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New Mexico Department of Transportation

New Mexico Department of Transportation. Intelligent Transportation Systems Project Certification Committee 12/17/2008. What is ITS?.

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New Mexico Department of Transportation

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  1. New Mexico Department of Transportation Intelligent Transportation Systems Project Certification Committee 12/17/2008

  2. What is ITS? • Intelligent transportation systems, or ITS, encompass a broad range of wireless and wireline communications-based information, control and electronics technologies. • Better-known examples of ITS technologies include: • On-board navigation systems • Crash notification systems • Electronic payment systems • Roadbed sensors • Traffic video/control technologies • Weather information services • Variable message signs • Fleet tracking and weigh in-motion technologies

  3. Funding Source • The Federal Highways Administration (FHWA) has mandated that ITS be instituted as part of each state’s transportation program. The ITS projects are a part of the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and are approved and funded as engineering construction projects using Federal Transportation matching funds.

  4. ITS Architecture • The development of ITS in New Mexico and the deployment of ITS devices are done in accordance with the established National ITS Architecture. • FHWA requires that each state have an ITS Architectural Plan. New Mexico contracted with Consensus Systems Technologies Inc, in January 2007 to develop the state-wide ITS Strategic Plan.

  5. OCIO Review of Architectural Impact (2005) • The OCIO has determined that the ITS architecture complies with the State Enterprise Architecture. The OCIO notes that while ITS is an IT component of many DOT projects, it is not the only IT project. DOT shall continue to keep the OCIO and ITC appraised of new and ongoing IT projects via existing and future IT certification and reporting requirements.

  6. OCIO Recommendation (2005) • The OCIO recommends certification with the following stipulations: • DOT and GSD shall coordinate to leverage existing and planned communications assets where mutually beneficial, • DOT shall continue to monitor the States existing and future Architectural Configuration Requirements and IT policies to ensure that the ITS components of projects comply with State standards. • DOT shall continue to keep the OCIO and ITC appraised of new and ongoing IT projects via existing and future IT certification and reporting requirements, including certification of any additional ITS projects.

  7. PCC Recommendation (2005) • The PCC recognizes that the majority of the funding has already been expended and did not come before the commission for approval and that $40-60M in future monies will be planned. Due to the impact of these projects and keeping with the charge of the commission, the PCC moves this forward with no recommendation for a broader discussion by the full commission before action.

  8. Independent Verification & Validation Approach • All ITS projects utilizing federal funds have to comply with federal rules and requirements. Part 940 of the Federal Regulations under Title 23: Highways, (see http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/ for electronic access to federal regulations ) requires in part the following: • ITS projects shall conform to the National ITS Architecture and standards in accordance with the requirements contained in this part. • A regional ITS architecture shall be developed to guide the development of ITS projects and programs. • All ITS projects funded with highway trust funds shall use applicable ITS standards and interoperability tests that have been officially adopted using rulemaking by the DOT. • Prior to authorization of highway funds for construction or implementation of ITS projects, compliance with 940.11 shall be demonstrated. • The DOT Office of Inspector General (OIG) also is involved in reviewing various aspects of all DOT projects as are federal inspectors through FHWA. • DOT asks that the IV&V requirement be fulfilled by the established DOT and the independent FHWA construction oversight process. DOT will work with the OCIO to develop a reporting mechanism that will provide adequate status reporting of the ITS projects.

  9. Recent projects • Transportation Management Center in downtown Albuquerque • Dynamic message signs in the Albuquerque area. • Traffic monitoring cameras along I25 and I40 • NMRoads.com • 511

  10. Upcoming ITS initiatives • Weigh in motion at ports of entry • Weather detection systems • Traffic counters and load detection • More cameras and message signs

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