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DRIVER: National portals Use cases: Belgium & Spain

DRIVER: National portals Use cases: Belgium & Spain . Karen Van Godtsenhoven & Alicia Lopez-Medina . National portals in DRIVER: Be & Spain. Why have a national portal? Community building between repository managers National funding opportunities

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DRIVER: National portals Use cases: Belgium & Spain

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  1. DRIVER: National portalsUse cases: Belgium & Spain Karen Van Godtsenhoven & Alicia Lopez-Medina DRIVER Summit Oct 20th, Ghent

  2. National portals in DRIVER: Be & Spain • Why have a national portal? • Community building between repository managers • National funding opportunities • Streamlining content delivery to DRIVER & others • Collaboration with other national systems, e.g. CRIS • Scenarios? 1. Minimal cost: GUI by national consortium, service hosted by Driver 2. Own national portal that interacts with DRIVER IS 3. National consortium acts as main gateway to DRIVER IS, repositories are managed locally 4. Independent national aggregation portal with D-NET DRIVER Summit Oct 20th, Ghent

  3. Belgium • 9 repositories via national DRIVER portal • Minimal cost set-up (option 1) DRIVER Summit Oct 20th, Ghent

  4. Community building in a divided country • Why do people register with DRIVER (from the usability study): • Increase content visibility • Be part of a European network of peers & learn best practices • Later also: to get official validation of repository by external organisation • What is the role of the national portal in Belgium? • DRIVER repository managers network : ‘glue’ • Visibility: DRIVER returns results, logo on page • Incentive for new repositories to join DRIVER network, or for institutions to create one • Tool for showing government authorities that there is (unfunded) national cooperation DRIVER Summit Oct 20th, Ghent

  5. Future scenario for portal • Keep adding new repositories as they ‘get in shape’ • Lifespan: as long as the DRIVER IS exists, OR • Integration into a national service? • Examples: RCAAP (Portugal),NARCIS (NL), Recolecta(Spain) DRIVER Summit Oct 20th, Ghent

  6. Steady growth up to 250 repositories DRIVER Summit Oct 20th, Ghent

  7. UK, Spain and Germany: leaders DRIVER Summit Oct 20th, Ghent

  8. Spain • 553.308 documents • Own national portal interacts with DRIVER IS (option 2) • National consortium acts as main gateway to DRIVER IS; repositories are managed locally (option 3) DRIVER Summit Oct 20th, Ghent

  9. Why a national portal with DRIVER? • Research is global, services should be global • A Model • DRIVER has opened us the door to the world (as Spain alone, we would not have gone so far, so fast) • Discipline • Cultural change • Am I doing it right?: standardization and quality • Experience • Leadership • More “status” face our authorities. DRIVER Summit Oct 20th, Ghent

  10. What are wedoingrightnow • Helping repositories to get in shape • RECOLECTA working groups: • Author persistent id • Statistics • Evaluation/Certification • OAI-ORE pilot project DRIVER Summit Oct 20th, Ghent

  11. …and a national portal in Colombia Universidad de La Salle, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, Universidad Autónoma del Caribe, Universidad Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario, Universidad de Antioquia, Universidad de La Sabana, Universidad Santiago de Cali, Universidad de Medellín, Universidad del Norte, Universidad Eafit, Universidad Icesi, Universidad Nacional de Colombia DRIVER Summit Oct 20th, Ghent

  12. …and a regional portal in LatinAmerica • Partners: CEDIA, CUDI, RENATA, IBICT, REUNA + ONCyT o Ministerios de Educación Superior de países socios. • ExecutiveAgency: CLARA • Co-fundingOrganization: Organización Universitaria Interamericana OUI. • Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico… soon Ecuador and allthecountries in theregion in thefuture. (Thanksto Martha I. Giraldo, Executive Director, RENATA) Project: Federated Network of InstitutionalRepositories of ScientificDocumentation in Latinamerica DRIVER Summit Oct 20th, Ghent

  13. Future scenario Standards, policies, technology, strategy, support, coordination, a common voice… COAR COAR Thanks to Tim Berners Lee DRIVER Summit Oct 20th, Ghent

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