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You might live in an urban e nvironment (a town or a city) or you might live in a rural

Have you been thinking about the trees in your local environment? The number and types of trees may vary depending on where you live. Have you been thinking about the trees in your local environment? The number and types of trees may vary depending on where you live.

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You might live in an urban e nvironment (a town or a city) or you might live in a rural

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  1. Have you been thinking about the trees in your local environment? The number and types of trees may vary depending on where you live.

  2. Have you been thinking about the trees in your local environment? The number and types of trees may vary depending on where you live. You might live in an urban environment (a town or a city) or you might live in a rural environment (the countryside).

  3. Have you been thinking about the trees in your local environment? The number and types of trees may vary depending on where you live. You might live in an urban environment (a town or a city) or you might live in a rural environment (the countryside). Where do you live? Urban or rural?

  4. DATE: Learning Intention: To conduct a survey. We would really like to find out about the trees in your area.

  5. DATE: Learning Intention: To conduct a survey. We would really like to find out about the trees in your area. How many trees are there? Where are most of them found? What types of trees can be found?

  6. DATE: Learning Intention: To conduct a survey. We need you to get out and about, surveying the trees in your local area. There are lots of things to consider when conducting a survey. Peck will give you some hints.

  7. DATE: Learning Intention: To conduct a survey. We need you to get out and about, surveying the trees in your local area. There are lots of things to consider when conducting a survey. Peck will give you some hints.

  8. DATE: Learning Intention: To conduct a survey. Context: Planning a tree survey. Phew! That’s a lot to think about. • When you conduct a survey of a location it is called field work. You need to think about: • What you are going to survey • (what you want to find out) • Where you are going to look • (your location) • How you are going to record your findings • (what you will write down, • photograph, draw) • What you will do with your results • (graphs, charts)

  9. DATE: Learning Intention: To conduct a survey. Context: Planning a tree survey. Phew! That’s a lot to think about. • When you conduct a survey of a location it is called field work. You need to think about: • What you are going to survey • (what you want to find out) • Where you are going to look • (your location) • How you are going to record your findings • (what you will write down, • photograph, draw) • What you will do with your results • (graphs, charts)

  10. DATE: Learning Intention: To conduct a survey. Context: Trees It’s time to get working. In groups of three think about all of the things you will need to do to conduct the survey. What do you want to find out about the types of trees in your local area? Where are you going to survey? How are you going to do this? What will you record?

  11. DATE: Learning Intention: To conduct a survey. Context: Trees It’s time to get working. In groups of three think about all of the things you will need to do to conduct the survey. What do you want to find out about the types of trees in your local area? Where are you going to survey? How are you going to do this? What will you record?

  12. DATE: Learning Intention: To conduct a survey. Context: Conducting a tree survey. Your teacher will make sure that you have all of your resources. You must remember to be safe when you are out and about. Are you ready to survey? Remember to record your findings systematically and carefully. Give as much information as possible.

  13. DATE: Learning Intention: To conduct a survey. Context: Conducting a tree survey. Your teacher will make sure that you have all of your resources. You must remember to be safe when you are out and about. Are you ready to survey? Remember to record your findings systematically and carefully. Give as much information as possible.

  14. DATE: Learning Intention: To conduct a survey. Context: Conducting a tree survey. Your teacher will make sure that you have all of your resources. You must remember to be safe when you are out and about. Are you ready to survey? Remember to record your findings systematically and carefully. Give as much information as possible.

  15. DATE: Learning Intention: To conduct a survey. Context: Conducting a tree survey. Think about how the trees affect the area. Could there be more? Where? What benefits would this bring? Location: Woodfield Road Number of trees: 3 Type of tree: Cherry X1 and Ash X2 Height of trees: Mature approx 15m Notes: Trees planted on the street have areas at the base to allow water to get to the roots. They are planted on the corners of junctions. There are also numerous trees planted in gardens that appear taller than the trees planted on the street.

  16. DATE: Learning Intention: To conduct a survey. Context: Conducting a tree survey. Now you have collected your data about the trees in your local area, the next step is to think about how we can use the information. Did the trees in your area differ from the trees in another group’s area? If so, how? You will need to consider the impact that the trees in your local area have on your environment and everything living there – but we’ll save that for another time!

  17. DATE: Learning Intention: To conduct a survey. Context: Conducting a tree survey. Now you have collected your data about the trees in your local area, the next step is to think about how we can use the information. Did the trees in your area differ from the trees in another group’s area? If so, how? You will need to consider the impact that the trees in your local area have on your environment and everything living there – but we’ll save that for another time!

  18. DATE: Learning Intention: To conduct a survey. Context: Conducting a tree survey. Now you have collected your data about the trees in your local area, the next step is to think about how we can use the information. Did the trees in your area differ from the trees in another group’s area? If so, how? You will need to consider the impact that the trees in your local area have on your environment and everything living there – but we’ll save that for another time!

  19. DATE: Learning Intention: To conduct a survey. Context: Conducting a tree survey. What did you learn about conducting a survey? How did the survey help you to understand more about the trees in your area. How do you think you did today? Give yourself and your group a mark out of 10 (but keep it secret).

  20. What did the tree wear to the beach?

  21. His swimming trunks!

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