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22. Evaluation How much did you enjoy this challenge week? How much do you think you learned this week? Which activities did you particularly enjoy? Why? Which activates didn't you really like? Why not? Can you suggest any ways to make the challenge Week better?.
22 Evaluation How much did you enjoy this challenge week? How much do you think you learned this week? Which activities did you particularly enjoy? Why? Which activates didn't you really like? Why not? Can you suggest any ways to make the challenge Week better? Name: Form: The Rhythm of life Y7 Challenge week October 2011 • Subjects: • Science • English • Music
The Challenge What are the Rhythms of Life? Why are they important? This week, you will explore rhythms in your Science, English and Music lessons. On Friday 4th November you will make a presentation of some of your work at a special ‘Rhythm of Life Assembly’. PLTS As well as exploring the topic of Rhythms, you will also be exploring some Learning skills. In particular, you will be looking at how to be a ‘Creative Thinker’ and a ‘Reflective Learner’.
4 Body Rhythms Starter Make a list of things that regularly change in your body. Heartbeat Describe how to measure your heart rate. Record your heart rate here. What makes it change?
21 Holiday Homework Research the following terms and produce a report; Circadian Rhythms Zeitgerbers Jet Lag S.A.D What are they?How are they controlled? Why do they occur? There are many websites on the internet dealing with these subjects. It sis important to consider the validity of a website before using the information it contains. Do not simply cut and paste, make sure that you understand the information you are using and write it in a way that others can understand . Table of contents Page 4 Body Rhythms Page 6 Night and Day Page 8 A year in the life Page 10 Marking time Page 14 Music is Rhythm Page 16 Limericks Page 17 Inspirational Rhythms Page 18 Iambic Pentameter Page 20 Homework Page 21 Holiday Homework Page 22 Evaluation
6 19 Night and day Starter Are you a LARK or and OWL? What does this mean? Time Graphs Describe the pattern you can see on each Graph. What does this data show? Notes
20 5 Homework Science Choose an animal which is either nocturnal or crepuscular, or one which hibernates or migrates. Research your animal and prepare a presentation or report. You should include details of its physical and behavioural adaptations. Music Practice one of the percussion compositions you produced in Class. Be prepared to present this in the presentation assembly English Find a poem which has a distinct rhythm and underline all the stressed syllables to show the rhythm in action. Fill in this table to show words with different numbers of syllables: ECGs. Describe how an ECG is measured. ECGs. What is wrong with these rhythms? Plenary. What might happen to a person if rhythms are disrupted?
8 17 A year in the life.... Starter Imagine living in a forest for a year. List the changes that would occur. Adaptations Watch the clip. How do plants and animals cope with the seasonal changes that occur over a year? Inspirational Rhythms Starter – What words do you think of when you think of old People? List some here: Look at the pictures displayed on the board. How many of them can you name ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What kind of social groups are or have been discriminated against? Make a spider diagram of your ideas: What would you like to change about our society? Write a song or Poem that might help people to change their minds about something. For example, you could write a poem to make people think more Positively about young people and teenagers. Groups that have been discriminated against
18 7 Iambic pentameter Starter The Rhythm of life How many words or phrases can you make from these words? You get one point per word and a bonus point for each word that relates to poetry or rhythm . Clap the rhythm Da-DUM, da-DUM, da-DUM, da-DUM What does this sound like? Can you write words that exactly fit this rhythm? Iambic pentameter Plot Time of Day against Temperature. Describe the graph and make a conclusion . Plenary. Not all animals are active during the day. List some nocturnal animals and state what adaptations they have for being active at night.
14 11 Modifications made Final results How accurate is your clock? How do you know? • Music is Rhythm • Rhythm is one of the most important ‘elements’ of music. • Without rhythm, a piece of music does not make sense and has no real meaning. • When we talk about rhythm we mainly refer to: • the tempo (speed) • the duration of the notes (quavers, crotchets etc.) • the beat (pulse) • and when we compare music, we have to think about all these • things. • Rhythms are used in lots of different ways in different types of music and in different cultures. Think how important a beat is in • pop and rock music for example. In some African music, drums • are the most important instrument and ‘speak’ their own • language . • Your Task: In groups, you are going to compose 3 short pieces of music using percussion instruments: • a piece that you count ‘4’ to • a piece that you count ‘3’ to • a piece that has no beat
10 15 Marking time Starter. How have people measured time over the ages? Task To make a clock which can accurately measure time for up to 2 minutes Design Ideas Questions : Which was the most difficult to compose, the pieces with beats or the piece without? Why do you think this was? What is the name we give to a 3 beat piece of music? Underline the words which you think have a connection with your Pieces: Regular pattern shape pulse ostinato pitch count repeat Melody verse cycle drum even
16 9 Limericks Starter Read these poems aloud, and see if you can clap the rhythm. If you’re feeling brave, why not try singing them to your own tune? In this first one, I’ve put all the stressed syllables in bold: A grumpy old man from a farm Had a very particular charm He’d go off on his rants And pull down his pants And cause all the neighbours alarm Now , highlight or underline all the stressed syllables. A lonely man from Yorkshire Had the most wonderful idea: He made his hair curl And dressed as a girl And was married by the end of the year. Have a go at writing your own limerick, using the same rhythm as above. Migration Read the following information and plot the migration routes of the animals mentioned onto the map below. Swallows breed in the UK during spring and summer then migrate to South Africa in the autumn. The Pink Footed Goose breeds in Iceland and Greenland in summer and arrives here in autumn. Humming birds winter in Mexico and breed in North America and Canada. Grey whales breed off Mexico in winter, travelling along the coast to the Arctic in summer. Plenary: would you rather migrate or hibernate? Why?
12 13 Trial Results Modifications made Final Results How accurate is your clock? How do you know?