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Agenda 09/09/10

Agenda 09/09/10. Stamp Principles of Const. flip book Lecture notes – the 3 branches Independent work Reading and study questions Rights of American Citizens Go over study questions at end of period. The Three Branches Legislative Branch.

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Agenda 09/09/10

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  1. Agenda 09/09/10 • Stamp Principles of Const. flip book • Lecture notes – the 3 branches • Independent work • Reading and study questions Rights of American Citizens • Go over study questions at end of period

  2. The Three Branches Legislative Branch • The Legislative Branch includes two houses in Congress • The House of Representatives • the Senate • Congress has two primary roles • Make the national laws • Control federal spending • The federal government cannot spend any money unless Congress appropriates it • Appropriates = sets aside funds

  3. Legislative Branch • All tax/spending bills originate in the House • Bills are approved by both houses • Bill goes to President for a signature

  4. Legislative Branch • Congress also monitors the Executive branch and investigates possible abuses of power • Representatives can impeach any federal officer (including President) • Impeach = bring charges against • If impeached – Senate acts as the court • If found guilty = removal from office

  5. Legislative Branch • Special Powers of the Senate • Ratify treaties & • confirm Presidential appointments (Supreme Court judges…etc.) • Congress at work • Congress works in committees to write and pass bills through each house. • Once a committee approves a bill it is sent to the floor of the House or Senate for a vote

  6. Executive Branch • The Executive branch includes the President, VP and various executive offices, department and agencies • The Executive Branch carries out the laws passed by Congress • The President plays many roles in government and each comes with different powers and responsibilities.

  7. Executive BranchRoles of the President • Chief Executive • Carry out the nation’s laws • Chief Diplomat • Directs foreign relations, deals with other nations • Commander in Chief • Head of armed forces • Use military troops to intervene or offer assistance

  8. Executive BranchRoles of the President • Chief of State • Symbolic role as the representative of all Americans • Visiting other nations, honoring Americans • Legislative Leader • Proposing laws to Congress (can’t write bill) • In the State of the Union Address President sets legislative goals

  9. Executive Branch • 15 Executive Departments, each responsible for a different area of government • Heads of these departments make up the President’s cabinet • Cabinet = Panel of Presidential advisors

  10. Judicial Branch • The Constitution calls for the creation of a Supreme Court and any necessary inferior courts • Today the judicial branch consists of three main categories of courts • District Courts • Lowest level of federal court • Criminal cases like tax evasion, kidnapping

  11. Judicial Branch • Appellate Courts • Appeals courts that review cases from lower courts, at the request of the losing side • Can choose to agree with lower court (uphold) • Can decide to disagree with lower court (over turn) • Supreme Court • Final authority in the federal court system • Takes cases of appeals from lower courts

  12. Judicial Branch • The Supreme Court is the least public of the three branches • Judges are free to make decisions without worrying about voters • The Supreme Court exercises judicial review • Judicial review = SC declares laws constitutional or unconstitutional

  13. Amendment Chart

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