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Muon DT software. U.Gasparini, CMS week, 11 June 2002. - Organization Testbeam & cosmic run results This talk can be found on: http: //cms.pd.infn.it/software/talks/cmsweek0206/DTsoftware.ppt. Muon DT software. At last muon week (3/4/2002), an overview of the general muon
Muon DT software U.Gasparini, CMS week, 11June 2002 • - Organization • Testbeam & cosmic run results • This talk can be found on: • http: //cms.pd.infn.it/software/talks/cmsweek0206/DTsoftware.ppt CMS week, 11/06/02
Muon DT software At last muon week (3/4/2002), an overview of the general muon software status/ organization was presented, going through the different projects (ORCA,OSCAR) and subjects ( testbeam, PRS/HLT, DCS,database, calibration) See: http://cms.pd.infn.it/software/talks/muweek_0204/ file : Agenda_Intro.ppt and talks referenced therein. As far as the organization of DT software, the (current) organization is the following: CMS week, 11/06/02
Muon DT sw: organization L1 trigger simulation in ORCA: D.Bonacorsi (package coordinator, TS code) S.Vanini (BTI, TRACO code) DT muon reco in ORCA : S. Lacaprara (muon package coord., DT reco, interface ORCA testbeam data) P. Ronchese (digitization) Testbeam software : S. Vanini (monitoring), P.Ronchese (offline analysis), A.Meneguzzo, U.G. Cosmic run tests : A.Meneguzzo, F.Cavallo, U.G. DT measurement database: M.Passaseo, P. Checchia Construction database: M.Passaseo, ...(1st workshop: yesterday) Detector DescriptionDatabase : ..... (=> 1st DDD workshop: 4th July 2002) DCS : M.Bellato... Calibration : ..... Alignment : F. Matorras, C. Martines CMS week, 11/06/02
CMS Detector Construction Database Workshop • Monday 10th June • Agenda : • - F. Cavallari Introduction 10' • - R. Breedon Muon Endcap DB 10' • - I. Vorobiev Muon Endcap DB 20' • - D. Contardo Tracker DB 30' • - M. Passaseo Muon Drift Tubes DB 20‘ • P. De Barbaro Hcal DB 20' • - E. Auffray Ecal Construction and Assembly 15' • - Z. Kovacs Ecal DB 30' • - F. Van Lingen Outlook and General DB issues 30' • - common discussion CMS week, 11/06/02
DT testbeam & cosmic run data analysis A.Meneguzzo, F.Cavallo, S.Vanini, P.Ronchese, M.Zanetti, U.G. Summary: - Test beam data analysis: - mainly x-check of known results (MB2, testbeam 2001) - test of algorithms in controlled conditions... - used in cosmic test on MB3 chambers built in Legnaro - used in current local pattern rec. for HLT studies - Cosmic test data analysis on MB3 chambers in Legnaro Also special thanks to M.De Giorgi, F.Gonella CMS week, 11/06/02
Test beam data analysis “Effective” vdrift fit: Time box, MB2, run 883 (q = 0) SL f2 N(t) N(t) Res.rms SL f1 dN/dt dN(t)/dt Tmax (TDC counts) TDC counts Residuals (cm) CMS week, 11/06/02
Tmax = (T1+T3)/2 + T2 Test beam data analysis q = 0 378 ns vdrift = 55.6 mm/ns (with q = 15o Dvdrift = + 0.9 % TDC counts CMS week, 11/06/02
Test beam data analysis q = 0 2665 14 mm 1.4 mm (dominated by extrap.error) x2-x1 (cm) x2 x1 23.55 cm 1.6 0.1 mrad Dslope CMS week, 11/06/02
Test beam data analysis q = 0 Slope measurement in single SuperLayers 7.9 mrad SL1 SL2 7.8 mrad Full Chamber 2.4 mrad Slope CMS week, 11/06/02
Test beam data analysis q = 0 Slope measurement in r-phi plane: 2.4 mrad (dominated by beam divergency) Slopes in different regions CMS week, 11/06/02
Test beam data analysis q = 0 Residuals in Phi SL (8 points local segment): Layer 4 160 mm Layer 3 Layer 2 Layer 1 cm CMS week, 11/06/02
Test beam data analysis q = 15o CMS week, 11/06/02
Test beam data analysis Effect of wrong (~1%) vdrift (at fixed muon direction) slope SL2 q = 15o x SL1 x CMS week, 11/06/02
After correction for “effective” vdrift: Test beam data analysis q = 15o SL1 SL2 Full chamber slope CMS week, 11/06/02
Test beam data analysis slope q = 15o x(cm) Slopes in different regions CMS week, 11/06/02
Test beam data analysis q = 15o 220 mm CMS week, 11/06/02
Cosmic run data in Legnaro • - 4 chambers (MB3_01, MB3_02, MB3_03, MB3_04 ) have been assembled • and tested under cosmic run in Legnaro • each single SL has HV tests, pressure tests, noise/rate test, dead-channel test… • with scalers before chamber assembling => not speak about it here… • Assembled chambers are the then put on a cosmic station test • (1/2 chamber per time is tested) and a full DAQ => local rec. chain • (ORCA, running on Obj.database; all data stored/archived there) • Results (noise,cell efficiency, MT measured in cosmic runs) stored in ‘database’ • on Web (M.Passaseo, P. Checchia): • http: //www.pd.infn.it/dbcms • (also: wire position measurements in SL,…) CMS week, 11/06/02
Cosmic run data Full MB3 chamber in Legnaro: ½ chamber instrumented in this run x (cm) cosmic angle (rad) CMS week, 11/06/02
Cosmic run data MB3_03 28116 mm 0.20.15 mrad CMS week, 11/06/02
Cosmic run data MB3_03/ SL1 Lay1 Lay2 270 mm (all angles) Lay3 Lay4 CMS week, 11/06/02
Cosmic run data MB3_02 76523 mm 2.9 0.2 mrad CMS week, 11/06/02
Cosmic run data L4 -41423 mm -43930 mm L3 -45034 mm L2 -28536 mm L1 CMS week, 11/06/02
Cosmic run data 114538 mm 111733 mm 108531 mm 104728 mm CMS week, 11/06/02
Cosmic run data MB3_02, after correction (shift by 140 mm L1 in SL1) - 34423 mm -0.7 0.2 mrad CMS week, 11/06/02
Cosmic run data Summary: Chamber Phi1-Phi2 Dslope Resolution ( mm) misalignment ( mm) (rad) (8 point fit residuals) MB3_01 MB3_02 345 2.9 0.2 280 MB3_03 280 0.20 0.15 260 MB3_04 610 0.80 0.20 240 CMS week, 11/06/02
MB3_03 Tmax fits: Cosmic run data SL2 SL1 q = 0-5o q = 5-10o q = 10-15o q = 15-20o CMS week, 11/06/02
Cosmic run data Tmax vs q: MB3_03 SL2 SL1 Theta (deg) CMS week, 11/06/02