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Holocaust Literature Circles 2012. Picking your book. I promise… If you purchased a book or checked one out from the library, you are guaranteed to get that book, but you MUST write down you have the book already in your possession. If you write down the list, I will think you already got it
Picking your book • I promise… • If you purchased a book or checked one out from the library, you are guaranteed to get that book, but you MUST write down you have the book already in your possession. If you write down the list, I will think you already got it • To try my hardest to get the book that is one of your top choices • To pair you up with a book I think you will enjoy • You promise • If you already read the book you enjoy, to select another book. (you can always use the one you already read for extra credit) It is important that you go along with your group! • Not to complain if you did not already get the book you most wanted. (I tried my best! I really did!) • To keep up with your reading. If you are absent or fall behind it is up to you to do make up work. You only get as many days absent to make up your work. If you were absent and do not make up work within the allotted time, I have the right to count your work as a zero.
411 • You can choose to read out loud or silently. If one person wants to read silently, he/she has the right to do so. • We will read and write every day. The last 10 minutes will be devoted to writing. • I will grade as we go. That means when I tell you to do work on a certain day, I may grade it the next day. You are allowed to take it home if you are not finished. If you leave it at home, I cannot grade it and you may get a zero, so make sure you are putting it right back in your bag as you finish • Office workers, if you don’t finish, office work may be a great time to do any work or reading you are falling behind in • IF YOU LOSE YOUR JOURNAL ALL THE GRADING I DID WAS ALSO LOST! HINT: You have to redo the entire thing!
What qualifies as cheating: • Most of these activates are independent work. There are times when I will ask you to share what you wrote. That is still independent and people may not steal your ideas. To copy independent work is cheating • For collaborative efforts, you may talk to your group, BUT you may NOT copy what someone else is writing. If you copy what someone else is writing, this is cheating. • If you are absent, you must do your work independently. If you copy from a group member, this is cheating.
Grading • This is a major grade • The 15 daily assignments are 5 points each (75 total) • The other 25 points come from your reading. I will take off 5 points of this 25 each time: • You are off task (talking about something other than the book, sleeping, etc.) • You do not read an appropriate amount of pages • You do not do the make-up or ISS reading
Making up missing work • This powerpoint with all the activities is on my website and you can use that to make up work • I have also posted the Powerpoint in the room that you can refer to • If I catch you copying from your group, you get a zero for that section and a detention. The second time I catch you doing this, you get a zero for that section and a write up. • If you are in ISS, that is your own fault. I can not penalize the people who are reading that book for each class by removing a copy of the book. IF YOU ARE IN ISS, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ASK THE ISS MONITOR TO E-MAIL ME AND ASK FOR A COPY OF THE BOOK FOR SECOND PERIOD AND YOUR ASSIGNMENT. I NEED THAT E-MAIL BEFORE 2nd PERIOD. IT IS THEM YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO READ DURING 2ND BECAUSE I WILL BE COMING BACK DOWN AT THE END OF SECOND TO COLLECT THE BOOK!!!! IF YOU HAVE THE COPY OF YOUR OWN BOOK AND NEED TO KNOW THE ASSIGNMENT YOU NEED TO ASK THE ISS MONITOR TO E-MAIL ME. FAILURE TO DO THE ASSIGNMENT IN ISS WILL RESULT IN YOU GETTING A ZERO FOR THAT DAY.
SET UP: • Go to the next blank section in your journal • This first blank page is your title page. • Put your heading in the upper right hand corner (it will help me insert your grades) • Draw a horizontal line in the middle • Above the horizontal line write the title of your book and underline it, the author’s name, and the genre • Below the horizontal line, divide this into three rows and 5 columns • Number each box 1-15. This is where I will keep track of your grades and give feedback
BEHIND THE TITLE PAGE • Write the following only on the front of each page (we are leaving the backs blank incase you need to write on the back) • In the bottom right corner number the pages 1-15 • In the top right corner write: PAGES ____ -_____ • Every day you will record the page you are starting on for that day and the page you end on for that day
EXPECTATIONS • The first person in the door puts the journals on the desk • You come in and grab your journal and fill in the page number BEFORE THE BELL • If you are reading silently, you begin reading right away • If you are reading aloud, as soon as your partners get here, you begin reading • If you come in and are playing around or if I have to prompt you to begin, I have the right to take 5 points off your major grade • If you are being exceptionally awesome about coming in and doing what you need to do, I may give bonus points to you. (Sometimes I will have it set in my head that everyone working before the bell gets the points, sometimes I will have it set in my head the first group in which all members present are working will get the points, sometimes it will award points to one person if everyone else in their group is off task, but the one person on task gets the points, sometimes I will not give points at all because it is too crazy for me to keep track that day because my brain is on other things. The first time someone complains about me not being “fair” or someone requests bonus points, I will stop bonus points for that class and only take away points when needed)
PAGE # The pg in your journal • Step 1 • Step 2 The directions FYI: I may have an example on the board or I may model the activity, so make sure to look at that too! The type of work that will help you not accidently cheat INDEPENDENT/COLLABORATIVE
PAGE 1 • Turn your page sideways. • Draw a line on the red margin • Divide your page into 3 equal columns • In the first column write Know with a large “K” • In the second, What I want to know with a large “W” • In the third, write what I Learned with a large “L” • Under the “K”, talk with your group and write everything you know about the Holocaust. (If you are unsure about any info write: (?) next to it • Under the “W”, talk with your group and write any questions you want answered about the Holocaust • Read for the day • When time is called, work with your group to record anything you found out about the HOLOCAUST (not the characters) • TO GET FULL CREDIT: revisit this list as you read and have at least 10 facts you know from your reading COLLABORATIVE
PAGE 2 • Title this page “Pick-A-Prompt 1” • Look through the prompt cards on your table end each group member selects a different one • Record your prompt at the top of your page • As you read today, keep your prompt in mind • When time is called, answer the prompt for the full time given to write. You may stop to think, but you may not be “done” until time is called • You get full credit by writing for the whole time and: (if you have large handwriting) writing on the front and the top quarter of the back, (if you have regular sized handwriting) writing to fill in all the front, (if you have small handwriting) writing half a page. INDEPENDENT
PAGE 3 • Title your page “Succinct Summary” • As you read for the day, know that you will need to summarize your reading. You may keep notes on this page. COLLABORATIVE
PAGE 3 • Title your page “Succinct Summary” • As you read for the day, know that you will need to summarize your reading. You may keep notes on this page. • Succinct means “short, brief, or concise”. Under any notes you have written write “20 word summary”. • With your group, write a 20 word summary. It must be EXACTLY 20 words. COLLABORATIVE
PAGE 3 • Title your page “Succinct Summary” • As you read for the day, know that you will need to summarize your reading. You may keep notes on this page. • Succinct means “short, brief, or concise”. Under any notes you have written write “20 word summary”. • With your group, write a 20 word summary. It must be EXACTLY 20 words. • Under your 20 word summary write “10 word summary” • With your group, write a 10 word summary of what you read. It must be EXACTLY 10 words COLLABORATIVE
PAGE 3 • Title your page “Succinct Summary” • As you read for the day, know that you will need to summarize your reading. You may keep notes on this page. • Succinct means “short, brief, or concise”. Under any notes you have written write “20 word summary”. • With your group, write a 20 word summary. It must be EXACTLY 20 words. • Under your 20 word summary, write “10 word summary” • With your group, write a 10 word summary of what you read. It must be EXACTLY 10 words • Under your 10 word summary, write 1 word summary” • With your group, write a 1 word summary of what you read. COLLABORATIVE
Page 4 • As you read today, look for a sentence that you feel is important. When you find one, record it in the white space of your journal INDEPENDENT
Page 4 • As you read today, look for a sentence that you feel is important. When you find one, record it in the white space of your journal • Draw a horizontal line in the middle of your page • Above the line, scribble for 2 minutes what you think about when you read your quotation INDEPENDENT
Page 4 • As you read today, look for a sentence that you feel is important. When you find one, record it in the white space of your journal • Draw a horizontal line in the middle of your page • Above the line, scribble for 2 minutes what you think about when you read your quotation • Below the horizontal line, write for 3 minutes about your quotation. Think about what is significant and why you chose it! INDEPENDENT
PAGE 5 • Title this page “Pick-A-Prompt 2” • Look through the prompt cards on your table end each group member selects a different one • Record your prompt at the top of your page • As you read today, keep your prompt in mind • When time is called, answer the prompt for the full time given to write. You may stop to think, but you may not be “done” until time is called • You get full credit by writing for the whole time and: (if you have large handwriting) writing on the front and the top quarter of the back, (if you have regular sized handwriting) writing to fill in all the front, (if you have small handwriting) writing half a page. INDEPENDENT
PAGE 6 • Title this page “UNISCRABBLE” • Select a letter and draw it really large on your page. • Brainstorm in the allotted time all the various words that begin with that letter that is about your text. Think of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs! INDEPENDENT
PAGE 7 • Title this page “UNISCRABBLE WRITE” • Create a web for one of the words in Uniscrabble. (I will model this) • Write something (any genre) inspired by this web. INDEPENDENT
PAGE 8 • Title this page “Character Autopsy” • Select a character from your book and write the name under the character • Draw the character • In the head, write what is in that character’s head. • In the torso, think about the organs of the torso and write about what is in those. • For the arms, think of two things to write for those. • For the legs think about two things for those INDEPENDENT/COLLABORATIVE
PAGE 9 • Title this page “Pick-A-Prompt 3” • Look through the prompt cards on your table end each group member selects a different one • Record your prompt at the top of your page • As you read today, keep your prompt in mind • When time is called, answer the prompt for the full time given to write. You may stop to think, but you may not be “done” until time is called • You get full credit by writing for the whole time and: (if you have large handwriting) writing on the front and the top quarter of the back, (if you have regular sized handwriting) writing to fill in all the front, (if you have small handwriting) writing half a page. INDEPENDENT
PAGE 10 • Title this page “Metaphorically Thinking” • After you read, there are a variety of objects on your desk. Think about these objects as metaphors of something in your text. (It can be a metaphor for people, events, places, emotion, etc.) • As soon as you figure out a metaphor, grab the item. Think about extending your metaphor by thinking of different attributes of the object and how it fits your metaphor. • Take turns in your group talking about your metaphor and collaborate other ideas • In a brief essay (3/4 a page for reg handwriting, 1 pg for large, and ½ for small) explain your metaphor. INDEPENDENT
PAGE 11 • Title this page “Question” • As you read today, think of an open ended question for your reading for the day (I will have question stems posted, but you can think of your own) • When you come up with your question write it next to the words “My question” INDEPENDENT/COLLABORATIVE
PAGE 11 • Title this page “Question” • As you read today, think of an open ended question for your reading for the day (I will have question stems posted, but you can think of your own) • When you come up with your question write it next to the words “My question” • For the person on your left, write your question under their question and label it ______’s question. • Write the answer to that question (standard length requirements) INDEPENDENT/COLLABORATIVE
PAGE 12 • Title this “Image Imagination” • Draw a circle in the center (about the size of the bottom of a plastic cup) • In the center draw and label an image from your recent reading • For each quadrant, write the question(s) and answers to each of the following: COLLABORATIVE
PAGE 12 • In the upper left quadrant answer the following: What are the characteristics of this image? COLLABORATIVE
PAGE 12 • In the upper left quadrant answer the following: What are the characteristics of this image? • In the upper right quadrant answer the following: What are the connotative associations of this image? COLLABORATIVE
PAGE 12 • In the upper left quadrant answer the following: What are the characteristics of this image? • In the upper right quadrant answer the following: What are the connotative associations of this image? • In the lower left quadrant answer the following: What is the significance of this image in the text? What role does it play? COLLABORATIVE
PAGE 12 • In the upper left quadrant answer the following: What are the characteristics of this image? • In the upper right quadrant answer the following: What are the connotative associations of this image? • In the lower left quadrant answer the following: What is the significance of this image in the text? What role does it play? • In the lower right quadrant answer the following: What does this image symbolize? Explain. COLLABORATIVE
PAGE 13 • Title this page “Pick-A-Prompt 4” • Look through the prompt cards on your table end each group member selects a different one • Record your prompt at the top of your page • As you read today, keep your prompt in mind • When time is called, answer the prompt for the full time given to write. You may stop to think, but you may not be “done” until time is called • You get full credit by writing for the whole time and: (if you have large handwriting) writing on the front and the top quarter of the back, (if you have regular sized handwriting) writing to fill in all the front, (if you have small handwriting) writing half a page. INDEPENDENT
PAGE 14 • Label this page “TOPICS AND THEME” • Draw a horizontal line mid-page. • With your group come up with as many different topic (ideas) that your text addresses COLLABORATIVE
PAGE 14 • Label this page “TOPICS AND THEME” • Draw a horizontal line mid-page. • With your group come up with as many different topic (ideas) that your text addresses • Select a topic and under the horizontal line, write: ________(author name) believes that _________ (what he/she believes about the topic) • Do this for 3 topics total. • Remember! Stay away from “elementary thoughts” like “Anne Frank believes that hope is good” and instead use high school language (you are about to be there!) like “Anne Frank believes that there is hope in the world because people are naturally good and will do the right thing when the time comes.” COLLABORATIVE
PAGE 15 • Go to yesterday’s page and with ONE line cross out The author believes that. (“Anne Frank believes that there is hope in the world because people are naturally good and will do the right thing when the time comes.” • With your group, select the theme you think is the best (most accurate and best written) • Take a piece of paper provided. Cut it so it is the same size as your journ Process I research paper al page. On the long side of the paper, write the theme across the top. Fold about 1 cm-1 inch so the sentence has the fold right under it. • Draw a line on the fold. • Under the fold, divide the part into 3 columns in such a manner that the column lines are perpendicular to the line you made under the theme • Cut from the bottom of the columns to the line under the theme • Past the theme part of the paper on your notebook, leaving three large flaps. • On the front of the flaps write the questions • Under each flap, talk with your group and answer the questions COLLABORATIVE
PAGE 15 THEME: CHARACTER What do the characters do that show this theme is true? SETTING How does the time and place make this theme possible? CONFLICT What conflicts deal with this theme? How does resolutions (or lack of resolution) show this theme? COLLABORATIVE