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History of The Chaldean Church 淺談加色丁教會歷史 Fr. Mahen Gurges 葛馬谷神父. Guidelines Hong Kong 2013 香港. 主前 3000 蘇美爾時代 ( 伊拉克南部 ) 主前 2371 主前 900 加色丁 ( 亞述 ) 部族. 主前 539 ( 波斯王 ) 居魯士打敗亞述帝國 約 553 居魯士釋放猶太人回耶路撒冷. 耶穌復活後,多默宗徒往美索不達美亞,至印度. 美索不達米亞居民:蘇美爾人 古伊拉克歷史實在是人類奮鬥史。 主前 3000, 蘇美爾人率先: 發明寫字 最早的學校
History of The Chaldean Church淺談加色丁教會歷史Fr. Mahen Gurges葛馬谷神父 Guidelines Hong Kong 2013香港
主前3000 蘇美爾時代(伊拉克南部) 主前2371 主前900 加色丁(亞述)部族 主前539(波斯王)居魯士打敗亞述帝國 約553 居魯士釋放猶太人回耶路撒冷 耶穌復活後,多默宗徒往美索不達美亞,至印度
美索不達米亞居民:蘇美爾人 • 古伊拉克歷史實在是人類奮鬥史。 • 主前3000, 蘇美爾人率先: • 發明寫字 • 最早的學校 • 最早數學原理及計算 • 最早立法機關(議會)及法理學 • 最早圖書館及藥房 • 最早灌溉方法 • 最早城市規劃 • 最早倫理原則 • 最早以「神話」介紹神明 • 蘇美爾人使美索不達米亞成為文明的搖籃 • THE PEOPLES OF MESOPOTAMIA THE SUMERIANS—: The history of Ancient Iraq is truly an epic of human endeavor. In 3000 B.C., Sumerians pioneered: They are the inventors of the first system of writing (Cuneiform ), the founders of the first school, the pioneers of mathematical principles and calculations. The first legislature and jurisprudence; the first library and the first pharmacy; the first irrigation system and the first city plan; thefirst principles of morality and the first attempt at theology through mythology. The Sumerians are those who made Mesopotamia the Cradle of Civilization.
主前629-539 加色丁人 Chaldea「加色丁」一詞最早出現於主前900歷史文件 後來,記載加色丁人為亞拉美部族,毗鄰巴比倫,625年加色丁人戰勝巴比倫,建亞述帝國,至主前539年亡於波斯王居魯士手下。(創11:31-12:3) Chaldeans 626-539 B.C.- (For best reference, Wiseman, D.J., Chronicles of Chaldean Kings (626-556 B.C.) in the British Museum, London 1956) Origins of the name: The name "Chaldea, Kaldu, Chaldean, Chaldeans" appears in historical documents around 900 B.C. • Then, we find the Chaldeans first as Aramaic tribes in the neighborhood of Babylon; later they conquered Babylon itself in 625 B.C., establishing a splendid empire, first Jewish exile 597 BCE • until its collapse in 539 B.C. at the hand of Cyrus the Persian.(Genesis. 11:31 -12: 3)
主前627年,拿步高得到加色丁部族助力, 成為巴比倫王, 脫離亞述獨立, 與Medees結盟,主前612年摧毀 亞述帝國及尼尼微;其後,拿步高在 美索不達米亞及其周邊,擴展巴比倫統治。 • In 627 B.C., Nabupalassar, with the help of Chaldean tribes became King of Babylon, declared independence from Assyria, and allied himself with the Medees, causing the collapse of the Assyrian empire and the fall of Nineveh in 612 B.C.; he then expanded the rule of Babylon over all of Mesopotamia and beyond.
Chaldean empire加色丁(巴比倫)帝國 希臘 小亞細亞 亞述 尼尼微 敍利亞 波斯 巴比倫 耶路撒冷 波斯 阿拉伯 波斯 埃及 拿步高年代新巴比倫帝國(約主前570年)
福音迅速廣傳 宗徒大事錄:你們往普天下去,因父及子及聖神之名給他們授洗。 不要離開耶路撒冷, 但要等候父的恩許, 即你們聽我所說過的:「若翰固然以水施了洗,但不多幾天以後,你們要因聖神受洗。」 • The break out of the Good News Acts : Go and baptise all nations in the name of the father and the Son and The Holy spirit. Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait there for what my Father promised, which you heard about from me. For John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now
基督信仰在美索不達米亞廣傳 建立東方教會 基督信仰早於主後100年,在美索不達米亞及波斯帝國傳開。眾多加色丁人及亞述人接受福音,漸漸建立東方教會。 根據古老傳統,多默宗徒往印度途經這些地域,率先在此福傳;後來還有七十門徒之一:聖亞戴。 • CHRISTIANITY IN MESOPOTAMIA • The Establishment of the Church of the East Christianity spread to Mesopotamia and areas of the Persian Empire as early as the first Christian century. Many Chaldeans and Assyrians accepted the Gospel and gradually established the Church of the East. According to ancient tradition, the Apostle Thomas was the first to evangelize those regions in his journey to India, followed by Mar Addai, one of the Seventy Disciples of the Lord.
Church of the East 東方教會 約340年,位於波斯的基督徒面臨迫害。政治是主要原因。當(西面敵人)羅馬帝國善待基督徒,波斯帝國開始反對基督徒。 315年君士坦丁大帝致書波斯大帝Shapur二世,勸他善待基督,反令波斯轉為對付基督徒。 • The geat persecution fall upon the Christians in Persia about 340. Though the religious motives were never unrelated, the primary cause of the persecution was political. When Rome became Christian, its old enemy turned anti-Christian. • It was about 315 that an ill-advised letter from Christian Emperor Constantine to his Persian counterpart Shapur II probably triggered the beginnings of an ominous change in the Persian attitude toward Christians. Constantine believed he was writing to help his fellow believers in Persia but succeeded only in exposing them.
波斯大帝反對基督徒加徵雙倍稅收,命令主教負責收稅。明知基督徒以窮人為主,大帝為難主教。西滿宗主教拒絕屈辱,他聲討這稅收是不公義的,說: 「我是群羊的牧者,不是稅吏……」 為數近19萬波斯基督徒殉道 • The shah Shapur II's response was to order a double taxation on Christians and to hold the bishop responsible for collecting it. He knew they were poor and that the bishop would be hard-pressed to find the money. Patriarch Simon refused to be intimidated. He branded the tax as unjust and declared, "I am no tax collector but a shepherd of the Lord's flock... • multitude of Christians had been martyred, some of 190 thousand Persian Christians.
七世紀初,回教統治美索不達米亞 (主後634年) 以前,基督徒佔一半人口;回教征服當地後,依斯蘭教漸漸增加,後佔人口大多數。 依斯蘭社會接受基督徒及猶太人,稱之為「聖經的子民」 。回教國家政治及法律上都承認基督徒及猶太人的宗教、社會、文化團體。 可是,後來時移世易,宗教狂熱出現,掀起歧視,繼有嚴厲迫害。 • At the beginning of the seventh century, prior to the Islamic conquest of Mesopotamia (634 A.D.), about one half of the population was Christian, following the Islamic Conquest, Islam became gradually the religion of the majority of the population. Christians and Jews were accepted in the Islamic state and society as "the People of the Book," and they were organized as religious-social-and-cultural communities under their own leaders and laws. • But unfortunately things changed toward a fanatic religious awareness and starts a big discrimination followed by sever persecution.
在中國的基督徒:7-8世紀 Christianity in China; seventh and eighth centuries 東方教會的傳教士-景教徒-於唐朝年間前往中國;在此以前,早於360年,聖Shaba主教在亞洲中部-今日稱為烏茲別克(蘇聯加盟共和國)-傳福音,歸化者眾。 薩珊帝國統治期間,基督徒由中亞前往遠東傳教,時值唐朝太宗年間。 • The missioners of the church of the East - Nestorian - made their way to China during the period of Tang Dynasty; before that period and early 360, Bishop ,Mar Shaba Christianized central Asia what its known now Uzbekistan, [ Chronicle of Seert] • even during the Sassaian era Christianity had advanced from centeral Asia into far East with missionary activity begining during the reign of emperor Tai- tsung of Tang Dynasty,
635年,第一位教士阿羅本[來自粟特]抵達宮廷,皇帝接見他,並接納他呈上的聖像及經書,著他譯經。635年,第一位教士阿羅本[來自粟特]抵達宮廷,皇帝接見他,並接納他呈上的聖像及經書,著他譯經。 隨後,由於基督信仰導人向善,皇帝頒令准許景教自由活動、宣教,並得在京城建修道院。 • in 635 the first monk Alopen [from Sogdia] arrived at the imperial court bearing pictures and books who was received by the Chinese emperor who commissioned him to translate the books into Chinese, • the improper subsequently issued an edict in which he granted the { religion of enlightenment} freedom to preach and permission to found a monastery in the imperial capital, since Christianity emphasized goodness and benefited the people,
690-705年,武則天當政時,基督徒被認為與佛教競爭而被斥,直至玄宗時代才恢復修道院,立碑以示合法地位690-705年,武則天當政時,基督徒被認為與佛教競爭而被斥,直至玄宗時代才恢復修道院,立碑以示合法地位 • under the empress WU 690-705 Christianity was regarded as competition for Buddhism and was persecuted, not until 745 did Emperor Hsuan - Tsung again legitimate Christianity and present the monasteries with tablets expressing this official recognition,
景教碑刻於781年西安,1625年出土。它記載整段東敍利亞到中國傳教的歷史,且提及宗主教Henanisho景教碑刻於781年西安,1625年出土。它記載整段東敍利亞到中國傳教的歷史,且提及宗主教Henanisho • on the stele dedicated to Issu- , a priest from Balch, which was erected in Xian in 781 and discovered in 1625, the entire early history of the East Syriac missionary endeavors is recorded. And Patriarch Henanisho is mentioned. • Sianfu Stele 781: • rediscovered in 1625
The set back坎坷 845年,唐武宗開始迫害為數26萬基督徒。 無數教堂被毀,近二萬僧侶及修女被迫還俗。Thedosius一世宗主教記錄中國基督徒沒有參加853-868年間的主教會議。 • In 845 under emperor Wu- tsung , persecution of Christians who numbered about 260 thousands began. • Countless churches were destroyed ,and 2 thousand monks and nuns are believed to have been laicized. Patriarch Thedosius I 853- 868 noted that china did not participate in his Synod.
The Mongol khan Hulago and his Christian queen Doquz Khatun There were also temporary Christian gains further appeard. The Mongol conquest of China in the second half of the 13th century allowed the East Syrian church to return to China, and by the end of the century two new metropolitan provinces had been created for China, Tangut and 'Katai and Ong'
Timur Lung Khan (Timur the Lame borne 1336 south of Samarkand in modern day Uzbekistan) • Biography of Tamerlane, more properly known as Timur, the • Central Asian conqueror. • Baghdad was destroyed • in 1401, and 20,000 of its • people slaughter include • 9, 000 Christians.
Reunited with Rome 1553 • The first official attempt on the part of the Church of the East in Mesopotamia to be reunited with the Catholic Church of Rome was realized when the elected Patriarch John Sulaka went to Rome and made his profession of the Catholic Faith before Pope Julius III in 1553. By 1592. The term “Chaldean Church” was first used in 1445 A.D. by Pope Euginus V to distinguish the Nestorians of Cyprus, who were newly reconciled with Rome, from the Nestorians in general, henceforth called Assyrians.
19th century persecution • The most significant recent persecution against Christianity population was the Christian genocide which occurred during the First World War and Second World War. Between 250,000 and 300,000 Christians were estimated to have been slaughtered by the armies of the Ottoman Empire and their Kurdish allies, totalling up to two-thirds of the entire Assyrian – Chaldean - Syaric population. This led to a large-scale migration of Turkish-based , into countries such as Syria, Iran, and Iraq.
Ephesus The Third Ecumenical Council 431 A.D.厄弗所(第三屆)公會議 厄弗所 「天主之母」信理 聖濟利祿 公教會 東方教會(景教)
451年 加采東公會議 西方教會:羅馬 東方教會: 正教/亞歷山卓
Church’s History 教會歷史 1054年羅馬公教會 君士坦丁堡/希臘 拜占廷 1548年聖公會(亨利八世國王) 1529年 新教時代/馬丁路德
Ephesus 431 厄弗所公會議後 東方教會 1552年 此教會大部分重新與羅馬共融,稱為加色丁教會(改革派) 傳統派:保留亞述新日曆 傳統派:亞述舊日曆
拜占廷教會 希臘正教會 塞爾維亞正教會 保加利亞正教會 烏克蘭正教會 羅馬尼亞 南斯拉夫 馬其頓
Eastern Churches • Known later as Oriental Orthodox Church 後稱為東正教會 • Coptic Orth. 科普特正教會 • Syrian Orth.敍利亞正教會 • Indian Orth. 印度正教會 • Ethiopian Orth. 埃塞俄比亞正教會 • Eritrean Orth. 厄立特里亞正教會
Why these divisions: 分歧源於 Clash between two theological schools兩大神學學派之間的衝突 Antioch and Alexandria 安提約基亞 與 亞歷山卓
耶穌 耶穌 兩性 論 天主性、人性 耶穌 耶穌 一性 論 天主性、人性 Mother of Jesus Mother of God 天主之母 基督之母 Ephesus Council (431) Antioch School / Nestorius
拜占廷禮 加色丁禮 (波斯) 俄羅斯 羅馬尼亞 保加利亞 土耳其 希臘 亞美尼亞 安提約基亞 敍利亞 伊拉克 伊朗 埃及
Chaldean Synod with His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI 加色丁教會主教會議與教宗本篤十六世