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Teaching and Learning Research Programme

CREATING KNOWLEDGE TOGETHER IN THE CONTEXT OF RESEARCH ASSESSMENT. Teaching and Learning Research Programme. PROGRAMME DEVELOPMENT: Early user engagement Knowledge generation by p roject teams Knowledge synthesis by thematic groups Knowledge transformation with users & task groups

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Teaching and Learning Research Programme

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  2. PROGRAMME DEVELOPMENT: • Early user engagement • Knowledgegeneration by project teams • Knowledge synthesis by thematic groups • Knowledge transformationwith users & task groups • Outputs for impact Teaching and Learning Research Programme

  3. TLRP offers added value through: • analysing key issues • responding to contemporary events • building international cooperation • conceptualising key factors in teaching and learning Teaching and Learning Research Programme

  4. Analysing key issues: thematic activity • Conferences • Thematic Groups • Thematic Seminar Series • Directors’ Team portfolios • Sectoral reviews • Northern Irish, Scottish, Welsh (and English) initiatives on application Teaching and Learning Research Programme

  5. 2. Responding to contemporary events: ‘policy task groups’ Teaching and Learning Research Programme Short-term groups working at short notice on issues of immediate contemporary relevance to policy and/or practice, and rapidly publishing the outcomes

  6. TLRP Commentaries • Personalised learning • 14-19 education • e-strategy and electronic knowledge management in education Teaching and Learning Research Programme

  7. 3. Building international cooperation: Teaching and Learning Research Programme • ERA-NET proposal being in preparation • Many other international links

  8. 4. Conceptualising key factors in teaching and learning: Teaching and Learning Research Programme An overarching challenge? The most enduring difference we could make would be to influence the basic ways in which people think about learning and teaching

  9. To even begin to offer a conceptual framework, we would need: Teaching and Learning Research Programme • A parsimonious set of key factors • Cumulative evidence of their empirical significance • Conceptual clarity To influence everyday thinking, we would need: • An accessible language of description • Imaginative anchors into existing culture

  10. Teaching and Learning Research Programme

  11. CONCEPTUALISATION? (cross-Programme analysis) DATA-BASEDESIGN (areas of expertise/particular interests) META-TAGGING (data-retrieval/integration) Teaching and Learning Research Programme

  12. RAE provisional timetable to 2008 Nov/Dec 2004 Panel membership announced and guidance for panels issued February 2005 First round of panel meetings begins June 2005 Guidance on submissions issued August 2005 Draft criteria and working methods of main panels and sub-panels issued for consultation November/December 2005 Final criteria and working methods of main panels and sub-panels issued 31 July 2007 End of assessment period (and cut-off point for publication of cited outputs) 31 October 2007 Census date 30 November 2007 Closing date for submissions December 2008 Results published

  13. RAE on applied and practice-based research The RAE should produce sound and well respected judgements of excellence for the full range of research undertaken in HE across the UK, including applied and practice-based research. 1. Guidance to all panels on recognising excellence in applied research on an equal footing with excellence in basic research. Wherever necessary and possible, they should do so by identifying appropriate criteria for excellence in relation to such work and the specific evidence to be considered in applying these criteria. We expect that the criteria and evidence sets, which may vary between disciplines, will be identified and developed with a strong input from appropriately qualified panel members and in consultation with key stakeholders. 2. Panels to include people from a practitioner or user perspective. This means identifying and recruiting panel members who have experience both in conducting research and in commissioning and applying it at a senior level. This would include where appropriate the conduct and application of research linked to professional practice.

  14. PROGRAMME DEVELOPMENT: • Early user engagement • Knowledgegeneration by project teams • Knowledge synthesis by thematic groups • Knowledge transformationwith users & task groups • Outputs for impact Teaching and Learning Research Programme

  15. Pasteur’s quadrant

  16. Project outputs: • RoutledgeFalmer • Gateway books • Improving Learning series • Practitioner books and materials (A4) • Taylor & Francis/Carfax • Journal articles (badged) • Special issues (badged) Teaching and Learning Research Programme

  17. Improving Learning cover blurb: The Improving Learning series provides accessible introductions to a new type of educational research combining ‘relevance’ and ‘quality’. Relevance comes from a focus on significant contemporary issues and a very high level of practitioner and researcher collaboration throughout each project. Research quality comes from the use of advanced social scientific methods within the UK’s largest ever coordinated education research initiative. Books in the Improving Learning series provide a concise overview of the work of each project – a ‘gateway’ to key findings and their application. Teaching and Learning Research Programme

  18. RAE sub-panel possibilities Continued primacy of attention to research quality of outputs in social scientific terms? More attention to applied and practice-based research, and ‘specific evidence’ to be considered? Some form of permeating consideration of research culture, capacity building, research strategies, etc? A larger, cross-sectoral sub-panel, with more user members? A higher proportion of outputs being ‘read’?

  19. Teaching and Learning Research Programme Will there be ‘constructive alignment’ between the aims, strategies and outputs of the Programme and the criteria, working practices and judgements of the RAE?

  20. Teaching and Learning Research Programme Elements of the TLRP strategy Working together with respect Building on the positive Facing key issues Communicating openly

  21. Teaching and Learning Research Programme The underlying rationale Social capital Engagement Collective action Transformative commitment Strategic positioning (after Sachs, 2003)

  22. Teaching and Learning Research Programme What then is? Still many weaknesses and challenges, uncertainties, threats to educational research…… …….. But also strengths, commitment, energy, opportunities and, not least, hope?

  23. Teaching and Learning Research Programme and what might be? We support the constructive, collective development of expertise among UK educational researchers In alliance with research users, we contribute our knowledge and understanding about educational issues within democratic processes

  24. Teaching and Learning Research Programme and what might be? We strengthen the status of educational researchers and the respect in which they are held across the UK Culturally embedded conceptualisations of learning and teaching become more sophisticated and evidence-informed

  25. Teaching and Learning Research Programme and what might be? Over time, outcomes for learners of all ages and settings across the UK improve

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