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The Church. Sacrament of Salvation. The Church. Chapter 3. Chapter 3. The Story of the Early Church. Chapter Objectives. The student will be able to understand:. The mission of the Apostles Pentecost What the Holy Spirit does for the Church The primacy of St. Peter and the papacy
The Church Sacrament of Salvation
The Church Chapter 3
Chapter 3 The Story of the Early Church
Chapter Objectives The student will be able to understand: • The mission of the Apostles • Pentecost • What the Holy Spirit does for the Church • The primacy of St. Peter and the papacy • Early persecutions • St. Paul • How the Church learned that the Gospel was also for Gentiles • Biographical facts about Sts. Peter, James the Greater, John, Andrew, and Philip • Biographical facts about Sts. Nathanael, Matthew, Thomas, James the Lesser, Jude, and Simon • Biographical facts about Judas Iscariot and St. Paul • The universal call to apostolate • The fullness of the Kingdom of God
Keys to Chapter 3 • The gift of the Holy Spirit made it possible for the Church to fulfill her Christ-given mission. • The papacy is also a gift to the Church. • Persecutions are difficult to endure, but they make the Church stronger and more effective. • The Church, under St. Peter, was led to understand that Gentile converts need not adopt the Mosaic Law. • We know the lives of the Apostles from Scripture, history, and tradition. • We are all called to evangelize as we await the final Revelation of the Kingdom of God.
For Discussion: • What instructions did Christ give to his Apostles before his Ascension? • What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the Church? • What was the role of St. Peter in the Church? • How did the Church reach out to all nations? • How did each of the Apostles fulfill the mission that Christ had given him?
The Mission of the Apostles and Pentecost Lesson Objectives The mission of the Apostles Pentecost
The Mission of the Apostles and Pentecost Basic Questions What mission did Christ give the Apostles before he ascended into Heaven? • Just before his Ascension, Christ commanded the Apostles to fulfill the promise of the kingdom of David by bringing the Gospel to the whole world, beginning in Jerusalem.
The Mission of the Apostles and Pentecost Basic Questions What was the significance of Pentecost? • The Apostles’ mission became practically possible by the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, which made them fearless evangelizers.
Focus Question • How could the period between the Crucifixion and Pentecost be called a time of confusion for the Church? • The Apostles were confused by the rejection of Christ by the crowds, by his Crucifixion, by their own disloyalty toward him, by the reports of his Resurrection until they saw him, and then by his leaving them behind at his Ascension.
Focus Question • How do Christ’s words about the mission to evangelize also indicate that the Church is to fulfill God’s promise to David? • The spread of the Gospel from Jerusalem, to Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth indicated that Christ intended the Church to encompass the entire world.
Focus Question • What is the significance of Christ appointing twelve Apostles? • They were to be symbolic rulers of the Twelve Tribes of Israel.
Focus Question • Why did the Apostles feel they needed to replace Judas? • They believed that if they were to be the foundation of the restored kingdom, they would need to restore their number to twelve.
Focus Question • What did the Apostles do between the Ascension and the Descent of the Holy Spirit? • They returned to Jerusalem, to the Upper Room where the Last Supper had taken place, where, together with Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the rest of Christ’s disciples, the Apostles devoted themselves to prayer.
Focus Question • Who initiated the action to choose a replacement for Judas? • St. Peter, the leader of the Church on earth now that Christ had ascended into Heaven.
Focus Question • Who was chosen as an Apostle to replace Judas? • St. Matthias.
Focus Question • Who was present for the Descent of the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room? • The Apostles, Mary, and other disciples.
Focus Question • What similes did St. Luke use to describe the coming of the Holy Spirit? • There was a sound “like the rush of a mighty wind” and there appeared “tongues as of fire, distributed and resting on each one of them.”
Focus Question • How were the Apostles immediately transformed? • They lost all their fear and began boldly proclaiming the Gospel, unafraid of the consequences.
Focus Question • How long did Christ remain on earth after his Resurrection? • Forty days.
Focus Question • What did Christ do during this time? • He appeared to his Apostles “speaking of the Kingdom of God.”
Focus Question • How did the Apostles understand Christ’s phrase, “Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth”? • Christ was drawing a verbal map of the ancient kingdom of David. Jerusalem was David’s capital city. Judea was the tribal territory of David that surrounded Jerusalem. Samaria was the land north where the rest of the tribes of Israel were located. “The ends of the earth” represented all the Gentile nations that David had brought under his control.
Guided Exercise • Identify the criterion St. Peter laid out for Christ’s successor and then speculate on why this requirement was essential.
Focus Question • Where does the Jewish feast Pentecost get its name? • It is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Passover. Pentecost comes from the Greek word for “fiftieth.”
Focus Question • What was the gift of tongues the Apostles received? • Men of different nations heard the Galilean Apostles speaking in their own native language.
Focus Question • What was the basic message that St. Peter preached? • The long-awaited Messiah had come in the Person of Christ, who was crucified, who rose from the dead, and who now sits at the right hand of God the Father in Heaven.
Focus Question • What did St. Peter say they must do to be saved? • Repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins.
Focus Question • In what sense was Pentecost the beginning of the Church? • Pentecost marks the beginning of the Church’s public ministry in the world.
Guided Exercise • Conduct a think/pair/share using the following question: • Why was Pentecost an auspicious date for the beginning of the Church?
The Service of the Holy Spirit and the Primacy of St. Peter Lesson Objectives What the Holy Spirit does for the Church The primacy of St. Peter and the papacy
The Service of the Holy Spirit and the Primacy of St. Peter Basic Questions What does the Holy Spirit do for the Church? • The Holy Spirit works within the Church in many ways, for example, in assisting the Pope and bishops in governing, sanctifying, and proclaiming the Gospel, in the writing and interpretation of Sacred Scripture, in the sacraments, and in the gifts, fruits, and special charisms of the Holy Spirit.
The Service of the Holy Spirit and the Primacy of St. Peter Basic Questions What is the primacy of St. Peter and the papacy? • Similar to the prime minister of the Davidic kingdom, St. Peter and his successors, the Popes, possess primacy of authority in the Church as vicars of Christ.
Focus Question • What is the primacy of Peter? • It is the authority Christ gave to St. Peter and his successors, the Popes.
Focus Question • How does the office of St. Peter relate to the office of the prime minister in the Kingdom of David? • In the Old Testament kingdom of David, the king appointed a prime minister from among his twelve chief servants. Similarly, in the New Testament kingdom, Christ the king appointed one of the Twelve to have primacy over the others. In both cases, the prime minister is identified by the sign of his office—the keys of the kingdom.
Focus Question • What does the term Vicar of Christ signify? • It means that St. Peter and his successors possess the authority of the king—Christ—himself.
Focus Question • What is the extent of St. Peter’s authority over the Church? • It is full, supreme, and universal.
Focus Question • Has the role of the papacy been exactly the same throughout the centuries? • No. It has evolved as the political and social circumstances surrounding the Church have changed.
Focus Question • What has remained constant in the role of the papacy? • The papacy is the Church’s highest moral and doctrinal authority. When disagreement and conflict arise in the Church, it is the Pope who has the authority to resolve and clarify matters of faith and morals and maintain the unity of the faith.
Guided Exercise • Summarize CCC 553 (p. 81), and then come up with two examples of St. Peter exercising his ministry during this time.
Graphic Organizer • Complete the following table to organize the various ways in which the Holy Spirit continues to work within the Church.
Early Persecutions and St. Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles Lesson Objectives Early persecutions St. Paul
Early Persecutions and St. Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles Basic Questions What difficulties did the early Church face? • The early Church faced persecution and martyrdom, difficulties she could bear because of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. These problems actually strengthened the nascent Church.
Early Persecutions and St. Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles Basic Questions Who was St. Paul? • Saul was a superbly educated Jewish Roman citizen who zealously persecuted the Church in Jerusalem until his conversion by the Risen Christ, after which he became the Apostle to the Gentiles.
Guided Exercise • Conduct a focused reading of the paragraph beginning, “A man named Stephen…” (p. 83), using the following question: • What are some parallels between the deaths of Christ and Stephen?
Guided Exercise • Write and answer three focus questions about St. Polycarp, going beyond simple factual ones.
Focus Question • Why are the martyrs held in such high esteem in the Church? • Martyrs are the ultimate witnesses to the truth of the Faith, “bearing witness even unto death.” They have imitated Christ to the point of dying out of love for him.
Focus Question • What is an example of Christ’s predicting the future suffering of the Church? • He told the Apostles the world would hate them and persecute them because of him.
Focus Question • How could early Christians face suffering and death? • They were confident that the same Holy Spirit who empowered the Apostles at Pentecost would also strengthen them in the face of persecution and death.
Focus Question • What did the Jewish authorities assume would be the result of Christ’s death? • They assumed it would scatter Christ’s followers and silence his message.
Focus Question • How did the Church respond to the first persecution? • The Apostles refused to stop preaching and the Church’s numbers grew, with the Apostles being held in higher and higher esteem.