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Incorporating r esearch

Incorporating r esearch. The Annotated b ibliography. Incorporating research. Learn the conventions of your discipline!. Sometimes you NEVER quote, only paraphrase, or vice versa If you include quotations, how much is acceptable? When is it acceptable?

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Incorporating r esearch

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  1. Incorporating research The Annotated bibliography

  2. Incorporating research • Learn the conventions of your discipline! Sometimes you NEVER quote, only paraphrase, or vice versa If you include quotations, how much is acceptable? When is it acceptable? Signal phrases tell the reader where the information came from before it is given End citations

  3. Summarizing information • Accuracy • Completeness • Readability • Conciseness • Nontechnical style Read the entire original. Reread it focusing on essential material. Restate the essential material in your own way. Check your version against the original. Document the source.

  4. The Annotated bibliography

  5. What is a bibliography? Bartusch, C. J., & R. L. Matsueda (1996). Gender reflected appraisals, and labeling: a cross-group test of an interactionist theory of delinquency. Social Forces, 75(1), 145-177. Ogbu, J. U. (1995, Dec). Cultural problems in minority education: Their interpretations and consequences. The Urban Review, 27, 271-297.

  6. What is an annotated bibliography? Bartusch, C. J., & R. L. Matsueda (1996). Gender reflected appraisals, and labeling: a cross-group test of an interactionist theory of delinquency. Social Forces, 75(1), 145-177. This article assesses whether an interactionist model can account for the gender gap in delinquent behavior. Analyzing data from the National Youth Survey, it concludes that parental appraisals significantly affect youths' reflected appraisals which in turn predict delinquency. Ogbu, J. U. (1995, Dec). Cultural problems in minority education: Their interpretations and consequences. The Urban Review, 27, 271-297. Ogbu shows how cultural differences enhance or deter the school adjustment and academic performance of minority students and discusses the problem of cultural representation in curriculum. Research was performed by case study. Results show that blacks reference cultural differences as barriers and that many are unsuccessful in crossing cultural boundaries.

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