall • Control high performance burning plasma: TRL 3: Q~1 DT experiments in TFTR/JET see self-heating TRL 4: DIII-D ECH dominated ITER baseline experiments JET DT experiments on TAE transport in Q~1 DT plasmas with Be walls • Sustain fusion fuel mix and stable burn:TRL 5: NBI Tritium fueling in TFTR/JET & cryo pellet injection technology • Sustain magnetic configuration-AT Configuration:TRL 4: Bootstrap current widely observed; non-inductive sustained plasmas observed on JT-60U & DIII-D using NBI-CD/LHCD/ECCD TRL 5-6: DIII-D/K-STAR/JT-60SA observation of ≥80% bootstrap sustained plasma EAST/K-STAR/WEST observation of RF & bootstrap sustained SS plasma • Sustain magnetic configuration-ST Configuration: • TRL 3: Bootstrap current observed in NSTX; CHI demonstrated non-inductive current drive • TRL 4: NSTX-U demonstrate non-inductive start-up and sustainment extrapolable to FNSF-AT • Attain high burning plasma performance compatible with plasma exhaust: TRL 3: JET/DIII-D/ASDEX-U demonstration of detached divertor operation TRL 4: JET/DIII-D/K-STAR demonstration of detached divertor in SS AT ITER like plasma TRL 4: NSTX-U demonstration of advanced divertor operation in FNSF-ST like plasma TRL 5: Test stand validation of long lifetime divertor PMI material Now * Now * Now * Now * • * Support Facilities Now Key: Now *

  13. Mission /TRL Milestones can be used to Inform Decisions DEMO Const FNSF CDA FNSF EDA DEMO EDA FNSF Const DEMO CDA ITER Basis Create Fusion Power Source Tame Plasma Wall Interface Harness Fusion Power Materials for Fusion Power Economic Attractiveness 9 7.5? 5 TRL=4 7.5? 9 TRL=4 5 7.5? 9 TRL=2 3 7.5? 8 3 TRL=2 DT ITER Initiate Construction Initiate Operation Gain~10 500 MW DEMO Basis Define Mission Legend Milestone Decision Point Goal FNSF Initiate Operation Initiate CDA Phase I Results Phase II Results Initiate EDA Initiate Const. DEMO OPS DEMO Initiate CDA Initiate EDA Initiate Construction Electricity From Fusion ITER + FNSF => AT DEMO Pathway

  14. ITER + FNSF => AT DEMO Pathway (Milestones to Initiate Construction of AT FNSF) Create Fusion Power Source • attain required AT Parameters (H98>1.1; bN>2.8; 100% NI) for 4 tcr • demonstrate plasma control (≤ 1 unmitigated disruption per year) • V&V AT Plasma Simulations for FNSF operating scenario, Tame Plasma Wall Interface • Demonstrate Exhaust Power Handling: P/S =1-2 MWm-2 with Pdiv/Adiv<10 MWm-2, 1 week • Qualify Candidate Divertor Materials – Temp, Tretention, erosion life, neutron effects • V&V PMI Simulations for FNSF exhaust power handling integrated with core plasma Harness Fusion Power • Leading Candidate blanket concept identified and R&D taken to TRL~5 • Qualify Tritium Handling Plan • Qualify Remote Maintenance Scheme Materials for Fusion Power • Identify blanket structural material and qualify up to 25 dpa • Demo viable mat’ls and tech’gy for continuous tritium extraction from fusion blankets Establish Economic Attractiveness and Environmental Benefits of fusion • Preliminary Safety Analysis and Environmental Impact Statement approved

  15. C-Mod, DIII-D, ASDEX-U, JET EAST, KSTAR WEST JT60-SA ITER ITER QSSE LHD Facilities for US Magnetic Fusion Program Road Map AT or ST for FNSF? NSTX-U, MAST-U AT OK for Demo Basis? Adv Tokamak Pathway FNSF? AT or ST FNSF JET PMI Facilities Blanket Facilities DEMO OK for Demo Basis? Materials Facilities Stellarator NS DT QS Stellarator Pathway Non-DT QSS OK for BP or PP Basis? W7-X Stellarator Base Program

  16. Mission 5. Establish the Economic Attractiveness, and Environmental Benefits of Fusion Energy • • Emphasis has been on making ITER work, need to make fusion work! • • Need to actively seek Innovations- back to fundamentals with an open mind and critical assessment* and exploitation. Need to reward programmatic risk. • • Some examples: • -H-Mode (35 years old, significant defects) need better – Separatrix away from edge • - AT Mode ( 25 years old, incremental progress) – will this be stable in a Hi Q BP?? • Optimized Stellarators – practical engineering, moderate scale tests •  – Liquid metals – Liquid Li Divertor Target (1973), system study - technology • – Advanced Divertors have rediscovered 1975 Concepts – neutrons, space • HTSC – (1986) continued development of conductor and Exploitation in MFE • New structural configurations - liquid pool blanket, force free coils, maintainable • Materials – nano engineered, 3-D graded components, neutrons. - why not SNS??? • – more *An Evaluation of Alternate Magnetic Fusion Concepts 1977 (DOE/ET-0047)

  17. National Academy Study on the Future of US Magnetic Fusion • The National Academy will soon start a study on the future of the US Magnetic Fusion Program. The charge is still embargoed but will likely ask for a review of future opportunities for the US Magnetic Fusion Program with and without US participation in ITER. • The study will likely take two years to complete. However, the previous 2004 Burning Plasma Study released a preliminary report within 4 months. Therefore, early input is essential. • The Fusion Community needs to be extremely proactive, self organize and present well thought out options. Don’t wait to be asked! • The new FIRE web site, http://firefusionpower.org, will serve as a repository of information, and as a forum to encourage community discussion.

  18. Concluding Remarks • Tho world fusion community is focused on fusion energy. The US is out of synch with the world magnetic fusion community, and is in danger of falling from among the leaders to a follower in the quest for fusion energy. • The technical basis for the US to transition to a fusion energy program is strong. A Technical Contract should be established with the fusion community to define the specific requirements. • The technical fusion issues to be solved are well understood and a framework has been identified that could help develop a Road Map to achieve MFE. • The Road Map should identify several exciting deliverables that will sustain funding between now and ITER 1st Plasma. • The Nation Academy study is a critical step in developing the criteria for the transition to a fusion energy program, and the US Fusion Community should be very active participants. Comments – to dmeade@pppl.gov

  19. Even Uncle Sam is getting impatient! I want you to find out if fusion energy will work, and do it in my lifetime.

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