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Sundown Technology Plan

Sundown Technology Plan. What is a Technology Plan?. A long ranged plan outlining technology use in the district over the next three year period. A document that is futuristic in nature. A plan which is inclusive of technology related items. What is a Technology Plan?.

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Sundown Technology Plan

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  1. Sundown Technology Plan

  2. What is a Technology Plan? A long ranged plan outlining technology use in the district over the next three year period. A document that is futuristic in nature. A plan which is inclusive of technology related items.
  3. What is a Technology Plan? Provides documentation of requested telecommunications services through E-Rate funding. Provides a framework for the use of telecommunications and information technologies in a school
  4. What is a Technology Plan? A plan that is written to include room for new opportunities, open to revision, and NOT a static document. Technology planning should NOT be viewed or treated as a separate exercise dealing primarily with hardware and telecommunications infrastructure. There must be connections between: physical infrastructure a plan for professional development a plan for and curriculum integration
  5. Chapters of the Plan Chapter One Vision and Goals Chapter Two Technology Integration & Professional Development Chapter Three Infrastructure and Implementation
  6. Chapters of the Plan Chapter Four Action Plan Chapter Five Policies Chapter Six Funding Sources Chapter Seven Evaluation
  7. How Long is the Plan Valid? Approved Technology Plans should cover a period of not more than three years. All approved plans should include provisions for evaluating progress toward the plan’s goals, and ideally, these assessments should occur on an annual basis.
  8. Why Have a Technology Plan? E-rate Funding The Federal Communications Commission requires that purchases be based on an approved Technology Plan. Title II, Part-D funding formula (consolidated application) competitive grants Supports the School Improvement Plan
  9. Why Have a Technology Plan? To ensure that we have secured the resources we need to make effective use of our telecommunications services and Internet access, including: computers and peripheral equipment, staff training, software, and a budget for operating costs and maintenance. To provide an evaluated plan in the progress toward reaching our established goals.
  10. Technology Committee: The Technology Committee should include the committee that worked on the plan. They should be a cross section of different stakeholders in the district Parent, teacher, student, administrator, community member, school board member Need to list each member and cross-section they represent Times and Dates should be listed for committee meetings.
  11. Vision The Technology Vision needs to include our district’s mission with how technology relates to it. It needs to be futuristic in nature Plan should be long-range in nature The Technology Plan should provide sufficient information about the school’s education objectives to validate the use and incorporation of requested E-rate services and technology use. Include our educational mission and connect technology to it.
  12. Needs Assessments Why do a Needs Assessment It will provide real data from the school’s customers (i.e. staff, students, parents and community, graduates) about the needs, perceptions, wants of the district. It helps to determine documented areas of high and immediate needs rather than perceived needs of a small group. It provides documented evidence when determining priority of needs. It helps to formulate goals. It provides a starting point for setting measurable and attainable goals.
  13. Needs Assessments What are we currently doing in the use of technology? Staff’s level of integration State of infrastructure Level of connectivity Where are we getting our data? Survey (students and staff) Test Scores
  14. Needs Assessments What areas do we assess, and why? Available resources Skills Current access Future needs How is the data used to formulate goals and objectives. Ex. All groups surveyed indicated a need for more training in the use of ActiveBoards as per survey on May 2, 2011.
  15. Goals and Objectives Staff Development Goals Curriculum Integration Goals Infrastructure Goals Student achievement Goals Student achievement and learning Goals
  16. Chapter 2 Technology Integration & Professional Development
  17. Technology/Curriculum Integration How does our Technology Plan relate to our district’s School Improvement Plan?
  18. Technology/Curriculum Integration How are we integrating technology into the curriculum? All classrooms have ActivBoards All teachers have new MacBooks Updated labs and carts Staff integration of technology Professional Development is technology based.
  19. Technology/Curriculum Integration Integrating distance learning in the curriculum Needs improvement Future use of distance learning. Reliable access Improved education of availability
  20. Professional Development Staff development trainings. (i.e.-integration training, personal skills enhancement training, maintenance and support training, distance learning training, new technologies, etc.) New Mac training iWorks and Microsoft Office training iLife training Moodle training Promethean training
  21. Professional Development Distance Learning Training and professional development needed. Follow up on professional development and application is needed. Ongoing professional development is needed and should be required.
  22. Chapter 3 Infrastructure & Implementation
  23. INFRASTRUCTURE The district’s technology inventory Computers Servers TVs Telecommunications equipment Distance Learning Equipment
  24. INFRASTRUCTURE Technology Equipment Inventory New inventory software Barcode scanning of new equipment Software licenses Software review and purchase Plan A plan is being devised.
  25. Facilities and Model Classroom Configurations This section will provide a reference point for new purchases in relation to the district’s current infrastructure. Its purpose is to help show a need or provide evidence of current infrastructure when developing a plan for replacement and new equipment.
  26. Facilities and Model Classroom Configurations Present facility and configurations A schematic of our district’s LAN/WAN Configuration including firewall, servers, routers/hubs, switches has been recently created. A schematic of a typical classroom including number of RJ45 end connectors and total networked computers have been recently created. A schematic of a typical lab setting including number of RJ45 end connectors and total networked computers is included in the district’s LAN Configuration.
  27. Chapter 4 Action Plan
  28. Three Year Action Plans Goals All goals activities, timelines, person(s) responsible, projected funding and assessment plan.
  29. Action Plans Goals:
  30. Goals(cont.)
  31. Chapter 5 Policies
  32. Policies Personal use of online services for: students and staff Consequences for violating our Acceptable Use Policy for: students and staff How does the district controls access for: students and staff 8e6 filtering software Monitoring software
  33. Policies Software and data ownership All software and equipment owned by the district Graduating seniors do keep their laptops Confidentiality of records. Policies are in place and are strictly adhered to.
  34. Distance Learning Policy How does our policy address video-conferencing AND internet-based distance learning (e.g. WebCT) No policies in place
  35. Distance Learning Policy (cont.) Policies will be developed and include the following areas: Academic Calendars Accreditation Course quality Course evaluation Grading Admission Fiscal, Geographic, Governance- Tuition rates Consortia agreements Administration costs
  36. Distance Learning Policy (cont.) Faculty- Compensation workloads design and development incentives staff development Legal- Intellectual property agreements and copyright; Student- Student support academic advising library services student privacy
  37. Distance Learning Policy (cont.) Technical support hardware/software access.
  38. Children’s Internet Protection Act District’s CIPA safety policy filters to protect against access to the visual depictions outlawed in the act. Access by minors to inappropriate matter on the Internet and the web; The safety and security of minors when using electronic mail, chatrooms and other forms of direct electronic communications; Unauthorized access, including so-called “hacking”, and other unlawful activities by minors online; Unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal identification information regarding minors; Measures designed to restrict minors’ access to materials harmful to minors
  39. Children’s Internet Protection Act District’s policy for monitoring and updating blocking/filtering software. Public meeting(s) on Internet safety/technology protection, noting any actions taken.
  40. Three Year Telecommunications Service and Equipment District’s plans for the future procurement and expansion of telecommunication services and equipment. Current system analog VOIP communications system Cell phones
  41. Chapter 6 Funding Sources
  42. Funding Sources Funding sources for each activity in the district’s Technology Plan. Telecommunication Services E-Rate Hardware Local funding-budget Software Local funding-budget Professional Development Local funding-budget
  43. Funding Sources
  44. Chapter 7 Evaluation
  45. Evaluation Overall District Plan Evaluation Network stability and reliability Expanded technology use Staff and student contentment Continuous evaluation adapt for changing circumstances new technologies changing needs of the district.
  46. Evaluation Student performance. Technology Plan adjustments made prior to expiration date District Board of Education approval. Revisions submitted to the Texas Department of Education.
  47. Resources Acceptable Use Policies http://www.iema-ia.org/IEMA94.html Children’s Internet Protection Act http://www.taken.org/internetfilteract.htm Guiding Questions for Technology Planning http://www.ncrtec.org/capacity/guidewww/gqhome.htm Learning Through Technology: A Planning and Implementation Guide http://www.ncrel.org/tandl/homepg.htm Pathways to School Improvement http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/pathwayg.htm The CEO Forum on Education and Technology - STaR Chart Self-Diagnostic Tool http://www.ceoforum.org/ The National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) Project http://cnets.iste.org/
  48. Resources Acceptable Use Policies http://www.iema-ia.org/IEMA94.html Children’s Internet Protection Act http://www.taken.org/internetfilteract.htm Learning Through Technology: A Planning and Implementation Guide http://www.ncrel.org/tandl/homepg.htm Pathways to School Improvement http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/pathwayg.htm The CEO Forum on Education and Technology - STaR Chart Self-Diagnostic Tool http://www.ceoforum.org/ The National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) Project http://cnets.iste.org/
  49. Resources Needs Assessments http://www.tcet.unt.edu/START/assess/tools.htm http://nnlm.gov/ner/nesl/9410/tol.html http://www.ncrel.org/pd/needs.htm http://www.compstrategies.com/staffdevelopment/sdresources2.html http://www.bristol.k12.sd.us/TechPlan/AppendixI.html **
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