The Hunger Games by Kyle Coupe
Summary The plot of The Hunger Games is based around 2 main characters named Peeta and Katniss. Peeta and Katniss are entered into the 74th Hunger Games. This is a national event where 26 people from the 13 districts are forced to fight to the death on television. The story is about the bond Peeta and Katniss form and what they have to do to stay alive in the Hunger Games.
The Science Near the end of the novel, Katniss and Peeta are faced with the challenge of escaping from a pack of wolves. Katniss then realizes that these wolves had distinct features that resembled other tribute that have already been killed. This could only have happened from genetically modifying the tributes DNA
Genetically modified organisms A genetically modified organism (Gmo) are plants or animals that have been genetically engineered with DNA from a virus,bacteria, or other plants or animals.
Are GMO’s popular in todays society? Yes, GMO’s are present in almost 80% of processed foods. The most popular GMO’s are corn, tomatoes, papaya, soy and animals such as pigs, goats, and cows.