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Unicenter NSM Tips & Tricks Release r11.x

Unicenter NSM Tips & Tricks Release r11.x. Revised September 26, 2006. Abstract. The presentation provides Tips and Tricks that may help you overcome a few of the day-to-day r11 challenges. It is not intended to be a replacement for Support or Documentation.

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Unicenter NSM Tips & Tricks Release r11.x

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  1. Unicenter NSM Tips & TricksRelease r11.x Revised September 26, 2006

  2. Abstract • The presentation provides Tips and Tricks that may help you overcome a few of the day-to-day r11 challenges. • It is not intended to be a replacement for Support or Documentation

  3. What is the “Best Practices Page”? • The r11 Implementation Best Practices page (formerly the “Implementation CD”) is a collection of best practices and customization tips (i.e., "cookbooks") developed both in-house and in the field. • Its purpose is to provide a set of additional guidelines for planning for, installing and deploying CA software solutions - notably Unicenter NSM and its associated options. • It is available to clients on SupportConnect and, due to frequent (often weekly) updates, is not currently available as a CD

  4. How can I access r11 Best Practices ? • Available through CA Technical Support website (http://supportconnect.ca.com). Direct link is: • http://supportconnectw.ca.com/premium/impcd/r11/starthere.htm • Free to all Unicenter Users – though login to SupportConnect is required

  5. DIA Tips

  6. DIA Cgene I have configured Agent technology to use DIA protocol. How can I verify the communication?

  7. Agent Communication Configuration • Configuration file • %AGENTWORKS_DIR\SERVICES\CONFIG\ atservices.ini • Section -> [SNMP] • Parameter -> UseSnmp • 0 – DIA only • 1 – SNMP only • 2 – DIA to CA-Agents (Enterprise OID 791), SNMP otherwise • 3 – either DIA or SNMP depending on target machine • Defaults to 3

  8. aws_orb DIA communication • On Agent Technology Node1 • Execute cgrecv • On Agent Technology Node2 • Execute cgsend <node1> <message text> <count> • This is to similar to cci send and receive tests

  9. cgsend & cgRecv

  10. Cginqy Inquiry This shows AT DIA protocol is active

  11. DIA Debug How do I turn on debugging for DIA?

  12. DIA Debugging • Update ukb.cfg and change Log_Level option • Update dna.cfg and change Log_Level option

  13. Update ukb.cfg

  14. Update dna.cfg

  15. Ukb.cfg

  16. dna.cfg

  17. UKB log file

  18. dna log file

  19. DIA UKB How do I display the UKB list?

  20. What is UKB? • Unicenter Knowledge Base (UKB) is a component of DIA and is installed when a NSM manager component is installed. • If NSM manager component is NOT installed, it may just install DNA • Acts as a broker between dataconsumers (e.g., UMP, MCC, etc.) and data providers (e.g., MDBcells, wvcell, EventCell , etc.) • Master Knowledge Base (MKB) contains the list of all UKB and is responsible for zone management as defined in ukrule.xms

  21. diaTool • diaTool is a utility for administering DIA and DNA cells on all servers • To launch diatool • cd “C:\Program Files\CA\SharedComponents\CCS\DIA\dia\ukb\bin” • Execute diatool %computername%

  22. UKB List

  23. DIA UKB How do I ascertain the master UKB?

  24. Master UKB • Launch diatool • Click on Grid Table

  25. UKB Master

  26. Review of Debug LogFile

  27. DIA UKB What is the selection process for the Master UKB?

  28. Master UKB Selection Process • Checks dna.cfg to see if OverrideSRV option is specified. If so, that will take the precedence • If dna.cfg is not updated, it will then check for SRV record for Master UKB.

  29. OverrideSRV

  30. SRV

  31. SRV Lookup

  32. SRV Lookup

  33. DIA How do I check the state of DNA cells? Furthermore, if I have problems with DIA, how can I clean up my DIA Setup?

  34. DIA Setup Cleanup • Review NSM r11.0 “DIA Tips and Troubleshooting” document (available from SupportConnect) for description of cleanup procedures • DNA config directory include some key files. If any of these files are deleted, it will prevent the DNA cells from functioning correctly. For example if skf12aes.dia file is deleted, it will require DNA cells to be re-registered. So, only delete files listed in the above document

  35. DNA Cells States • To check the status of DNA cells, launch diatool and select the machine in question • DNA Running status is listed in right hand pane

  36. DNA Cells States • An exclamation point icon next to the state indicates a problem. Review NSM r11.0 “DIA Tips and Troubleshooting” document for tips on resolving these errors

  37. Ingres & SQL MDB Tips

  38. Ingres User ID creation I want to create another Ingres Database user ID to administer Ingres MDB maintenance. What Ingres commands are required to do this?

  39. Ingres user ID creation In this example the “ateam” user ID was created with full privileges. Command must be executed with Ingres install user ID. In this case, NSM r11 was installed from administrator user ID and the current login ID is administrator as well

  40. ckpdb using new admin userid

  41. Ingres MDB How do I determine the number of active connections? This is to ensure that it does not exceed the maximum allowed, which can then kill Netserver process

  42. Ingres Server

  43. Ingres Client

  44. Ingres Startup I manually started Ingres using ingstart command. Now Agent Technology is unable to update MDB. Why?

  45. WorldView Severity Propagation Service • Severity Propagation is dependent on Ingres service for Ingres MDB • Agent Technology is dependent on Severity propagation registration • If Ingres was started by ingstart command without using –service option, Ingres service will not start and this will prevent Severity Propagation from starting • Agent Technology will continue to wait for Severity propagation registration

  46. Resolution • Use ingstart –service option to start the Ingres service as well • If the Severity Propagation service is not started, then start the service after starting Ingres Service

  47. MDB What housekeeping maintenance should be performed on MDB?

  48. MDB Housekeeping • MDB section on Implementation Best Practices Page includes several presentations on MDB “care and feeding” – day to day maintenance. • Ingres MDB • MDB Care and Feeding of SQL MDB • R11 Ingress MDB Backup and Recovery • SQL MDB • MDB Care and Feeding of SQL MDB • Oracle MDB • MDB Care and Feeding of Oracle MDB

  49. Migration I am migrating from NSM 3.x to r11. Even though the install does not allow me to select Ingres Server or Ingres client, it then complains that I am missing the Ingres client. Why?

  50. Ingres not selectable? Does not allow any of the Ingres options to be selected despite Managers selected.

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