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Glen Dubois- January 2013

Standing. @. the. Together. Glen Dubois- January 2013. Zoe. Adalynn. YOU. God has connected. with the family of . You have an important role in His redemptive plan for the Nations . . missionary ventures.

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Glen Dubois- January 2013

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  1. Standing @ the Together Glen Dubois- January 2013

  2. Zoe Adalynn

  3. YOU God has connected with the family of You have an important role in His redemptive plan for the Nations.

  4. missionaryventures • 25 missionaries on the mission field … 6 families a year joining the MVI family 60,000 children in our feeding centers, medical outreaches and schools. Equip 5,000 Pastors in Bible schools & Pastors Conferences This past year we have been able to reach more than… 18 new churches planted In the past four years we sent out… Mission Teams continue to go out…

  5. When MVI was first birthed in 1983 we were on the cutting edge of sending out short term mission teams. Luke 9:1-2 The Twelve Apostles were asked to do 3 things: I believe MVI understood God’s heart.

  6. 10:1-12 Luke Jesus sent out 72 to do the same thing 72 Nations of the earth =Completion All Christians are to GO! Flood that Destroyed This is very significant… WHY?

  7. missionaryventures as a group …every day to reach others with the Gospel.

  8. Habakkuk 2:2

  9. missionaryventures … Who we are OurVision Mission and Structure

  10. Let’s break it down… Involving: to affect some part of or take part; to engage as a participant. People: humans making up a; group or linked by a common interest (Ours is Christ) To: movement or action action Impact: to strike forcefully; a powerful or dramatic effect on something or somebody. Kingdom of God vs. the Kingdom of Darkness

  11. Nations:A community of people or people group who share a common ethnic origin, culture, tradition. • 12Impact ( to strike forcefully a powerful or dramatic effect on something or somebody) Kingdom of God vs the Kingdom of Darkness • 13Nations “Community of People or people group who share a common ethnic origin, culture, historical tradition or language. • 14For (A preposition indicating that something is directed at somebody or done to befit somebody or done on somebodys behalf) • Chirst (The Savior who will come to deliver God’s chosen people, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Light of the world, the Way, the Truth and the Light. • 13Nations “Community of People or people group who share a common ethnic origin, culture, historical tradition or language. • 14For (A preposition indicating that something is directed at somebody or done to befit somebody or done on somebodys behalf) • Chirst (The Savior who will come to deliver God’s chosen people, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Light of the world, the Way, the Truth and the Light. FOR:done to benefit somebody Christ: The Savior who will come to deliver God’s chosen people; King of Kings & Lord of Lords, Light of the world, the Way, the Truth and the Light

  12. Vision That clearly declares The good news of the KINGDOM of GOD

  13. JES OUR VISION IMITATING US Reproducing the life WORKS and JESUS of among nations. the

  14. Each one of you has an Individual vision missionaryventures align that has to with the BIG vision

  15. We are all going after the big vision • yet each owning our own vision At our recent Pastor’s Mentoring meeting, we are hoping to reach 10,000 PASTORS

  16. Visions lines up with the bigger vision of and Reproducing the life works of Jesus among the nations. missionaryventures Youth & Children Medical Outreaches Addicts Pastors Schools To truly reproduce the life and works of Jesus we will have to equip the Pastors, the schools, the medical outreaches, the children, the youth, businesses, the drug addicts, the prostitutes all areas of society.

  17. Let’s talk about our Mission Statement Reproducing the life works and JESUS Among Nations of the We seek to indigenous churches missionaryventures Reach their own people with the love and message of Christ

  18. This is what we DO… whether it is …planting churches …building schools …medical outreaches, missionaryventures Bible schools partnering with the Nationals. participants by indigenous invitation only.

  19. remember the four stages? missionaryventures Then move on to disciple and partner with other indigenous leaders. As a ministry we are always striving to get to the ‘participation’ stage

  20. Let’slook at our strategy We exist to serveand supportthe indigenous church. Our aim is to build strategic partnerships to see their God-given visions fulfilled. missionaryventures THEIRS Do you see how it’s not ourGod given visions but theirs? not ours

  21. missionaryventures It’s their vision not ours.

  22. Our Goal We desire to see healthy indigenous churches and projects which are self-governing • Through a balance of limited support, investment and mentoring missionaryventures • …over time the churches and projects to become strong and self-sustaining. Finally, we encourage churches and the projects to look beyond their own situations

  23. missionaryventures • …and reach out to the other parts of the world • with the Great Commission & Great Commandment

  24. missionaryventures Ephesians 2:10 We are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works which He prepared in advance for us to do.

  25. missionaryventures God crafted you and me and this ministry so there are only certain things we can do. Work of Art. Workmanship.

  26. uniquely able …even the things we do wrong the sufferings the failures each make you uniquely able to minister to others.

  27. only you can do… Hand only you Demons only you Reaching only you can hold can cast out can do …because you are God’s workmanship

  28. as a work of art, we are equipped to reach others with The GOSPEL Jesus fills us When we give ourselves FOR JESUS, He always fills us.

  29. We are and embraced loved by the very one who was

  30. How can we as Christ followers come to grips with JESUS who gave EVERYTHING for us ? What He did for you & me…

  31. What He did on the cross enables us to give ourselves to others.

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