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Boosting Morale. C.L.A.S.S. Say It, Play It, Relay It, Weigh It. Hallway Greeting. Giving doesn’t need to entail money; it means giving care, giving helpful knowledge, giving compliments where it’s due, giving your service to others. Welcome Message. “Get into a giver mentality.”
Boosting Morale C.L.A.S.S. Say It, Play It, Relay It, Weigh It
HallwayGreeting • Giving doesn’t need to entail money; it means giving care, giving helpful knowledge, giving compliments where it’s due, giving your service to others.
Welcome Message • “Get into a giver mentality.” • When people feel like they are given care, appreciation, etc., they in turn want to give their best to the giver and in the end both benefit.
GiverMentality • It leads to a healthy culture where everyone can share happiness and points to the truth of “give and you shall receive.”
You are an I – Pod. • Didyoueverthink about how whatcomes out from us effects all of thosearound us? • Sadsongs, Gladsongs, Madsongs, Love songs, Hugsongs, youget the idea!
Say It: You are an I – Pod. • I willplay a song • You willlisten • Makeyour facial expressions to match the song • Move your body to match the song • Be ready to share
Play It: ParadiceProcessing Where (in the school) can you go to breathe and think calm thoughts? What is the best thing that someone has given you lately?? What is the best thing about having you around? Name a song that speaks to your heart, and would help us see into your heart… Name something that makes you laugh that embarrassing laugh---snort, giggle etc. Where (in the school) can you go to breathe and think calm thoughts?
Relay It: Checklist • Make a checklist of 1 JOYthatyoubring to the table. • Use courage and sharethingsthatwould help the rest of us feel JOY fromyou. • Be ready to share.
POPCORN • Everyone mills around in the playing area, you could be moving to music, or whatever, so long as people are mixing around. • The leader then calls out a number and an object. Participants quickly form groups of that number, then use their bodies to make the object. For example, "2, rocking chair!" and you'll suddenly see pairs forming themselves into rocking chairs. • Once everyone's made their object and have been suitably congratulated, then it's time for more mingling and the next object! • Some guaranteed hits: • washing machine • toaster
Family Meetings • Meetings help individuals feel like a team and can help build relationships. • This gives them a sense of ownership and makes everyone feel important. Meeting regularly is a good morale booster
Say It: Our Family Meeting • The day I rememberedthatitmakes all the difference in the world –to stop and make time to share, solve issues, and encourage eachother in a CommunityCircle… • Jake and Henry’s Story
*Play It: CommunityCircle • Show kindness and make room for everyone to sit down. • Be patient and wait for yourturn to share. • Display friendship by givingeachother claps of encouragment.
15 SECONDS • Have everyone sitting in a circle. Pick a question and have each person answer it but only in 15 seconds. No one else should talk during some else's time. The timer can read out the time if the person stops too early. But otherwise, just let their be silence. • Example Question: • What do you like to do on a Saturday morning?For large groups, break into smaller groups of about 6 people. • Variations • Each person answers a different question. • Have the person who just finished talk choose the question for the next person.
Weigh It: Reflection • Reflection—sometimesitis best to leave the reflection open… • I reflect best when I amoutside, some people draw, some people need a sip of coffee…
Mini-Library • A shelf full of useful resources including books and magazines relevant to the class can help stretch minds. A resource center can raise morale. If the room is small, a makeshift space can be made in the corners or even under tables etc.
Say It: Study Trip • Looking for your Self-Smart spaces… • Looking for yourIntrapersonalSpaces… • Looking for yourcalm, quiet corners…
Play It: Challenge Envelopes • Each of us willwrite a challenge for ourclassroomintrapersonalspaces. • Wewillseal the challenge up in the envelope and come back to itlater.
Changing The Leader • The leader can change the activity any time he or she wants. Everyone in the group has to watch the leader to see what to do next. For younger kids, this might be as much as you want to try. • Here's where it gets interesting. Without saying anything, the leader lets someone else in the circle know that that person is now the leader. It could be a wink, slight node, or even just a smile with direct eye contact. Then the new leader can change the action any time until passing the leader role to a new person. The kids have to be paying attention to figure out who is the new leader and what action they should be doing now.
Lookingat Style • A drab room can lead to a drab mood. Hang up inspiring quotes, anything that will inspire. Invest in renovating. You may consider painting the walls, but keep in mind that the colors you choose can have a dramatic effect on the setting and mood.
Play It: 4 – 2 – 1 4Colors That You Like 2Moods That They Can Express 1 Place In Your Room For Them http://www.infoplease.com/spot/colors1.html
You are an I – Pod. • Didyoueverthink about how whatcomes out from us effects all of thosearound us? • Friend, you are the I – Pod. What are youplaying for me to hear? Whatmoodsignals are yousending out? Whatpeacecanyoufilter out intothisfamilycircle?
Elves, Giants, Wizards • Another version of the old game of `Scissors-Paper-Stone’, but has funnier actions and noises which each team has to act out. Each character (Elf, Wizard, Giant) has a specific action or noise. • Elf Squatting down and imitate pointed ears by holding fingers • Giant Standing on tip toe, arms raised in frightening posture • Wizard Standing normally but with arms outstretched as if casting a spell. • Winning team:Action/s: Elves shoot Wizards: Elves pretend to shoot an arrow, Wizards make dramatic gestures as though struck in the heart. Wizards frazzle Giants: Wizards win Giants pretend to shrink. Giants squash Elves: Giants win Giants pretend they are squishing something small.
Paper Roll • Paper Roll • Don't tell anybody what is going to happen, but get a roll of toilet paper and tell all those playing not to take to much but to take however much they want. • When all the players have taken the number of sheets they want, each has to tell one thing about themselves for every sheet they have. • Ha, ha, ha! • You can also combine this with measuring. However many inches long can determine sharing amount or time limit etc.
Boosting Morale C.L.A.S.S. Say It, Play It, Relay It, Weigh It