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ERDF and rural development. Burgundy’s case. Objectives of the study. To measure how ERDF contributes to rural development From a thematic point of view From a financial point of view To see if and how ERDF and EAFRD contribute to an integrated approach of rural development. Methodology.
ERDF and rural development Burgundy’s case
Objectives of the study • To measure how ERDF contributes to rural development • From a thematic point of view • From a financial point of view • To see if and how ERDF and EAFRD contribute to an integrated approach of rural development
Methodology • Study done by a group of students (Sciences-PO Paris) • Objective : to produce recommendation on a single case-study before an outsourced national evaluation : • Which documents should be analized, Which persons should be contacted • What are the difficulties • What are the first trends
Two evaluative questions • Does the new cohesion policy, oriented on the Lisbon startegy, contributes to rural areas development? • How is ERDF articulated with other policies aiming at territorial rural development?
First steps • How to define rural areas? • What is rural development ?
No strategy for rural areas • The OP diagnosis doesn’t mention a « rural challenge », nor the fact that there are various types of rural areas within the region, which would necessitate adapted answers • One OP axis is dedicated to territorial development • Within the other axes and measures, a few territorial intervention are targeted, but they concern urban areas
Percentage of actions dedicated, accessible or which exclude rural areas in the Burgundy’s OP
Yet, the majority of ERDF seems to go to rural areas • Rural areas represent the 2/3 of the Region, and 33% of the population (Cities>2O OOO inhabitants are considered as urban areas) • So far 56% of the projects and 63% of the programmed ERDF go to rural areas • Qualitative analysis temperates the obtained results
1st Conclusion • ERDF keeps contributing in a large way to rural development, however it is not explicit in the EC guidelines nor in the strategic national or regional documents • This absence of territorial strategies implies a lack of efficiency and targeted funding, and could be unfavourable with integrated rural developement.
Which complementarity with EAFRD? • Rural needs are better identified within the regional EAFRD document • Articulation between the 2 funds was well established before the programmation • The implementation shows many difficulties to get a coherent approach (Different managing authorites, too many interlocuteurs dealing with the same topic but working in different places) • ERDF brings financial and thematic answers to the majority of the challenges identified within EAFRD documents • No « white zone »