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Understanding Personality Styles for Effective Communication

Enhance communication skills by utilizing personality styles, improve teamwork, resolve conflicts, and adapt to different management styles. Learn about introverts, extroverts, sensing, and intuition to maximize productivity.

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Understanding Personality Styles for Effective Communication

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  1. Personality Styles Lori Severson Lori Severson Severson & Associates Phone: 608-525-2323 Fax: 608-582-4529 lori@seversonandassociates.com www.Seversonandassociates.com

  2. Buddy Checks • You must ask a person to be your buddy. • They must confirm & check to be sure they have the number you requested open. • Your number and their number should match. • You should fill all slots with different people if possible. • Try not to select “used” Buddies. • Buddy Checks are quick, when I call the number of your buddy, find the person & talk about the topic. You will have only a short time so get right to the task. • When you hear the signal the Buddy Check is over.

  3. Earn Your Tickets • Earn tickets by participating & sharing • Earn fun prizes at the end of the session

  4. Tool Should Be Used for: • Communicating more effectively with supervisors, peer, and employees. • Solving organizational & personal problems. • Making the most of individual resources and natural strengths. • Improve teamwork. • Understand and adapt to differences in management styles. • Conflict resolution.

  5. Using the Personality Styles • Understanding individuals: • How they use their energy. • How they gather information. • How they make decisions. • How they take action

  6. Introverts & Extroverts • These two styles deal with how a person gets energized.

  7. Extrovert • Fill in pauses in the conversation. • Brainstorm aloud. • Communicate energy and enthusiasm. • Respond quickly without long pauses to think-sometimes without thinking. • Tuned up/energized by people. • Like interaction. • Social • Multiple relationships. • Like talking out loud before coming to conclusions.

  8. Introvert Like quiet for concentration Tend not to mind working on one project for a long time. Like to think a lot before they act, sometimes without acting. Enjoy reading and pursuing solitary activities. Being around people can drain their energy. Like to think before responding, sometimes without responding. Keep energy and enthusiasm inside. Territorial Have limited relationships.

  9. Introverts & Extroverts These two styles deal with how a person gets energized • Skit A: • Did anyone have trouble spotting the Extravert or the Introvert? • Did anyone see a right or a wrong in this situation? • Where did you see the failure to communication? By the Extravert – Introvert or both? • What do you suppose Susan’s real purpose was in her talk with Joe? • Could Joe have done something to prevent the misunderstanding that occurred? How • Do you think the misunderstanding would still have happened if Susan & Joe were coworkers rather than supervisor and subordinate? If so why? • Should Joe have been better prepared, in general, to cope with his extraverted supervisor? How? • Should Susan be better prepared to converse with Joe without putting him in a situation where he is ill at ease and unsure? How? • How could understanding the I/E prevent misunderstandings and optimize productivity in your world? Personal and work?

  10. Extraverts & Introverts Extraverts: What I admire most about Introverts is…. Introverts: What I admire most about Extraverts is… Extraverts: The real strength of the Introvert style is…. Introverts: The real strength of the Extravert style is… Extraverts: The real weakness of the Introvert style is…. Introverts: The real weakness of the Extravert style is… Extraverts: What I don’t understand most about Introverts is…. Introverts: What I don’t understand most about Extraverts is…

  11. Sensing & Intuition These two styles deal with what a person pays attention to.

  12. Sensing Like an established way of doing things. Enjoy applying what they have already learned. Are not often inspired. Are careful about the facts. Can oversimplify a task. Like evidence, details, facts, and examples presented first. Want practical & realistic applications shown. Use an orderly step-by–step approach Refer to specific examples. Believe in history.

  13. Intuition Like solving new, complex problems. Enjoy learning a new skill more than using it. May follow their inspirations –good or bad. Make errors of fact. Like to do innovative things. Prefer change to the continuation of what is. Focus on how things could be done. Visionaries Ask why things are the way they are.

  14. Sensing & Intuiting Styles Intuitives: What I admire most about sensors is…. Sensors: What I admire most about Intuitives is… Intuitives : The real strength of the Sensors style is…. Sensors : The real strength of the Intuitives style is… Intuitives : The real weakness of the Sensors style is…. Sensors : The real weakness of the Intuitives style is… Intuitives : What I don’t understand most about Sensors is…. Sensors : What I don’t understand most about Intuitives is…

  15. Sensing & Intuition These two styles deal with what a person pays attention to. • Did you have trouble spotting the Sensor or the Intuitive? If so why? • Did you see a right or wrong in this situation? If so what? • Was there a failure to communicate here? By the Sensor? By the Intuitive or both? How? • Summarize Joe’s basic position and Susan’s basic position in one sentence each. • Did you get the feeling that both Joe and Susan were trying to obtain the best results for the company? If so, then why where they so far apart on coming up with something that was workable for both of them.

  16. Thinking & Feeling These two styles deal with how a person decides.

  17. Thinking Objective Believe in justice & principles. Firm but fair. Adhere to policies & laws. Prefer communication to be brief & concise. Want the pro’s & con’s of each alternative to be discussed. Have a talent for analyzing a problem or situation. Are able to reprimand or fire people when necessary. Tend to tell the truth when directly asked.

  18. Feeling Want to know why an alternative is valuable and how it affects people. Prefer to be sociable & friendly. Present points of agreement first. Consider logic and objectivity as data to consider. Work best in harmony with others. Feel rewarded when people’s needs are met. Are good at seeing the effects of choices on people. Take an interest in the person behind the job or idea.

  19. Thinking and Feeling Styles Thinkers: What I admire most about Feelers is…. Feelers: What I admire most about Thinkers is… Thinkers : The real strength of the Feelers style is…. Feelers : The real strength of the Thinkers style is… Thinkers : The real weakness of the Feelers style is…. Feelers : The real weakness of the thinkers style is… Thinkers: What I don’t understand most about Feelers is…. Feelers : What I don’t understand most about Thinkers is…

  20. Thinking & Feeling These two styles deal with how a person decides. • Did you have trouble spotting the Thinker or the Feeler? • Did anyone see a right or wrong in the situation? If so what? • Was there a failure to communicate? By the Thinker…Feeler….or both? • Summarize Joe’s Basic position & Susan’s basic position in one sentence each. • Did you get the feeling that both Joe and Susan were trying to obtain the best results for the company? How? Do you think they might have had views that differed on the other situations over the course of the year? Why? • Do you think they might have missed the importance of each others views and effort? Do you think that Susan really understood that Joe felt he had given the extreme effort to save these 25 people? Did Joe think her concern was of no consequence?

  21. Judgment or Perception • These two styles deal with the life style a person adopts or how they live.

  22. Judgment Like control. Like things to be settled. Work best when they can plan their work and work the plan. May not notice that new things need to be done. Reach closure by deciding quickly. Use lists to prompt action. They like to run their own life. Dislike surprises and want advance warning. Plan ahead.

  23. Perception Like to leave things open for last-minute changes. May postpone unpleasant tasks that need to be done. Tend to be curious and welcome a new light on a thing, situation, or person. Adapt well to changing situations & feel restricted without change. Spontaneous and let life happen. May be procrastinators and tend to postpone decisions while searching for options.

  24. Judgment or Perception These two styles deal with the life style a person adopts or how they live. • Who is the Perceiver and who is the Judger? • Did anyone see a right or a wrong in this situation? What? • As it turned out, were the results less favorable in the eyes of the CEO? Explain. • What could the chairperson have done to ensure a more positive conclusion? • What could the manager of marketing have done to help reach a timely conclusion or to avoid the embarrassment of delay and still cover his doubts? • Would it help the two individuals solve the group assignment if each of them knew the other’s preferred way of action? • Would it help to know the CEO’s preferred way of doing things? Why? Do we know that the 18th was really a critical date or a general target? • Would an employee have a better idea of how to approach the CEO about a delay in schedule if the employee knew the CEO’s type? Why? • How could the CEO’s position on the matter have been determined in real terms? • In what ways could the CEO possibly be at fault? • Would the CEO be better able to choose committee members and issue instructions to the group if he or she knew the processes those people preferred? How?

  25. Judgers & Perceivers Judgers: What I admire most about Perceivers is…. Perceivers : What I admire most about Judgers is… Perceivers : The real strength of the Judgers style is…. Judgers : The real strength of the Perceivers style is… Judgers : The real weakness of the Perceivers style is…. Perceivers : The real weakness of the Judgers style is… Judgers: What I don’t understand most about Perceivers is…. Perceivers : What I don’t understand most about Judgers is…

  26. Other Personality Styles • Watch and look for how each person acts and reacts. • The clues you get, help you to understand the best way to handle these individuals. • Your job is to listen and be open minded enough to gather information that will help you understand and relate to each person. • Each personality style needs to be related to in a little different way. • Value The Differences!

  27. Type Talking Index Card activity

  28. The New Golden Rule • Treat people the way they want to be treated. • We treat people how we want to be treated and with some difficult people this rule doesn’t work.

  29. Severson & Associates Lori Severson N22676 US Highway 53 P.O. Box 228 Ettrick, WI. 54627 Phone:608-525-2323 Fax: 608-525-2328 E-mail: lori@seversonandassociates.com

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