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Explore the significant early European settlements in North America including New Amsterdam and New France. Learn about the diversity, tolerance, and missionary work in these colonies.
Chapter 4,Lesson 4ACOS #4a: Identify significant early European settlements.ACOS #5: Describe the early colonization of North America and reasons for settlement in the Northern, Middle, and Southern colonies. Dutch and French Colonies
Key Vocabulary Words • Diversity – the variety of people in a group. • Tolerance – respecting beliefs that are different from one’s own. • Missionary – a person who teaches his or her religion to others who have different beliefs.
The Dutch Settlement: New Amsterdam New Amsterdam had one of the best harbors in North America. It was located at the mouth of the Hudson River.
New Netherland • The Dutch began to settle in the area that Henry Hudson had explored. • This area was called New Netherland (The Dutch are from Netherland). • Their first settlement was a fur-trading post. • The governor of New Netherland, Peter Minuit, bought Manhattan Island from the Manhates Indians and started a settlement called New Amsterdam. • The Dutch also took over a Swedish colony in the area.
Peter Minuit • Peter Minuit Video
Settlers in New Netherland • The Dutch West India Company was an important trading company in Netherland and they controlled the New Netherland settlements in North America. • The Dutch West India Company could not get many people from Netherland to go to the New World. • They had to look for settlers from other countries. • This gave New Netherland its diversity. • Diversity is the variety of people in a group.
New Netherland • Peter Stuyvesant became governor of New Netherland. • He made laws that angered the colonists. • He did not believe in tolerance. Tolerance is respecting beliefs that are different from one’s own beliefs. • Stuyvesant did not want people with other beliefs in the colony. • The colonists were very unhappy with Governor Stuyvesant.
New York • In 1664, the English attacked the New Netherland colony. • The colonists were so unhappy they refused to fight back. • England claimed the Dutch colony and named it ‘New York’ after Duke York from England.
New Netherland • New Netherland Video
New France • In the early 1600’s, France claimed land in present day Canada. • This land was called ‘New France’. • Not many settlers lived there. The cold climate made farming hard. • Most of the settlers who lived there were fur traders and they lived near the fur trading post of Quebec.
New France • Missionaries moved to New France and taught people about Catholicism. • They built missions in the New France area. A missionary is a person who teaches his or her religion to others who have different beliefs.
The Fur Trade • French merchants made money selling the fur from the animals that lived in the area: beaver, fox, and otter. • The fur traders traded with the Indians. The Indians gave the French traders fur and the French gave the Indians goods such as beads, pots, knives, and cloth.
The Fur Trade • The Fur Trade Video
The French and Indians Become Partners • The French formed a partnership with the Huron and Algonquin Indians. • The Huron and Algonquin Indians were currently at war with the powerful Iroquois Indians. • French fur traders, led by Samuel de Champlain helped the Huron and Algonquin Indians fight the Iroquois Indians. Samuel de Champlain
Exploring the Mississippi River • Jacques Marquette was a missionary in New France. • In 1673, he and Louis Jolliet traveled by canoe down the Mississippi River to set up missions. • They were also looking for a passage that might lead to the Pacific Ocean.
Vocabulary Review cape • a strip of land that stretches into a body of water • A person who makes a long journey for religious reasons pilgrim • An agreement compact cash crop • A crop that a farmer grows only to sell • A share or part of a company stock
Vocabulary Review Indentured servant • A person who agreed to work for a certain number of years in return for passage to America, food, clothing, and shelter • A written agreement giving someone the right to establish a colony charter invest • Put money into a business in the hope of earning a profit invasion • The entry of an armed force into another country to conquer it • A fleet of warships armada claim • Something declared to belong to someone, especially land
Vocabulary Review • Acceptance of different beliefs or behavior tolerance diversity • The variety of backgrounds found in a group of people • Someone who travels to do religious work missionary