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Kuersten et al. 2001, TiCB, 11, 497-503.

Kuersten et al. 2001, TiCB, 11, 497-503. Kuersten et al. 2001, TiCB, 11, 497-503. Kuersten et al. 2001, TiCB, 11, 497-503. Kuersten et al. 2001, TiCB, 11, 497-503. Clarke and Zhang, 2001, TiCB, 11, 366-371. Ran szerepe a sejtosztódás különböző fázisaiban.

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Kuersten et al. 2001, TiCB, 11, 497-503.

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  1. Kuersten et al. 2001, TiCB, 11, 497-503.

  2. Kuersten et al. 2001, TiCB, 11, 497-503.

  3. Kuersten et al. 2001, TiCB, 11, 497-503.

  4. Kuersten et al. 2001, TiCB, 11, 497-503.

  5. Clarke and Zhang, 2001, TiCB, 11, 366-371.

  6. Ran szerepe a sejtosztódás különböző fázisaiban Clarke and Zhang, 2001, TiCB, 11, 366-371.

  7. IRODALOM Clarke PR and Zhang Ch.: Trends in Cell Biology 11. No.9. 366. 2001. Kuersten S., Ohno M. and Mttaj IW.: Trends in Cell Biology 11. No12. 497. 2001

  8. Fig. 4. Mechanism of U small nuclear RNA (snRNA) nuclear export. In the nucleus, the cap-binding complex (CBC) binds directly to the monomethylated cap structure present on U snRNAs. Phosphorylated PHAX then binds to both CBC and the U snRNA and, through a leucine-rich nuclear export signal, recruits CRM1 and RanGTP to form the complete export complex. Following translocation through the nuclear pore complex, cytoplasmic release of the U snRNA can be induced either by GTP hydrolysis on Ran or by dephosphorylation of PHAX. The protein components of this complex are then recycled back to the nucleus independently. Return to article Kuersten et al. 2001, TiCB, 11, 497-503. Your use of this service is governed by Terms and Conditions. Please review our Privacy Policy for details on how we protect information that you supply.

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