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DT calibration software: tentative release schedule. S.Bolognesi & S.Maselli & G.Mila. Alignement&Calibration Meeting, 25 January 2008, CERN. Noise DB. Noise channels computed from random trigger runs or normal runs (looking for hits outside the allowed time region for muon signal).
DT calibration software:tentative release schedule S.Bolognesi & S.Maselli & G.Mila Alignement&Calibration Meeting, 25 January 2008, CERN
Noise DB • Noise channels computed from random trigger runs or normal runs (looking for hits outside the allowed time region for muon signal) • noise channel if number of hit > tuned threshold • Algorithm implemented in CMSSW and systematically tested on sector/wheel commissioning data • TO BE DONE (short-term) • separate the algorithm to compute noise channels from the full offline noise study (as a function of time and space) • card in cfg to switch on/off the full study • implement the writing of the DB • DB noise interface already exists (DTStatusFlag) 2 AlCa Meeting – CERN 25 January 2008 S. Bolognesi (INFN To)
Test pulse runs Test pulse signals for a given wire • inter-channel synchronization comparing peak position in each wire good test pulse signals electronic noise due to enabling/disabling masks • possible long-term DEVELOPMENT: use test pulses also noise to monitor noise channels to monitor dead channels (made by hand until now) 4 AlCa Meeting – CERN 25 January 2008 S. Bolognesi (INFN To)
Time pedestals derivative of the rising edge fit with a Gaussian (<t>, s) TDC spectrum ttrig = <t> - k × s • <t> and s computed from the fit and stored in DB with SuperLayer granularity • k factor tuned from residuals Theta SL Phi SL time pedestal (ttrig) • TO BE DONE (mid-term) • implement automatic k factor optimization • plotting residuals with the needed granularity • it will be the starting point for validation (based on residuals) 3 AlCa Meeting – CERN 25 January 2008 S. Bolognesi (INFN To)
Summary • Development foreseen on • short term (by the end of February → inside CMSSW_2_0_0) DB writing in noise analysis • mid term (by the end of March) k factor automatic optimization (→ kick off for the validation) • long term use test pulses data to compute noise and dead channels 5 AlCa Meeting – CERN 25 January 2008 S. Bolognesi (INFN To)