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National Geospatial Advisory Committee. Discussion of FGDC Guidance to NGAC March 18, 2011. National Geospatial Advisory Committee. 2011 FGDC Guidance – Key Elements. Innovative Strategies for Geospatial Programs and Partnerships Geospatial Platform Implementation
National Geospatial Advisory Committee Discussion of FGDC Guidance to NGAC March 18, 2011 National Geospatial Advisory Committee
2011 FGDC Guidance – Key Elements • Innovative Strategies for Geospatial Programs and Partnerships • Geospatial Platform Implementation • Geospatial Workforce Development • Emerging Technologies • Geospatial Partnerships with Tribal Governments • Geospatial Programs and Initiatives • Broadband Mapping • National Parcel Data • Geolocation Privacy • Transportation for the Nation • National Elevation Data
Innovative Strategies for Geospatial Programs and Partnerships Guidance: Provide feedback and recommendations on how FGDC partner agencies can: • Strategically leverage and influence technologies, policies, & trends • Foster a data integration environment that facilitates better decision-making and supports place-based policies • Utilize public-private partnerships and other innovative solutions to develop geospatial data, fill critical data gaps, and leverage scarce resources. Potential Approach & Focus • Establish a small task team to explore the issue starting from the work of previous subcommittees (Partnerships , Policy, etc.) • Draft recommendations & solicit additional ideas by June meeting • Draft a White Paper for further discussion at the October meeting
Geospatial Platform Implementation Guidance: Upon request of the FGDC, provide feedback and advice on opportunities to facilitate interagency and intergovernmental collaboration in implementing the Geospatial Platform. Potential Approach & Focus • Continue the current Subcommittee. Add new members. • Address current and future requests from the FGDC Community. • What specific offerings (data, services, applications) are available from State/Regional/Local/Tribal governments that could be integrated with the Federal Geospatial Platform in the short term? • What incentives could the Federal government consider to encourage non-Federal contributions to the Platform? • What are the best mechanisms for identifying ongoing requirements and potential contributions to the Platform from our State/Regional/Local/Tribal partners?
Geospatial Workforce Guidance: Provide recommendations on possible approaches to develop intergovernmental and public-private strategies to facilitate the development, training, and retention of a highly skilled workforce to meet the expanding geospatial needs of public and private-sector organizations. Potential Approach & Focus • Continue the current Subcommittee. Add new members. • Continue to research and assess geospatial workforce-related studies and activities currently planned or underway • Examine opportunities for synergies with the Administration’s STEM education initiatives. • Assess potential role/involvement/support from FGDC & NGAC • Engage in dialogue with DOL & OPM
Emerging Technologies Guidance: Provide analysis, advice, and recommendations on the impacts that new and emerging technologies are likely to have on the management and use of federal geospatial data and programs. Potential Approach & Focus • Continue the current subcommittee. Add new members. • Identify opportunities to utilize cloud computing technology and resources in innovative ways to support geospatial programs. • Continue to make members and FGDC Community aware of new technologies and impacts on geospatial data, applications, and practices.
Geospatial Partnerships with Tribal Governments Guidance: Provide advice and recommendations on innovative approaches to develop collaborative partnerships with Tribal governments to foster effective development of geospatial data and capabilities. Potential Approach & Focus • Establish an exploratory task team to research current practices and opportunities • Report results and recommendations to the NGAC at the June meeting • Determine next steps to address this issue areas
Geospatial Programs & Initiatives Guidance: Provide feedback and recommendations on key Federal geospatial initiatives, programs, and issues, upon request from the FGDC partner agencies through the DFO. Examples may include but are not limited to: Broadband Mapping, National Parcel Data, Geolocation Privacy, Transportation for the Nation, and National Elevation Data. Potential Approach & Focus • Identify an NGAC Point of Contact (POC) for each identified program or initiative • POC will coordinate with FGDC and Program Manager • POC will report back to NGAC members as needed • Active programs and issues may require a Task Team