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Explore the intersection of Islam and healthcare, where faith, tradition, and modern medicine converge to promote well-being and healing for Muslims worldwide. Learn about the spiritual aspects of health, the importance of a healthy heart, and strategies to address common mental health challenges in the Muslim community.
ตามหลักทางนิติศาสตร์ที่ยึดถือกันมานานดังกล่าวนั้นแสดงว่าสังคมมุสลิมของเราไม่ได้สนใจเท่าใดนักเรามักจะอยู่กันด้วยสภาวะจำยอมเมื่อมีปัญหาเกี่ยวกับสุขภาพแทนที่เราจะได้มือของมุสลิมช่วยเหลือมือที่มีศรัทธาอัลเลาะฮฺมือที่มีตักวาจับเข็มฉีดยาจับชีพจรจับร่างกายของเราเพื่อการตรวจและรักษาเรากลับต้องอาศัยมือของคนอื่นคนที่เราไม่เคยรู้จักไม่เคยมักคุ้นตามหลักทางนิติศาสตร์ที่ยึดถือกันมานานดังกล่าวนั้นแสดงว่าสังคมมุสลิมของเราไม่ได้สนใจเท่าใดนักเรามักจะอยู่กันด้วยสภาวะจำยอมเมื่อมีปัญหาเกี่ยวกับสุขภาพแทนที่เราจะได้มือของมุสลิมช่วยเหลือมือที่มีศรัทธาอัลเลาะฮฺมือที่มีตักวาจับเข็มฉีดยาจับชีพจรจับร่างกายของเราเพื่อการตรวจและรักษาเรากลับต้องอาศัยมือของคนอื่นคนที่เราไม่เคยรู้จักไม่เคยมักคุ้น อ. มิรวาน ละมะอุน www.thaiislamic.com/clinic/article2.asp
Islam • Islam:The way of peace • Muslim: one who has voluntarily surrendered his will to the Divine will, and so in the state of peace
Five pillars of faith • Shahadah: The testimony of faith • Salah: The five daily ritual prayers • Zakat: Annual obligatory alms tax for the poor • Swan: Fasting during the month of Ramadan • Hajj: The annual pilgrimage to Mecca
The testimony of faith “ There is no deity save God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God”
Namaz • All women and men • From adulthood until death • Five times a day • Clean place on prayer-carpet • Facing the Ka’bah • Series of movement
Wudu: brief, ritual ablution • Tayammum: touching a stone or clean dust • Istinja: running water to wash the genital and anus • Ghusl: passing clean running water over the entire body
Islamic ethics • Autonomy • Beneficence • Nonmaleficence • Justice
Sacred Law ‘Sacred law is the way of life’
Sacred law • คัมภีร์อัลกุรอาน • อัล-ฮะดีษ ‘Allah is held in awe and respect; the Prophet is loved’ • อัล-อิจญ์มาอ์ • อัล-กิยาส
External reality (corpus) • Internal reality (qalb) = human heart domain of spirit and soul • Healthy heart, Physical health “Allah does not look to your bodies, nor your forms, but rather He looks to your heart”
Qalb = to turn “whichever direction it turn, the body will follow” • Healthy heart = Peace • Healthy heart direct the rest of body in the pursuit of good • Good = following the sacred law
Healthy heart is far more than a strong and efficient coronary organ
Depression is very common in the Muslim community, and our attempt at treating it effectively are hampered by stigma attached to the diagnosis’ opined a Muslim psychiatrist. • ‘It’s not right to consider depression as a physical ailment- it reflects a lack of faith’
Cure for spiritual disease = trained in understanding inner reality
Meaning of illness • Not see illness as a punishment • Greater the illness, the greater is reward “ใครผู้ใดที่เขาเกิดเจ็บไข้ได้ป่วยขึ้นเพียงค่ำคืนเดียวแต่เขาได้ใช้ความซอบัรอดทนและน้อมรับยอมรับต่อกำหนดที่องค์พระผู้อภิบาลกำหนดมาให้แน่นอนเขาผู้นั้นจะได้ออกมาจากบาปกรรมความชั่วที่เขาได้กระทำเอาไว้ประดุจดังวันที่เขาคลอดออกมาจากครรภ์ของมารดาของเขา”
“แท้จริงองค์อัลเลาะห์ซ.บ. ทรงทดสอบบ่าวของพระองค์ผู้ที่มีศรัทธาด้วยการเจ็บไข้ได้ป่วยเรื่อยๆไปจนกระทั่งบาปกรรมความชั่วทุกอย่างของเขาได้รับการลบล้างอภัยโทษไปจากตัวเขาจนหมดสิ้น”
Seeking treatment • “Allah did not send down a sickness except that he send down its cure” • “For every illness, there is a cure, except death” • “That whosover saves a human life, it is as if they have saved the whole humankind”
Birth Customs • The adhan • Tahneek • Taweez
Is it a Boy or a Girl? • Sex are seen as spiritually equal, and equally valuable “Oh people, be careful of your duty to your Lord, who created you all from a single soul, and his mate of the same”
Circumcision • Obligatory custom • Performed on or after 7th day of life • Not necessary for circumcisor to be Muslim • Whenever circumcision is contraindicated, it should not be performed at any time
Breast Feeding “Any woman who breastfeeds her child, for each time that she put the infant to the breast, God will grant her the divine reward of freeing a slave. And when she has weaned him, the Angle Gabriel will alight down and with a hand on her shoulder say, “Live your anew, for God has forgiven your past sins”
Discipline, Play, Safety • “For the first seven years, leave them alone (ie, do not be too strict in manners, discipline, and formal education)” • “Let the children play, for this is how they grow in intellect”
Not permissible to hit a child in the face, neck, abdomen, or back even lightly. • Child abuse is not a religiously acceptable practice. • Physical and sexual abuse, as well as acts of omission, are temporary or permanent removal of parental guardianship in Islam.
Day Care, Working mother • Women are free to work outside the house • Divorce is permissible in islam
Responsibility • Most sensitive period of child rearing • Etiquette, discipline, education and religious teaching are begun and solidified. “For the next seven years teach them”
Maturity • Onset of spiritual awakening (bulugh): - 9 for girls, and 15 for boys • Attainment of intellectual maturity (’aql): - person’s ability to live and function independently - medical and legal decision
Modesty • Clothing does not reveal the curves of the bosom, hips, or behind • Girls begin to wear a head covering (hejab) that only reveal their face • After bulugh: - same sex Muslim physician, same sex non- Muslim physician, opposite sex Muslim physician, opposite sex non-Muslim physician
Independence and Responsibility • Encourage their teens to think independently and rationally. • “The child is your advisor and companion” • The parent maintain authority and guardianship while showing respect and considering opinions.
Adolescent Counselling • Anticipatory guidance should be given in a manner to foster a sense of autonomous decision making, rather than using scare tactic.
Individuation and Family structure • The Islamic family is patrilineal, but not patriarchal. • Base on consultation, with father as the guide.
Privacy and Confidentiality • Maintain patient confidentiality is highest virtue of Muslim physician.
Sex • Sexuality is valued. • Sex brings a rich reward from Allah • Premarital sex is forbidden and abstinence • Forced marriages are not permissible • The bride must consent to the marriage, regardless of her age.
Menstruation • While menstruating, women are exempt from important religious rites. • Traumatic bleeding is distinct from mensrtual bleeding. • OC or daily progesterone are used to postpone period.
Contraception • Birth control is permissible. • It does not cause permanent damage to the reproductive organ. • It prevent fertilization. • Condom, diaphragm, spermicidal cream, IUD, OC, Norplant, tubal ligation, and vasectomy
No problem in prescribing OC to single girl when medically indicated.
Genetic manipulation • Human life has its own inherent value and goodness. • Tattooing and cosmetic surgery are not permitted. • Only somatic cell line should be used in transplantation. “We (God) created Man in the most perfect form”
Assisted conception • Artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization are licit. • Only if sperm from woman’s spouse is used.
Adoption • Adoption is frowned in Muslim culture. • Fostering is positively encouraged. • The surname of real father should be retained.
“Each of you will have had his created existence brought together in his mother womb, as a drop (nutfa) for forty days, then a leech like clot (alaqa) for the same period, then a piece of flesh (mughda) for the same period, after which God sends the angle to blow the spirit (ruh) into him”
Foetal ensoulment occurs 120 days post conception. • Genetic counselling and prenatal screening should be performed before ensoulment. • Abortion is equivalent to murder and is not permitted.
Except when mother’s life is at stake, and fetus is < 4 mo • Not permissible: adultery or premarital sex, minor or significant deformity.
Drug Awareness • Alcohol, stimulant, and hallucinogen use is forbidden. • Caffeine are permitted. • Still some debate for cigarette. “The noblest thing Allah has created is the intellect.