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Tentative Schedule: The enrichment classes will begin in September and end in May. Every effort will be made to schedule times with the classroom teachers so as to cause as little disruption as possible. Most classes will be conducted in the enrichment classroom.
Tentative Schedule: The enrichment classes will begin in September and end in May. Every effort will be made to schedule times with the classroom teachers so as to cause as little disruption as possible. Most classes will be conducted in the enrichment classroom. K-2nd graders will meet for eleven weeks 3rd and 4th grades will meet for 14 weeks 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades will meet for the entire school year Tentative STEM Programs Kindergarten: Ecosystems 1st grade: Water 2nd grade: Natural Science/Holden Arboretum Program 3rd grade: Forensics 4th grade: Veggie U 5th grade: Simple Machines, Green Energy, Biomimicry 6th Grade: Return to the Moon, Animation, and Science Fair 7th Grade: Polymers, Amazing body, Bridges 8th Grade: Manufacturing, Rube Goldberg Machines, Bridges Materials: Each student will be provided with a handout detailing all the activities. Homework and grades will given as part of the science or math class. Science Technology Engineering Math STEM PROGRAM Notre Dame Elementary School Chardon, Ohio 2011-2012 Mrs. Barbara Doering Principal 440.279.1127
Philosophy and Goals The STEM Program attempts to create a learning environment that provides opportunities for students to enrich their science, technology, engineering and mathematics experiences through hands-on teaching, guest speakers and real-world experiments and applications. The STEM Program at NDES emphasizes problem solving and the ability to work across traditional borders among all disciplines in order to find creative solutions to authentic problems. The Ohio Department of Education has made STEM a priority for all Ohio students and lists a number of goals which serve as both the foundation and ultimate goal for the STEM program at Notre Dame Elementary School: 1) Every Ohio student will be STEM literate, having acquired the attributes of a STEM-educated learner – an innovator and inventor, a self-reliant and logical thinker, and a technologically proficient problem-solver. 2) Every Ohio student will be challenged to achieve greater creativity and develop the ability to apply his or her knowledge and skills in multiple settings – and all students will be supported in their efforts to make sense of the world rather than simply learn the bits and pieces of any particular discipline or subject area. 3) Notre Dame Elementary School should ensure that all students are outfitted with appropriate technology, and create culturally relevant learning experiences (both in and outside traditional classroom settings) that allow students to tinker with ideas and materials that prepare them to meet the requirements of a knowledge-based economy. 4) The aim is to close the leaks in Ohio’s education pipeline, and to meet the needs of the “whole child” as students are prepared for the 21sty century workforce and a lifetime of learning. (www.STEM.Ohio.gov) Parent Involvement: We gladly welcome parents who have expertise in any of the following fields to share their expertise with the students: material science (in particular polymers), archeology, engineering, paper making & biology, biotechnology Topics: • NASA – Rocketry • Smart Materials • Polymers – Rubber Band Cars, Egg Drop • Earth to Table • Engineering – building bridges, simple machines, wind turbines • Energy • Rube Goldberg – an online science competition • Build Up Math Curriculum: • Manufacturing/Marketing • Return to the Moon • Natural Science • Combining biology and physics: designing new bone joints – intro to biomedical engineering http://lerner.ccf.org/bme/education/k12/biomaterials/ • Animation Acknowledgements: NSBRI Teacher Academy Project Christa Corrigan McAuliffe Center - Return to the Moon materials SAM animation –animation program P-16 Science Academy – Akron Global Polymer Academy US Department of Energy – energy education and workforce development US Energy Contact Information: Instructor: Mrs. Halle Davis hdavis@ndec.org