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New Ch. Un 4, Ch 1 intro HW: MP 83 hand-out

Note: You can print this template to use as a wall calendar. You can also copy the slide for any month to add to your own presentation. If there is a 2 hour delay, There will still be a QUIZ, but NO chapter test If we don’t have school, you will do that day’s work the following school day.

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New Ch. Un 4, Ch 1 intro HW: MP 83 hand-out

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  1. Note: You can print this template to use as a wall calendar. You can also copy the slide for any month to add to your own presentation. If there is a 2 hour delay, There will still be a QUIZ, but NO chapter test If we don’t have school, you will do that day’s work the following school day Review SG Pgs. 104-105 hand-out Notes, decir and salir HW: MP 85 hand-out Notes, location words HW: MP 87 hand-out Affirmative tú commands HW: MP 88 hand-out Notes, D.O.P. with commands HW: practice worksheet ¡No escuela! Vocab/gram quiz 11/14 ¡No escuela! Parent/ teacher conferences Notes, Irregular commands; APT 111-113 and MP 84 and 86 hand-out Vocab/gram quiz Un 4, Ch 1 packet (fue 11/25) Review APT Study guide Test 11/26 D.O.P. practice and listening practice Project day 1 *drawing/map due tomorrow end of pd Listening, cont. APT Un 4, Ch 1 packet due TEST TOMORROW! Un 4 Ch 1 TEST -directions due (I’ll check once and you can fix) ½ DAY Proj DUE 12/3 El Día de Gracias ¡No escuela! ¡No escuela! New Ch. Un 4, Ch 1 intro HW: MP 83 hand-out Project day 2 *drawing end of pd. *begin directions español II *Assignments are listed as date assigned…due the next day World Language Festival JH 11am- 3pm *Dates are subject to change! Pay attention in class for changes to schedule!

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